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Why Is Platinum So Affordable?


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Hook - bait - cast - bite - reel - Nope its a fish. No trolls here. 


Do you have an opinion onthe value of Platinum sausage or not?:)


Well, here we go;


Platinum is... interesting.

As it stands for only a small ammount of real money, you can acquire a fairly large volume of platinum.

Enough to buy all the colours, cosmetics, potatoes and slots you could ever want for a mere $20.


What's more, the bonus of a founder's title and a chance to help support a new, enjoyable, game and the company behind it.


As crafting gear and earning warframes and weapons is a huge (If not a majority) portion of the game, everything aside from these cheap platinum buys can be crafted, given enough time (and a little luck).

For many players, this is ideal; Spend a little money on the things you NEED money for, and get everything else by actually PLAYING the game.


Heck, I bought the basic founder's pack and have bought all the warframe and weapon slots I'll need, my favourite colour pallet, a sentinel (Actually really good value, 75plat, saves you 12 hours, a buttload of resources and 125,000 credits AND it comes with a reactor and catalyst [another 40 plat value]), and a reactor and a catalyst, leaving me with over 100 plat spare for future additions.


But, that said, I like playing the game and earning things that way, only using plat for things I need for it.



For players who actually want to "pay to win" and want to just fork out some money and get everything day 1...

Platinum is a little beyond ridiculous.

Warframes like rhino costing nearly $30 ALONE.


To get everything in the game using platinum would cost far more than a brand new triple A title, which is quite unreasonable to expect from a game in beta that may or may not turn out to be fairly good.

When you consider things like vauban which, in all likelyhood, will be easily acquirable for players when new planets and new bosses are implemented, but for those who want to be "The first" the price is acceptable, pay through the nose for a chance to show off.

But for older frames...

It's $20-30 for to save 1-2 hours of work. Heck, even if you assume time spent playing warframe is worth minimum wage, it's STILL a ripoff.


And with the changes to weapon blueprints, pushing almost all weapons squarely out of the reach of new players, and then charging outrageous prices for them...


It's a bit much, and DE is likely to start losing a new audience.


For current players, it's not so bad, but for a new player just starting, where acquiring weapons, and especially warframes is a mysterious and difficult ordeal... To see the prices shown in the market is more than a little daunting.

Just some slight reductions in price, or just by making the blueprints more obtainable would greatly help out the market place.


To get every single weapon + a sentinel + A colour pallet + every warframe costs 8375 platinum

That's $230 with the grandmaster founder's pack


$400 if you just buy 2 lots of the largest normal platinum pack (As the founders packs won't be around forever)


That's a HUGE investment.

Absolutely crazy.

If there were better "Value packs" for players who want to buy anything and everything as soon as they start...


But the value packs that exist are barely a discount.



It just costs way, way, waaaayy too much for people to get everything in a "Free" game.




But again, we'll rewind, for people who like grinding, and enjoying making things by hand, the platinum costs are very reasonable, especially within the founder packs.


But DE needs to consider that that's not the only market out there, and even for people like me, who are the grinding type, the platinum costs are a little daunting.



Are you happy OP?

Can I go now?

@(*()$ hell...

I hate needing to be right.

Edited by NotaCobra
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You can 'tell' them anything you like.


I'm almost certain that the purchase habits, if actually analyzed, will bear this out. Really, DE either needs to show evidence their weapon/warframe prices are working (I'm sure colors, Sentinel cosmetics, and other actual microtransactions are getting them money) or revise them. If people aren't spending money on buying weapons the solution isn't to make them harder to acquire. Especially since you already need to grind grind grind for mods and mod levels first.

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Hook - bait - cast - bite - reel - Nope its a fish. No trolls here. 


Do you have an opinion onthe value of Platinum sausage or not?:)

Spends 50$ for garbage shoes, 250$ on a F2P game with a pretty poor $-to-content ratio... Does your clowning around even really warrant a response, at this point? I'd plug in the numbers but a simple search should do it for you...Platinum isn't expensive, it's what you get for it that is.


