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A Long List Of Things That Needs To Be Nerfed:


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Lets start:



Loki disarm. Irrad disarm

Nova Molecular Prime

Frost Globe

Mesa Peacemaker

Valkyr Hysteria

Saryn Masma

Limbo Riftwalk

Hydroid tentacle spam

Excalibur new 4th


Weapons Primary:

Braton Prime Damage

Amprex Damage. Chain fire is broken and too OP

Boltor Prime damage and recoil

Dread critchance

Paris prime critchance

Torid ammo count

Opticor Ammo count

Tonkor Crit chance and ammo count

Phage damage

Quanta/quanta vandal altfire too much damage

Synapse single fire damage

Soma and soma prime crit damage or base damage


Weapons Secondary

Synoid gammacor (Still too op), needs damage nerf.

Marelok or vaykor marelok. Too much damage

Rakta balistica Damage too high

Brakk too much damage,rate of fire too high

Detron or mara detron Radiation damge should be switched to puncture, because all plasma weapons deal puncutre damage.

Magnus or Akmagnus, too much critchance.

Furis alfuris or dex furis, too much fire-rate. Damage is fine

Atomos. Broken like the amprex. Chain fire is too OP

AkJagara. Damage too high

Aksomati They were fine, DE buffed it too much. Nerf reload rate back to what it was.

Hikou or Hikou Prime or Despair Too much damage.


Melee weapons

Most have too much damage

Notable examples:


Scindo prime or scindo


Bo or Bo Prime

Tipedo Too good as copetring

Dakra Prime

Jat Kittag



Carriers vacuum is too good. Needs to be reworked or removed.



They outclass sentinels. They need to be nerfed, especially the mods.



Ancient Hooks

Bombards Homing missiles

Nullifiers Shields/bubble should go down much easier, especially with hard hitting guns.Spawn rate needs nerfing

Mutalist moa jumping

Manic erratic teleporting too offten

ancients debuff auroas. All of them.

Hellions Too much damage

Gunner,bombard mandatory close range AOE needs to be reworked.






In order for WF to be balanced, these things need to be looked at. If someone advocates to nerf one of such thing, it is only a bandaid fix, it doesnt address the core problems of the game.

If anything need to be added, post down below.


Either everything needs to be reworked or nothing. There is no middle ground here.

Edited by HandsomeSorcerer
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Tipedo Too good as copetring


First of all, the entire list is wrong, and just downright stupid.




Trinity too, while you're at it?


Either way, coptering is getting removed, so you can strike that out.


Really, that one pissed me off.

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It's people like you on this earth that sadden me. What the heck is the point of this thread? It doesn't even have a reasoning, and all of these "suggestions" are ridiculous on every level



Judging by this list, you're wanting nerfs on nearly EVERY good thing in the game. Have you even tried killing enemies level 60+?

Clearly not. If you have, you'd know that you kinda need damage and CC to actually deal with them. Seriously, i don't understand how your brain is working right now.

Edited by XxCurtennoxX
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Lets start:



Loki disarm. Irrad disarm

Nova Molecular Prime

Frost Globe

Mesa Peacemaker

Valkyr Hysteria

Saryn Masma

Limbo Riftwalk

Hydroid tentacle spam

Excalibur new 4th


Weapons Primary:

Braton Prime Damage

Amprex Damage. Chain fire is broken and too OP

Boltor Prime damage and recoil

Dread critchance

Paris prime critchance

Torid ammo count

Opticor Ammo count

Tonkor Crit chance and ammo count

Phage damage

Quanta/quanta vandal altfire too much damage

Synapse single fire damage

Soma and soma prime crit damage or base damage


Weapons Secondary

Synoid gammacor (Still too op), needs damage nerf.

Marelok or vaykor marelok. Too much damage

Rakta balistica Damage too high

Brakk too much damage,rate of fire too high

Detron or mara detron Too much damage, rate of fire too high

Magnus or Akmagnus, too much critchance.

Furis alfuris or dex furis, too much fire-rate. Damage is fine

Atomos. Broken like the amprex. Chain fire is too OP

AkJagara. Damage too high

Aksomati They were fine, DE buffed it too much. Nerf reload rate back to what it was.

Hikou or Hikou Prime or Despair Too much damage.


