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I Wanna Change A Nyx Ability


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I have been playing with nyx lately, dont know if she's weak because i never take her to high lvls.


But thinking about her first ability Mind Control.


Its somehow usefull and fun in defenses but as soon as you move, the ai controlled enemy stays behind and stops beeing usefull.

Besides, for a very strongly cc and support based warframe; i feel she lacks in survivability and general movility

And this is my idea.


Change her first ability(Mind Control) or repalce her useless second(Psychic Bolts) with:


Instead of controlling an enemy you posses it, going inside of it doing ticks of damage(dependadnt of damage mods). When you press the ability buton again you will do re rest of the damage in one burst 

You can stay inside of an enemy for a limited time (witch can be incremented with duration mods) or until the other enemys or the ticks of damage finish the host's hp.


This way u can move from enemy to enemy like ash or have a couple of seconds of peace inside of an enemy


If it can be done i would love that; like they are, with low running speed; to have the ability to move and use the objective's main weapon.

Nothing complex like stances or anything ... their same damage (Augmented by mind freak)and slow movement speed


i would also like that when you leave an enemy's body and the damage is enough to kill it, for nyx to do the explosion animation from her ult and for the enemy to explode in blody pieces


I really like this idea and i wanna know how to make it move viable while keeping it simple (avoiding damage and duration numbers, maybe using sililar munbers from the actual mind control)



TL;DR Instead of controlling an enemy's mind you posses it's body



Sorry for the wall of text, my bad english and thanks for reading if u did.

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And what would Nyx do when you posses the body of another mob?

Maybe move and shoot while having a meat shield 


Mind control is really fun, specially witch chaos at hand

i just wanted to give nyx some movility and maybe some new mechanics


whether you can toggle it on/off, the ability stops beeing usefull as soon as you take two steps

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The issue becomes this is just the opposite of what Nyx dose currently already, plus the needed variations of building each enemy so that we have control over their skill just for one frame seems sadly pointless. Lets be honest...this would take allot of work for little improvement on the ability, after all that ability can really come in handy with higher level enemies and turning Nyx into a possible NPC specter I don't think will solve anything.


Sure maybe we can tweak somethings but overall her fist ability is much better then those dam bolts, they need reworking first if anything dose.

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And what would Nyx do when you posses the body of another mob? Stand there and die?



Mind Control is fine as it is, you can toggle it on/off.

I believe though the mob you mind control could get a better AI or you could command it like you can command the allies from syndicates.

Edited by Liljeman
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I believe though the AI you control could get a better AI or Nyx could command it like you can command the allies from syndicates.

Personally commanding enemies would make sense since you are controlling them per say, the same concept is with Kurbrows currently being able too be commanded to do certain things like dogs really do in life. I give that idea a +1.

Edited by Monybags33
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Her Frame is based upon controlling the minds of enemies, and possession is very different. it suits Nekros more than it does Nyx.

Yeah, I could see Nekros crawling inside a corpses skin (so to speak). Could be a worthy replacement for Desecrate ;)


But, as Monybags33 said, any implementation of this would no doubt require a massive amount of work from them.


On commands, I support any extra control I can get.

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Seems like you're not using Mind Control correctly, OP.


Best way to use it, is to pop it on an enemy within a group, and let the group stop and turn to kill it.  You can then either run like hell (escape) or turn and mow them down while they are busy fighting the mind controlled unit.  Rinse and repeat if required.  This skill is akin to an Enchanter's Charm spell back in the old days of Everquest.  Granted, back then, you could set up a macro to make it attack a target of your own choice, but in this fast paced game, that really isn't very viable or needed.


Honestly, at the pace we can kill enemies, we as players do not need a second unit to control, along with our Nyx.  A better AI might be all that is really needed for Mind Control.


The REAL issue with Nyx is her Psychic Bolts.  They are craptastical to say the least.  THAT is what needs fixing, not Mind Control.

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