The only reason platinum is cost effective is because you can mow someone's lawn in less than 30 minutes and make enough cash to offset the staggering grind for Alloy Plate that's currently plaguing this game. So your options are:

Buy Platinum for a modest time investment in whatever means you find in making money

Grind. Which is extremely time inefficient.

Be intelligent: Don't play the borked game until DE irons everything out.


Personally, I'm shocked that DE actually made the conscious decision to make the grind in this game even worse. That in conjunction with their fumbling on their livestreams leads me to believe the developers are pretty clueless. Not to be mean, but just blunt. People can retort with "It's in beta!" But...I mean...common sense people. If everyone's got a giant surplus of every resource except Alloy plate...Why make every weapon plat/blueprint only, and require gobs more alloy plate?


Are the platinum prices fair? Sure, but that's only because of the grind and the difference in time investment is so massive it warrants ponying up the cash. I spent 50$ on the game, I consider that a standard for a game I enjoy playing, but as it stands I don't intend on spending any more money because what they've done with my tiny investment has disappointed me. I don't like the direction the game is heading and I'm in high hopes that things get back on track with Update 8.


Troll as you like, but it's a pointless existence you lead, and I genuinely feel sad that people like you exist. :( I hope you find a better, more productive hobby than nonstop gaming someday.

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NotaCobra you got a +1 from me.


It seems people would spend more money on the game and buy platinum if they could get more for their money. Each item seems to cost too much Platinum compared to other games similar to Warframe. In time there will be more items available in game and i can see them lowering the Platinum cost for each item.


223Kazin: I don't think they are clueless but they are inexperienced at what they are doing, that is obvious. We live and learn and DE seems to learn very fast.


As for me trolling and my pointless existence making you sad... I made a thread to counter the negative threads. I tried to add some humor for people like you. You gave a good response to my topic. I see no issues. If you call me names again i will though send killer kitty to find you and decapitate you.


You have been warned ...

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That made me laugh :D

Mason: I heard Tom Wolfe is speaking at Lincoln Center.
Phil: (Signs something vigorously at Mason)
Mason: Well of course we're going to throw poo at him!


One of the funniest things i ever heard in a kids cartoon. It evaded my daughter but had me in fits of giggles.

Edited by stacey69
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Platinum compared to real world money is so worth it.


Try to get all rare mods for your warframe, weapons, sentinel and sentinel's weapons, by purchasing Dragon Mod Packs. Then come back here and I would like to hear your opinion. ;)

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Spent 7k Platinum on dragon packs last week when Thunderbolt came out. I own everything currently available in game. I change frames and weapons all the time. I find this really adds to the longevity of Warframe. Being able to do what I want, when I want. I do not expect everyone to be able to do this. For people that can though, my opinion is as i stated many times - Platinum is good value compared to real money.


As a child i collected Panini sticker albums ibpM0yE.jpg

My addiction to opening card packs came back with dragon packs. I won't always buy them. They are cool though if you have some Platinum to spend. 

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Spent 7k Platinum on dragon packs last week when Thunderbolt came out. I own everything currently available in game. I change frames and weapons all the time. I find this really adds to the longevity of Warframe. Being able to do what I want, when I want. I do not expect everyone to be able to do this. For people that can though, my opinion is as i stated many times - Platinum is good value compared to real money.


No no, not like that. Delete and/or sell all your existing mods which you farmed, or just put them into another warframe. Get a new warframe without mods, with new weapons, new sentinel. Then BUY dragon packs for ALL rare mods for that warframe. Do this for one warframe and/or two.


