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Realistc Tweaks And Rework For Ash


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Dear [DE] and Tenno,


I main Ash and got some good experience but also some bad with him.
And with the the "Tweak/REwork hype" i saw some nice ideas of other Tenno for Ash.
I mixed up some of them with my ideas for Ash and thats the result.


- add 1 more shuriken
- Like in the description, let them pin down Enemies to the walls or the ground for the time of bleed proc and then release them if they are still alive
-Shuriken gain a stealth modifier against unalerted enemies, and inflict a stagger.

- shorter cast time, if i use smokescreen and i am under fire i lose much hp or die at high lvl AND if i try to Smoke Shadow my teammates they are out of the range befor smokescreen activats
-  ^ Smoke Shadow needs abit more range

-  ^ Smoke Screen also needs abit more range and maybe the smoke could fill the area it works for some seconds to distract enemys around the smoke and let the enemies in the smoke choke and let them open for finisher
Like the most smokebombs used by Ninjas, add a short blind effect and they are open for finisher
- maybe abel to use while running and air-born  and for parkour 2.0 at walls
- 2 more sec would be really nice (but not that necessary)

- It's great to take down heavys at high lvl, save a outbleeding teammate or to travel fast.
- About blink ... i don't know  maybe add more objects where u can teleport to  like containers or some walls( would work fine with parkour 2.0)
-Teleport needs something to stay save .. maybe a short invisibility  like (3 sec) if this would be a Augment it would be fine too (BUT pls we need Augement Slots (not only Ash))
- Auto-Finisher

Great skill, good dmg, looks cool  but it's oldschool. Sometime it still bugs.

-Why is bladestorm not silent when i'm casting it while smokescreen is activ?

- The Augment is not the best but still can be usefull.

In my opinio Bladestorm could need a rework, because...
- Sometimes you stay about 4-6 sec (or even more jumping on a heavy unit) in bladestorm but need to save a teammate or defend kryo or something other.
- Bladestorm has a cast range, a attack range ( both affected by range mods) and only allows to attack 18 targets or better say to attack 18 times.
- and sometimes you only get maybe 2 or 3 enemys for the full energy cost


But the problem is i don't want a Spam-calibruuh (with the mode and the lightwaves), Excalibur should stay unique and Ash too .
I have some ideas how it could work  but the most of them are boring.


And still ONE IDEA  i think would be great!!!



Ash goes into first person (or not) and teleports to the first enemy you target and attacks him (like in bladestorm) but thats not the only one ash dashs (jumps from enemy to enemy) to every marked enemy in a radius of 5-10 metes around the first target (or some copies attack the other enemies but without clones and the dash it would be cooler) then you sit on the last enemy  (or maybe the first) and you can search for your next prey to repeat the move.
- The enemys would be also marked like in bladestorm
- There would be no limit in kills.
But a limit in teleports (Limit 10 Teleports, each consumes 10 energy = 100 energy cost (basic cost)
                                    ( or the First of the 10 teleports cost 20 energy the other 10 = 110 basic cost)
                                    ( or a Limit of 4 Teleports each consumes 30 = 120 cost )
- DMG stays the same and ash can "only" attack  each target 2 or 3 times + the bleed proc stacks
- The targeting range stays also same and is affectet by range mods BUT  Attack range is NOT affected by them.
- And you can interrupt it after every teleport [4].
- Also you can interrupt the New Bladestorm by using smokescreen(makes a backflip from the enemy and use the smokescreen) and you can use the skill teleport to interrupt Bladestorm (and like i mentioned befor) teleport to a wall to latch on it or a device, enemy, teammate etc.
- Maybe able to use shurikens while sitting on the enemy (but don't think this would be necessary)
- If the enemy is not dead you sit on he'll try to get rid of you (5 sec to search for the next target)
  if he is dead you also have the same time until the body collapse
- In the case, let's say a heavy unit is still alive you can cast to your next target OR finish the enemy [E] (this would interrupt the Bladestorm)
 - you'll be not able to teleport with this Bladestorm to anything other than an enemy


It would be still Bladestorm but more efficent, more agile, more control, would look cool, grant a good synergy between

Ash's skills and also it would be fun.

(Shuriken and Teleport could stay as they are, but SmokeScreen needs some of this tweak and Bladestorm...i love it but like i said, it got so "old-fashioned") 


What you guys think about it?

Edited by Somi_xD
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You and I have very different definitions of the word "Realistic"


I don't mean realistic like "its able in real life" (if you mean that)

more like what would fit for Ash and would't destroy his Ash-nis.

Like some ideas setting a sexy jutsu female decoy after a teleport to destruct the enemy. ( It sounds funny but srsly Ash is not a Loki to set decoys)

Edited by Somi_xD
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I think Ash works perfectly fine as he is. Adding any more to Shuriken would make it unbalanced as a first ability, especially with the introduction of the Seeking Shuriken augment.


