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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Another question, aside from guiding people on warframe, do we have to moderate on the forums often as well or can we just keep ourselves updated with the forums and reply when we can?


I'm speaking from how available anyone is to play warframe because usually I just go straight into the game and chat with fellow tennos on there.

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Another question, aside from guiding people on warframe, do we have to moderate on the forums often as well or can we just keep ourselves updated with the forums and reply when we can?


I'm speaking from how available anyone is to play warframe because usually I just go straight into the game and chat with fellow tennos on there.

Guides of the Lotus are not Community Moderators. 

The Senior Guides are given chat moderation abilities, but they cannot moderate the forums, and Junior Guides have no permissions of the sort.


Besides this, there are no set attendance requirements, and most Guide interaction takes place in-game.

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Guides of the Lotus are not Community Moderators. 

The Senior Guides are given chat moderation abilities, but they cannot moderate the forums, and Junior Guides have no permissions of the sort.


Besides this, there are no set attendance requirements, and most Guide interaction takes place in-game.



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Hey Guide goers! 


A new section to the FAQ has been added about Junior Promotions: 


Q: How do you determine a Junior Guide is ready to become a Senior? 

A: Junior Guides that have shown they are dedicated to the program and have assisted Seniors in moderating chat to the best of their ability will be placed on a month trial period as a Senior Guide. At the end of their trial, they will be reviewed and determined whether they are qualified to keep the position. Guides that do not complete the trial period successfully will simply return to being a Junior Guide.

Thank you! This is what we all need, more chat moderation!
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I've been just posting questions and such in my own thread rather than cluttering the forums.  For some reason maybe I need more parts for my ship before I can access regular player chat because I see no chat in-game at all.

Have you checked your global chat setting to see if you turned off certain chats? PC recently got an update that allows you to turn off unused chats. Maybe you accidently turned some of them off?

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If they do, I really hope DE adds an option for us to pick which tabs we see in the chat menu beforehand; it's already impossible to see PMs in a relay if you're in a clan, an alliance, and DC...


Anyway. Congrats on your first 36 hours, despite the bumps!


There actually is a way to turn off Region, Recruiting, and Trade in settings. They're no longer all lumped into "Public Chat" and can now be turned off individually.

Edited by MrBubbleSS
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am i the only 1 that is like dammit i have to post thousands of post on the forum so that i can help newer players get in the game, help them expand their knowledge teach them why you can or shoud use certain mods instead of other perhaps even teaching them the lore a bit, arggghhh damm you forum's

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am i the only 1 that is like dammit i have to post thousands of post on the forum so that i can help newer players get in the game, help them expand their knowledge teach them why you can or shoud use certain mods instead of other perhaps even teaching them the lore a bit, arggghhh damm you forum's

It's not about the amount of posts,But the amount of knowledge you give.You can see people with 10,000+ Posts but they aren't guides.You can see guides with less than 500 posts and are guides.Try helping out people on the relays and you might get the chance on becoming a guide.Take For Example https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/user/546142-ps4ze-lobotomizeur/ .

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Hello Tenno,


I personally want to thank SOLODOLO and STRFE for all their efforts on the program.  Thank you both for enduring and being supportive to all players, who strive to make the XB1 community positive, helpful and enrich the gameplay, for all players.  I hope all guides and community members continue to do great things.

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Hello Tenno,


I personally want to thank SOLODOLO and STRFE for all their efforts on the program.  Thank you both for enduring and being supportive to all players, who strive to make the XB1 community positive, helpful and enrich the gameplay, for all players.  I hope all guides and community members continue to do great things.

Thank you, it helps a lot to have helpful community members like you around

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Hello Tenno,


I personally want to thank SOLODOLO and STRFE for all their efforts on the program.  Thank you both for enduring and being supportive to all players, who strive to make the XB1 community positive, helpful and enrich the gameplay, for all players.  I hope all guides and community members continue to do great things.

I try... Made someones day earlier! It was great!

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