Also, farming mods before 7.7 doesnt count, they used to grow on trees... :P


Regarding comparison to shoes, well go out WITHOUT shoes for a day (just socks), then maybe you better appreciate the money you spent on shoes. :D


Jokes apart, while I agree platinum is worth more than real money for similar amount of entertainment, you cannot generalize this for everyone. Assuming that you are comparing platinum with real money spent on any form of entertainment which requires going out of your house, like maybe eating pizza in restaurants or watching a movie in a theatre, etc. Some people like to go outdoors (not me). Some people hate games (again not me). Some people have both the traits which I just mentioned (outdoor lovers + game haters). For them buying platinum, or for that matter any cash shop in any game, is money down the drain.

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No no, not like that. Delete and/or sell all your existing mods which you farmed, or just put them into another warframe. Get a new warframe without mods, with new weapons, new sentinel. Then BUY dragon packs for ALL rare mods for that warframe. Do this for one warframe and/or two.


Also, farming mods before 7.7 doesnt count, they used to grow on trees... :P


Regarding comparison to shoes, well go out WITHOUT shoes for a day (just socks), then maybe you better appreciate the money you spent on shoes. :D


Jokes apart, while I agree platinum is worth more than real money for similar amount of entertainment, you cannot generalize this for everyone. Assuming that you are comparing platinum with real money spent on any form of entertainment which requires going out of your house, like maybe eating pizza in restaurants or watching a movie in a theatre, etc. Some people like to go outdoors (not me). Some people hate games (again not me). Some people have both the traits which I just mentioned (outdoor lovers + game haters). For them buying platinum, or for that matter any cash shop in any game, is money down the drain.

Plus, when spending real money, there are things you can do with it that you can't do with platinum, like go out with friends to say, a burger joint, change your mind and instead head to a movie. cash works in both places, while platinum... only works on Warframe, and only for you. Warframe can offer some social interaction, but not as much as real life can (also, real life obviously offers more diverse experiences than warframe does.). So unless you're a recluse real money offers a lot that platinum can't (that's not to say, again, platinum could be a better experience for some people, depending on what they like to do.)

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No no, not like that. Delete and/or sell all your existing mods which you farmed, or just put them into another warframe. Get a new warframe without mods, with new weapons, new sentinel. Then BUY dragon packs for ALL rare mods for that warframe. Do this for one warframe and/or two.


Also, farming mods before 7.7 doesnt count, they used to grow on trees... :P


Regarding comparison to shoes, well go out WITHOUT shoes for a day (just socks), then maybe you better appreciate the money you spent on shoes. :D


Jokes apart, while I agree platinum is worth more than real money for similar amount of entertainment, you cannot generalize this for everyone. Assuming that you are comparing platinum with real money spent on any form of entertainment which requires going out of your house, like maybe eating pizza in restaurants or watching a movie in a theatre, etc. Some people like to go outdoors (not me). Some people hate games (again not me). Some people have both the traits which I just mentioned (outdoor lovers + game haters). For them buying platinum, or for that matter any cash shop in any game, is money down the drain.

I really do not understand why i would collect mods for a Warframe and Sentinal this way. This would be a waste of real money as these mods are readily available if you just simply play Warframe. My point is that Platinum is good value for real money. Dragon packs are not a good way to get basic mods for your new Warframe and weapons. I bought dragon packs to get specific mods. I got 2 out of the 3 i wanted and left it at that. It become pointless to continue as the value of mods did not weigh up against the value of dragon packs compared to in game playing and receiving mods.


As for before 7.7. Mods did not grow on trees. Rare 5 fusion cores did. Having a mod and notching a mod through fusion are 2 different things and can not be affected by Platinum very much. Modding this way would make Platinum a very bad comparison to real money and i would never suggest this to anyone unless they are very well off and comfortable with their life and have lots of money to burn on a game.


As for not wearing shoes. I am always bare foot. I like to feel as free as possible. If the streets were not lined with dog poo and glass i would go everywhere bare foot. I am a bit of a hippy at heart.


Why would anyone who hates being stuck inside the house and playing pc games buy Platinum anyway. My point is not aimed at these types of people. My point is aimed at gamers who buy expensive pcs, internet and accessories like mouse and keyboard designed for gaming but complain about the price of something that will keep them happy and busy for like 1 day or a month etc at minimal cost in real money terms.