Adding a finisher vulnerability on activation of Smoke Screen would admittedly be kinda cool, though perhaps stepping on Excalibur's toes a little. It'd be interesting if the smoke bomb AoE was affected by range mods. Lastly, if you want longer invisibility, you know what I'm gonna say but I'll say it anyway... play Loki :P


Not much to say about teleport. Regarding the safety thing... cast Smoke Screen before teleporting? :P


Blade Storm is another one I think that would get a bit silly if you added anything more to it. It already does big finisher damage (ignoring all armour, shields, resistances), in a radius, to multiple targets, in a short space of time. That damage can also be increased by power strength mods. That being said "ult" toggling is pretty popular nowadays. Might be interesting to be able to interrupt the sequence, and have a little more control over who Ash targets for his killing spree.


Mesa's Peacemaker could use something similar (i.e., a little more interaction necessary, rather than just holding down left-click).

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I think Ash works perfectly fine as he is. Adding any more to Shuriken would make it unbalanced as a first ability, especially with the introduction of the Seeking Shuriken augment.

Adding a finisher vulnerability on activation of Smoke Screen would admittedly be kinda cool, though perhaps stepping on Excalibur's toes a little. It'd be interesting if the smoke bomb AoE was affected by range mods. Lastly, if you want longer invisibility, you know what I'm gonna say but I'll say it anyway... play Loki :P

Not much to say about teleport. Regarding the safety thing... cast Smoke Screen before teleporting? :P

Blade Storm is another one I think that would get a bit silly if you added anything more to it. It already does big finisher damage (ignoring all armour, shields, resistances), in a radius, to multiple targets, in a short space of time. That damage can also be increased by power strength mods. That being said "ult" toggling is pretty popular nowadays. Might be interesting to be able to interrupt the sequence, and have a little more control over who Ash targets for his killing spree.

Mesa's Peacemaker could use something similar (i.e., a little more interaction necessary, rather than just holding down left-click).

I wouldn't say perfectly but yeah he works fine.

Like i said i mixed up ideas of other players and mine. I am fine with shurikes how they are, my idea was to (maybe 50% chance) to pin down enemies for the bleed time (6 sec or maybe less).

Smoke screen (the stagger) is affected by range mods but it's basic stagger is 10 m radius and in a Duration build range goes down.

But the Augment Smoke Shadow is not affected by range mods (thats a good thing) but only 5 m radius ...i play the augment and the 5m radius is nothing ....

More invisibility time would be nice and 2 sec more still not the 12 from loki.  And no ..i play Ash because i like him more :)

Thats how i using smoke screen + teleport at the moment :P

Bladestorm.... its cool dmg is good (like i said above)

But it's really oldschool... there is no dynamic its only " theres a bunch of enemies *buttonmash 4* " or only " *button mash 4 in every direction* "

And jumping on a heavy enemy until he is dead or you reached 18 attacks is not really fun and takes to much time"

The amount of enemies you can hit is also limited does any other warframe has a limit in killing/ targing enemies with the ulti? Only Ash and Ember and but embers ulti hits 5 enemies but they exploded and do aoe dmg over time.

So Ash's bladestorm is really "old-fashioned" it is limited to 18 targets / 18 hits, it has target range(50m) and attack range (25m) but both affected by range mods and consumes 100 energy (basic) regardless of the amount of enemies you hit.

And my idea is to give more control about the economy, the range, dynamic and efficiency( kills) of the skill.

The DMG is the highes abillity dmg and it could stay but the dmg is not "top" because The main dmg (finisher dmg) is 2000 + 7times 35% bleed over 6 sec (thats useless if you are hit a heavy unit get him down in 3 sec (around 4 hits from the 18 max hits at 1 enemy))

It would be much better if there was no limit in max hits for bladestorm only a limit for the hits per enemy (2 or 3 hits) and the bleed proc would stack and the limit of teleport ( 4 times) you can use while bladestorm.

But it still would be bladestorm and thats important ... its only split in more smaller bladestorms and it could work without the clones. Also my Idea would grants a good synergy between the skills.

Yeah I agree with you at Mesa's Peacemaker. They should take a look at every warframe and improve them a bit if it's needed.

And thx for your statement ;)

Edited by Somi_xD
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only thing i would change is teleport people say hes not a magician or whatever that means,  its underwhelming as a travel ability  and when the new parkour comes out it will be left behind and an augment wont make it any better

wall latch from teleport and teleport to enemy from wall. its "ninja" not magician 

and while using smoke screen and using teleport will make up for short duration 

Edited by (PS4)Nzza_News
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only thing i would change is teleport people say hes not a magician or whatever that means,  its underwhelming as a travel ability  and when the new parkour comes out it will be left behind and an augment wont make it any better

wall latch from teleport and teleport to enemy from wall. its "ninja" not magician 

and while using smoke screen and using teleport will make up for short duration 

Free Aiming Teleport would be cool ... But i am sorry to say it is NOT a travel ability (maybe secondary) but it's for melee in first.

Like i said

"- About blink ... i don't know  maybe add more objects  where u can teleport to  like containers or some walls( would work fine with parkour 2.0)"

^ this would be enough to push it as a travel ability  free aiming would be not fair towards other frames!!

Edited by Somi_xD
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