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✿[Pink Giant Octopus]✿Happy Casual Clan Of Happy Casual People! [Recruitment Open!]


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Whelp. Didn't make it on my submission. As for a Corpus submission... I have been sitting infront of my PC the whole day thinking of a good concept and have thought of none. Hmmm... perhaps a Corpus with a rainbow gun. XD

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Whelp. Didn't make it on my submission. As for a Corpus submission... I have been sitting infront of my PC the whole day thinking of a good concept and have thought of none. Hmmm... perhaps a Corpus with a rainbow gun. XD

Make that gun use platinum and we have a deal

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Whelp. Didn't make it on my submission. As for a Corpus submission... I have been sitting infront of my PC the whole day thinking of a good concept and have thought of none. Hmmm... perhaps a Corpus with a rainbow gun. XD

or get five crewman in prime color suits to strike poses.  they each have they're weapons but can combo to do major damage.

the POWER CREWMAN, hmmm where have i seen this before...............?

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Hey there! My name is Shaun, IGN: Energy. How's it goin? Good? Great? Fantastic. So anyways, I've been playing Warframe since Open Beta off and on, mainly a solo player, and I've really been looking for a nice clan to join :P I'm a huge gamer/nerd anime/manga fan, otaku whathaveyou. I'm currently attending college working towards my Master's Degree in computer science, so if that doesn't speak magnitude about how much of a nerd I am I have no idea what will haha.  I've got a mic and have no problem talking, so I'd love to jump on the teamspeak and talk with y'all. I've also read all of the rules and whatnot. What's up with rule number 4 being like ten times longer then all of the other ones? Not fair to the other numbers don't you think? What makes 4 so fantastic D:?

Anyways, hope to join soon possibly, maybe, perhaps.

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IGN - Thirsty_Pickle


About me - I'm a very active Warframe player, and I'm also a ButtBaron. I love collecting booty-tastic frames! I've hopped around a few clans, but they're all so inactive and serious, I'm just looking for a friendly, muck around clan!


I understand all le rules.



EDIT: I also think Vor is really, really awesome.

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IGN : KimchieKing

Rank : 7


Started to the game roughly 2 weeks ago, and im loving it. 24 years old, a chilled fella, quite a long history of mmos. Been looking for a guild using voice communications ever since i've started but havent managed to find a solid one yet. Even though english is my 3rd language, im quite fluent with it. Lemme know if u got more questions~


and yeah, read the rules and fine with 'em :3

Edited by KimchieKing
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