If you go to the cinema and enjoy a film you might buy the Dvd. Maybe a tee-shirt. A poster. An autograph from one of the actors on Ebay. What is the difference in someone buying items for a game they play for 60 hours a week. If you play games the chances are you never go to the cinema anyway. You download films from Russian websites instead. Gamers save so much money on films, music and games this way. Why not spend some of that saved money on a game they can't get stuff through the backdoor for. I am all for supporting and never freeload. I buy British and never complain about price unless the comparison from real money to their product is really bad. My point is that Platinum to real money is not bad at all.



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Certainly one of the more interesting troll threads as of late, I'll give the OP that. :)


Like what a previous poster mentioned, you can't generalize for everyone. Platinum will have a different perceived value for different demographics. Also, that shoes and boltor analogy lolwut.

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I really do not understand why i would collect mods for a Warframe and Sentinal this way. This would be a waste of real money as these mods are readily available if you just simply play Warframe. My point is that Platinum is good value for real money. Dragon packs are not a good way to get basic mods for your new Warframe and weapons. I bought dragon packs to get specific mods. I got 2 out of the 3 i wanted and left it at that. It become pointless to continue as the value of mods did not weigh up against the value of dragon packs compared to in game playing and receiving mods.


As for before 7.7. Mods did not grow on trees. Rare 5 fusion cores did. Having a mod and notching a mod through fusion are 2 different things and can not be affected by Platinum very much. Modding this way would make Platinum a very bad comparison to real money and i would never suggest this to anyone unless they are very well off and comfortable with their life and have lots of money to burn on a game.


Well, mods are not as readily available as they were before 7.7. I am talking about those rare mods which are sooo rare that some players consider their very existence a myth. Eg: Flow might be one, Streamline is NOT. And yes, I do agree Dragon Mod Packs are a very bad value for real money if you want all those mods, that was my original point. Platinum is extremely valuable if you want to buy warframes, weapons etc, but for mods its a whole different story.


As for not wearing shoes. I am always bare foot. I like to feel as free as possible. If the streets were not lined with dog poo and glass i would go everywhere bare foot. I am a bit of a hippy at heart.


Again, exactly my point. Shoes (or any footwear) is mandatory for various reasons. There can be direct physical reasons like you mentioned about dog poo (lol) on streets. And then there are other reasons, like many employers will REALLY not like the idea of their employees coming to work without wearing proper shoes, and things wont end up well for that employee. The actual value of the money you spent on shoes, IMHO, cannot be appreciated only by measuring how long they lasted, but you also need to consider the fact that how much loss you will suffer (physically, socially, economically, etc) by NOT wearing them. Consider it with gaming analogy, if you dont play any game for a day, you may feel extremely bored or agitated, but thats it, nothing more.


A somewhat similar analogy is water. Water is, in most countries, pretty cheap for daily purposes. But at the same time, its also priceless. Deny water to any human being for a certain amount of time and he/she will forget the value of games, diamonds, cars, sex, and other such luxuries. What I mean is, water is NEEDED, irrespective of the price. The price is just a face value, it may not represent the true value of object in question. Again, thats my opinion, others may or may not agree.


Why would anyone who hates being stuck inside the house and playing pc games buy Platinum anyway. My point is not aimed at these types of people. My point is aimed at gamers who buy expensive pcs, internet and accessories like mouse and keyboard designed for gaming but complain about the price of something that will keep them happy and busy for like 1 day or a month etc at minimal cost in real money terms.


If you go to the cinema and enjoy a film you might buy the Dvd. Maybe a tee-shirt. A poster. An autograph from one of the actors on Ebay. What is the difference in someone buying items for a game they play for 60 hours a week. If you play games the chances are you never go to the cinema anyway. You download films from Russian websites instead. Gamers save so much money on films, music and games this way. Why not spend some of that saved money on a game they can't get stuff through the backdoor for. I am all for supporting and never freeload. I buy British and never complain about price unless the comparison from real money to their product is really bad. My point is that Platinum to real money is not bad at all.