Melee weapons

Most have too much damage

Notable examples:


Scindo prime or scindo


Bo or Bo Prime

Tipedo Too good as copetring

Dakra Prime

Jat Kittag



Carriers vacuum is too good. Needs to be reworked or removed.



They outclass sentinels. They need to be nerfed, especially the mods.



Ancient Hooks

Bombards Homing missiles

Nullifiers Shields/bubble should go down much easier, especially with hard hitting guns.Spawn rate needs nerfing

Mutalist moa jumping

Manic erratic teleporting too offten

ancients debuff auroas. All of them.

Hellions Too much damage

Gunner,bombard mandatory close range AOE needs to be reworked.






In order for WF to be balanced, these things need to be looked at. If someone advocates to nerf one of such thing, it is only a bandaid fix, it doesnt address the core problems of the game.

If anything need to be added, post down below.


Either everything needs to be reworked or nothing. There is no middle ground here.

haha you make me smile and grin.


You literally think that these all are op?


Its a PvE game come on and if you go endless you die eventually because you are a fly on a elephant.

also coptering gets removed because people say It is soo op PLS remove DE.


Its a great way of moving trough a map and the new movement 2.0 preview looked hideous it was so not nice that I despise the devs that worked on it.


Some mobs need a nerf totally like bombard missiles and nullifiers shields, those 2 are way tooo op.

Not even complaining about the Grineer Manic and Manic Bombard who's movement are way too op, only way to counter them is nova and melee.


Also you saying that warframes need nerfs is so crude against new players and totally not justified.

they do not have mods anyways.


Enough said.....




Chao, The Roaring Lion Warlord of Shadow Lords

Edited by TheRoaringLion
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Do not make big lists of things that need to be changed with absolutely zero reasons as to why any of it should be changed. It seems like a good portion of this list was made with "feels" rather than actual evidence and numbers backing it up (ie: i "feel" that all melee weapons deal too much damage)


If you really want to leave feedback, take each part of the list, make an individual thread for them, and give reasons and evidence as to why it should be changed, and have ideas on how they could be changed.


what you've done here is just lazy. If you care enough to give feedback, then you should also care enough to give good feedback.

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That has nothing to do with the fact that you've listed all this stuff with zero reasoning at all. It's terrible feedback and shouldn't even be classed as feedback.

zero feedback? What?

Have you read what I wrote beside on most of the items in the list?


Take for example the Tonkor. Its broken because its crit chance or crit damge allow it to do way to much damage.

uh not seeing it no disclaimer words there.



Chao, The Roaring Lion Warlord of Shadow Lords



In order for WF to be balanced, these things need to be looked at. If someone advocates to nerf one of such thing, it is only a bandaid fix, it doesnt address the core problems of the game.

If anything need to be added, post down below.


Either everything needs to be reworked or nothing. There is no middle ground here. There are many broken items in the game and nerfing one of them isnt going to adress the vast majority.

Edited by HandsomeSorcerer
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zero feedback? What?

Have you read what I wrote beside on most of the items in the list?


Take for example the Tonkor. Its broken because its crit chance or crit damge allow it to do way to much damage.



In order for WF to be balanced, these things need to be looked at. If someone advocates to nerf one of such thing, it is only a bandaid fix, it doesnt address the core problems of the game.

If anything need to be added, post down below.


Either everything needs to be reworked or nothing. There is no middle ground here.

So how exactly are you justifying these reasons? Are you actually going into a 60 minute T4S with crappy weapons and saying "Yup, all the good weapons need to be bad like this too. I want to empty 5 mags into one butcher".


You mentioned Paris Prime and Dread having "Too much crit chance". THEY ARE BOWS. SINGLE. SHOT. WEAPONS. No one want's to tickle enemies with a blunt arrow head.

You mentioned all those warframe powers. How are they overpowered? How is Limbo's riftwalk overpowered? Have you even played him?!?


Honestly this thread belongs in the bin. It's terrible in nearly every way.

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This is officially the least constructive list. You just listed things that people use half of which is not even close to overpowered vacuum? You cannot be serious.  


I sincerely hope a moderator locks this thread. This is troll bait and i can smell it a mile away. And if its not you should consider uninstalling warframe because apparently you hate 50% of it. 

Edited by (PS4)MakoPriest
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