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Mission Type: Loot


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I just had an idea for another mission type.

Since we're in some sort of war and war efforts need funding, Lotus might occasionally send her Tenno out to "gather taxes", so to speak.

Mission: Loot

The mission goal is to loot all the storages for credits and other "artifacts" that can be used to fuel the war machine. This would make people actually SEEK OUT all the hidden storages around the levels.

A minimum of X credits needs to be collected before the way to extraction is opened.

This might also be a good opportunity to add some variation to the storage unit models, some of which can - of course - only be opened by hacking or getting the proper access code. (We already know how that works.)

I'm not sure if the enemies could respawn endlessly (up to a max limit of enemies present at a single moment) in those missions or if that would be too much.

Also not sure whether players should or should not keep the credits after the mission is done.

Anyway. It was an idea that could potentially add some depth to the fact that we are fighting as a newly awakened race of outcast "outlaws", fresh out of hibernation and probably with empty pockets.

It still needs improving, of course. I view this as a first sketch.

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Sounds like a fun game mode. Should be called "Scavenge" or someting, though.

Maybe they should add stuff that only last untill the match is over.

For example, maybe a Tenno finds a photon cannon in a crate and uses it as he/she can (spawn more enemies at this point), but has to turn it in at the end of the match so it can used in the war effort. Or maybe some really cool goggles that allow you to see enemies through walls like your teammates, but again can only be used by one person, during that one mission, by whoever picks it up.

Call this mode, "Acquisition". XD

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r and d mode(research and development)

go out to a faction an steal x amount of weapons armor chunks and data masses to open new gear an weapons in foundry and market based on said faction tech example granier swipe enough weaponry and get a blueprint of the heavy rocket launcher or grenade launcher and stronger versions of the guns we have maybe a craftable module that takes up a mod slot that toughens the gun over all or if its a corpus module turns the weapon into an energy based weapon

just a thought for an alert mode infested modules to toughen the warframes possably a craft a health regen module based off infested biology or an asortment of other modules like jump power ....stamina modules for longer sprints and such larger heath modules hell even have it so each race has frame spacific modules to craft to boost skills further as an example corpus r&d reward volt mod blueprint overload skill mod : now lingers for a short time with increased voltage for higher damage that now strikes enemeys in the vacinity with bolts of electricity that can arc betwen up to 3 close targets with decreaseing damage also restors up to half of all allie shields or Granier excalibur mod blueprint radial javilin skill mod : damage increased, now exicutes 2 radial javilins in a row and number of javilins increased skill in now effected by melee mods

Edited by DragoXXVIII
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Hey, that actually sounds like a really good idea!

Much better than "Go there, now go here".

Also a mission with a similiar concept in which you had to hack a certain amount of consoles withing a time limit. 1 minute of time to find a console. Successfull hack gives you 1 minute time bonus. Failing to find a console and hack it results into restart of the misson. No objective markers.

But yeah, something what lets us to actually explore the map and complete the mission that way.

Edited by Kaiku
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