Well, here I agree. As long as mod packs are not in the equation, platinum is fairly cheap in warframe. I have seen some games where the prices in cash shop are beyond ridiculous. I dont want to name them though.

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Also, I would like to point out that there are some games at other side of the spectrum too. What they offer for real money is sometimes much more than warframe does at this point. I would like to quote Smite as an example. Its a moba where you control gods from various cultures. In Smite you can purchase a god pack, and after buying it, ALL CURRENT and FUTURE released gods will be given to you for free !!!


If something like that exist in warframe, it will be like, for a fixed amount, all current and future warframes will be given to you for free.

Edited by rksk16it
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I bought new shoes for £50 and they lasted me 2 months.

I bought Boltor for £5 and it lasted 2 months and i still use it !


Platinum compared to real world money is so worth it.


The fun i had on Vauban. O how we chuckled as be bounced around... Best £5 i ever spent on a game.



Stop deleting my posts. There's far worse on here that isn't being censored. Unless you prefer cat pictures.


Trolling? I am confused as to how a person could make such an incongruous comparison.


Your shoes take actual physical material to make. They take a factory or person to put together. They take a method of transportation to ship and a person to get it there. It takes a storefront to house them and employees to maintain and sell them.


Also you bought really cruddy shoes if they lasted you two months. I have pairs I still wear from 9 years ago.


Your boltor consists of 1s and 0s that were shipped to you at nearly no cost across electrocuted copper. Your boltor will also never have a real world physical usage. Your boltor will never protect your *actual* feet from rain or cold. In some senses that money you spent was the worst thing you could have done with it since


A. you could've gotten the boltor for basically free minus time spent.


B. It has no real world usage.


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Also you bought really cruddy shoes if they lasted you two months. I have pairs I still wear from 9 years ago.


Oh boy, 9 years... thats... LONG !!! I mean ****ing LONG !!


I am too fat for any pair of shoes to last more than 2 years. Maybe I should play less games... :P

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Trolling? I am confused as to how a person could make such an incongruous comparison.


Your shoes take actual physical material to make. They take a factory or person to put together. They take a method of transportation to ship and a person to get it there. It takes a storefront to house them and employees to maintain and sell them.


Also you bought really cruddy shoes if they lasted you two months. I have pairs I still wear from 9 years ago.


Your boltor consists of 1s and 0s that were shipped to you at nearly no cost across electrocuted copper. Your boltor will also never have a real world physical usage. Your boltor will never protect your *actual* feet from rain or cold. In some senses that money you spent was the worst thing you could have done with it since


A. you could've gotten the boltor for basically free minus time spent.


B. It has no real world usage

The real cost of programming and designing a Boltor would be very interesting. I wouldn't mind an answer from DE on this one as i have no figures.

I can guess but... Buy the pc(s), 3d software, employ people to design and program it, electricity, building costs, tea coffee suger milk, a girl to promote it, video management deparatment?, game testers, bank fees, tax.. I cant think of anything else I'm tired.


So that lot for £5 seems good value to me. If DE could confirm an average to make a weapon from start to finish, including wages etc it would be really helpful to this thread. I would say around 5-15k to produce from scratch 1 weapon and then become lower for each additional weapon as you have a base to start from. Might be wrong it could be 250k-750k, Bit random but I'm tired. 


Anyway Platinum seems good value to me compared to real world money. Next time i will compare to lickable frogs and not shoes as many don't understand the thought process behind shoes.


I'm tired NN !

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The real cost of programming and designing a Boltor would be very interesting. I wouldn't mind an answer from DE on this one as i have no figures.

I can guess but... Buy the pc(s), 3d software, employ people to design and program it, electricity, building costs, tea coffee suger milk, a girl to promote it, video management deparatment?, game testers, bank fees, tax.. I cant think of anything else I'm tired.


