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List Of Thoughts On Parkour 2.0


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This isn't team fortress.


But it's still a class-based (sort of) shooter. Use the Zephyr example if it makes you feel better. Warframes that are designed to have high mobility should be faster than warframes designed to have low mobility. Criticizing that fact is exactly like saying that the Scout in TF2 is broken because he's faster than everyone else. Frost can't keep up with Zephyr. The Heavy can't keep up with the Scout.


Different characters/classes having different stats and abilities is a basic game design principle. If Frost is broken because his mobility is lower than Zephyr's, then I suppose Banshee is broken because her survivability is lower than Trinity's, and Loki is also broken because is damage output is lower than Saryn's? Survivability, damage output, and mobility are all just different aspects that vary in strength from warframe to warframe, or character to character, or class to class. This is constant across every single class/character based game ever made.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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But it's still a class-based (sort of) shooter. Use the Zephyr example if it makes you feel better. Warframes that are designed to have high mobility should be faster than warframes designed to have low mobility. Criticizing that fact is exactly like saying that the Scout in TF2 is broken because he's faster than everyone else.


Frost can't keep up with Zephyr. The Heavy can't keep up with the Scout.

It's really not. It also heavily imbalances things, far more than coptering ever did.

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But it's still a class-based (sort of) shooter. Use the Zephyr example if it makes you feel better. Warframes that are designed to have high mobility should be faster than warframes designed to have low mobility. Criticizing that fact is exactly like saying that the Scout in TF2 is broken because he's faster than everyone else.


Frost can't keep up with Zephyr. The Heavy can't keep up with the Scout.


Indeed, there will always be a way that one player can be faster than another, be it skill, build, or power usage and if that player is an A****** then they will take advantage of that and ignore the rest of their team.


The rest of us that actually give a crap about other people will stick together.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Indeed, there will always be a way that one player can be faster than another, be it skill, build, or power usage and if that player is an A****** then they will take advantage of that and ignore the rest of their team.


The rest of us that actually give a crap about other people with stick together.

Capture mission, stick together. I can't put that together. Heh.....

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Well, you guys can stick together, and I'll go solo the mission for you then. If you're cool with that then I have no objections.


Generally I just avoid those people, dropping (I always host) and ignoring rushers works wonders, very quickly. Thankfully you're on a different platform so I don't even have to put you on ignore.


If we got the tools to kick it would be even better.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Generally I just avoid those people, dropping (I always host) and ignoring rushers works wonders, very quickly. Thankfully you're on a different platform so I don't even have to put you on ignore.


If we got the tools to kick it would be even better.

Kick tools would be a bad thing.  We need AFK vote kicking, and player avoid lists.  I don't really like playing with bad players, and you don't like playing with fast players so it would be great to be able to avoid one another. We would both be happier for it.

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Kick tools would be a bad thing.  We need AFK vote kicking, and player avoid lists.  I don't really like playing with humans, and you don't like playing with bad players so it would be great to be able to avoid one another. We would both be happier for it.


Fixed that for you

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My prediction is parkour 2.0 and removing coptering will be such a mistake that DE will be forced to revert or lose a bunch of it's player base. You don't take something that people have grown to love for over 2 years and just dump it over night. parkour 2.0 should have added onto the current movement system instead of replacing it. The tilesets and stamina drain are not made for what there trying to do this whole thing seems hopeless to me.

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My prediction is parkour 2.0 and removing coptering will be such a mistake that DE will be forced to revert or lose a bunch of it's player base. You don't take something that people have grown to love for over 2 years and just dump it over night. parkour 2.0 should have added onto the current movement system instead of replacing it. The tilesets and stamina drain are not made for what there trying to do this whole thing seems hopeless to me.

I agree completely.

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Perhaps I'm a little behind current events but I thought coptering wasn't being removed, just adjusted.  Isn't it possible that coptering will still be in but at a uniform (slower) speed across all weapons?  This is honestly what I hope for, a decent copter that lets me roll with whatever weapon I want to use.


Coptering isn't a problem, it can actually be pretty fun and very useful.  The issue is that coptering is forcing certain weapons on you if you want to keep up.  May as well call it Tipedoing.

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Perhaps I'm a little behind current events but I thought coptering wasn't being removed, just adjusted.  Isn't it possible that coptering will still be in but at a uniform (slower) speed across all weapons?  This is honestly what I hope for, a decent copter that lets me roll with whatever weapon I want to use.