Good point, but some of these are renewable resources. The software, the computers they aren't "used up" like cloth and rubber are in the process of making something much like the factory equipment to make the shoes. A good rig and suite of software will cost you 5k minimum a seat 15k would be a sane amount for a lot of bells and whistles.  Factory equipment though involves not only the machines to make the shoes but conveyors packing machinery, forklifts, palletizers... The list goes on, and its nothing DE would ever have to concern themselves with because boltors don't take up warehouse space and there is no such thing as a raw materials for a boltor in a real world sense.


The electricity cost is moot. The shoe factory uses much more than DE would on computers and lighting. Staffing costs as well, the shoe factory has all of those and then the retail store has even more since they are just a middle man. Same goes for bank fees and taxes and the like, only the shoe store gets charged more since they are taxed on their inventory and on their sales tax in some places. Does DE have to pay a sales tax for platinum purchases? Somehow I suspect they don't.


DE has factory ~like~ costs, I'd still say they end up lower than a factory since they don't have raw materials or warehouse costs on top of shipping costs for raw and final products.


DE does NOT have brick and mortar storefront costs though at all.


The two are simply not comparable. All I'm trying to do is make the point that there is a reason shoes will inherently cost more than digital services. Agreed that it would be interesting to know those numbers though.


A better comparison would be to another digital or thought process intensive service. Like commissioning an art piece, or buying an mp3.


Edited by Ryanshow
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You keep bringing up £5 ($7.50 USD at the moment) but things cost a bit more than that. Here's what Vauban costs...


to an impulse buyer (two $10 platinum packs): $17.65

to a whale ($200 platinum pack): $13.95

to a Disciple: $16.22

to a Hunter: $12.30

to a Master: $9.35

to a Grand Master: $8.45


In this thread, there are a lot of free players and Disciples saying everything is too expensive, and a lot of Masters and Grand Masters saying everything is fine. Both groups are right. To big spenders, Vauban is affordable. To anyone who spent $50 or less on Warframe, he costs as much as a AAA title by himself.

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lol to this thread  everyone has different way to spend his money 


some : i dont wanna pay for game its to much and they squishing lot of money on fast foodxD


some: save and not buying lot of fast food to get some ingame currency 


some: have everything and can buy both 


in last  my bud   ( money goes and come btw) spend your money on things u like dont hear to people barks !! :P  spend it to something precious to you before it gone / or u die and regreting for it !! xD 

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I bought new shoes for £50 and they lasted me 2 months.

I bought Boltor for £5 and it lasted 2 months and i still use it !


Platinum compared to real world money is so worth it.


The fun i had on Vauban. O how we chuckled as be bounced around... Best £5 i ever spent on a game.



Stop deleting my posts. There's far worse on here that isn't being censored. Unless you prefer cat pictures.


I don't always waste my money on important internet space game gear, but when I do its Warframe *cough* or EVE *cough*



And what the hell are you doing to your shoes to make them only last 2 months? My current two pair of sneakers are both over a year old, and my work boots that I put 40+ hours a week in a wet, cold milk plant lasted 15 months before they busted apart....they are $220 boots though


but still.... 2 months?

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At the end of the day it's how much fun you received while shelling out the money. If you are having fun, so be it. My friends called me a fool for buying SimCity but in all honesty despite all the bugs and server issue i was having fun with the game. I did not regret my purchase.

Edited by RedFaceGeneral
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You can buy games for 20$ or less in steam ( even more when they on sale), so people compare that to something like should I buy a new video game to have fun with or 1 new warframe.


I personally think 5$ should give you a base of 100 plat instead of 75, and the 50$ one would then be 1250 plat instead of 1000.  so 1000+250 bonus = 1250.  That is my personal opinion, based on what the prices are for items/warframes.


Also your logic on buying something you need that only lasts X amount of time vs entertainment is not a good one.  Like saying food is the biggest wast of money only lasts me 1 day.  Unless you want to run around bare foot and get cut and kicked out of stores.

Edited by MindlessWar
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