Coptering isn't a problem, it can actually be pretty fun and very useful.  The issue is that coptering is forcing certain weapons on you if you want to keep up.  May as well call it Tipedoing.

from what i read unless something changed coptering is being completly removed

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Perhaps there should be a compromise in some way to make both sides pleased over this copter speed thing.

it's not even a thing you can compromise it wont work with out completely handicapping players due to the reasons i stated above the maps weren't designed for this and stamina is broken wait until you have to run neptune triton with no copter to farm cores. Ill try this new system then make my decision and let my voice be heard. As i said above though i just think it won't fit into the game in it's current state maybe DE will pull it off but, I really don't see how i believe this is gonna cause some chaos like never before seen on this game..

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A lot of the hatred Is from people who can't copter either because skill or controller.

They used to complain about the look and logic but that died quickly when they saw the look and logic of double jump and wall Skippy

Coptering isn't being r removed. You can see Rebecca use it in the demo... It just doesn't go anywhere

Same with air melee it will exist but won't take you anywhere

Gameplay Wont be as fun but you guys are either going to ignore it like you did the viability of Parkour 1.0

Or you're gonna get left behind anyway and complain that it didn't help anything

Players be really salty when you leave them behind and take top dmg and top kills

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I'll be honest in saying that I skipped everything but the first page to say two three things:

1) Nice feedback, OP, definitely good talking points there.

2) So many people underestimate the "drag" that stamina imposes - coptering was a viable alternative because you couldn't sprint all day.

3) Doom and gloom, Pro-coptering and anti-coptering stances, are pointless; you can discuss what needs to be tweaked all day, you can swear that players will leave because whine-whine-whine, this-this-this, that-that-that; in the end it won't matter, because it happens and player-bases fluctuate. I am bored out of my damn mind just coptering everywhere and I know I'm not the only one.


Point: If you want to spew doom-and-gloom, Parkour 2.0 is not the thing to be worried about. I didn't pick up Warframe during U5 to farm a single node, I picked it up to kick &#! and space-ninja onto Corpus faces.

Edited by SurryCurry
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I'll be honest in saying that I skipped everything but the first page to say two three things:

1) Nice feedback, OP, definitely good talking points there.

2) So many people underestimate the "drag" that stamina imposes - coptering was a viable alternative because you couldn't sprint all day.

3) Doom and gloom, Pro-coptering and anti-coptering stances, are pointless; you can discuss what needs to be tweaked all day, you can swear that players will leave because whine-whine-whine, this-this-this, that-that-that; in the end it won't matter, because it happens and player-bases fluctuate. I am bored out of my damn mind just coptering everywhere and I know I'm not the only one.


Point: If you want to spew doom-and-gloom, Parkour 2.0 is not the thing to be worried about. I didn't pick up Warframe during U5 to farm a single node, I picked it up to kick ! and space-ninja onto Corpus faces.

Infinite sprint is nice, but it won't be enough to offset coptering removal. There needs to be a sprint speed buff across the board.

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My prediction is parkour 2.0 and removing coptering will be such a mistake that DE will be forced to revert or lose a bunch of it's player base. You don't take something that people have grown to love for over 2 years and just dump it over night. parkour 2.0 should have added onto the current movement system instead of replacing it. The tilesets and stamina drain are not made for what there trying to do this whole thing seems hopeless to me.


"Way back when, I saw threads sprout just as quickly that said that Damage 2.0 was going to destroy the game because armor ignoring would go away. The doom threads were as hilarious as these. People reading bits of what DE said and making up all kinds of spurious ideas or opinions before posting them as fact. Obviously the game was utterly destroyed by DE changing things THAT time so it will be THIS time as well. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Kalenath

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"Way back when, I saw threads sprout just as quickly that said that Damage 2.0 was going to destroy the game because armor ignoring would go away. The doom threads were as hilarious as these. People reading bits of what DE said and making up all kinds of spurious ideas or opinions before posting them as fact. Obviously the game was utterly destroyed by DE changing things THAT time so it will be THIS time as well. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Kalenath

O men, that threads, i remember.

Well something like that is going to happend again.

Untill they all see the balance.

And dont understand.

And come here again.

I cant wait for parkour 2.0...

I want the latch on wall 

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you know i was just thinking if your character is sprinting in parkour 2.0 and after i don't know for sure 2-3 seconds you burst into a really fast turbo ninja like running animation that really builds momentum it could be cool i think i would dig that what do you guys think? I just feel like that run speeed needs to really really  really kick up the speed to keep it fun and the demo of it didn't feel fast enough to me don't know for sure.though.i'll just have to wait and see how it feels first before i actually judge it i mean no matter how  many vids of it i watch that's just something you have to experience first hand to really feel the effect. Also we might all be screaming praise to Volt if it starts out rough lol atleast that's my back up plan.

Edited by hatetheory
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