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Loki's Invisibility Not So Invisible...


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Loki's invisibility is not helping when even if he is invisible he is always being stalked by a charger, a maniac, a Moa - depending what faction your facing at the time. There is always something RIGHT THERE, even if it wasn't a micro-second ago. It is waiting for you to come out and then it immediately attacks you. It is always in range to get whatever hard attack it has to hit you if you do not react before-hand... which means you have to realize that its going to happen.

 Even worse are the mobs that have knock-down, like the Mutalist Moa. Even when Loki is invisible they seem to see him and attack him by spitting at him and doing their knock down attack. The swarm Moa pinpoints him and sends swarms right after him. Even with a decoy out AND Loki being invisible, those mobs go straight after Loki.

 That is all to say that invisible means you cannot be seen. You shouldn't be followed, you certainly should not be targeted (even Vor's electric grenades cannot target you - why them?). And you should be able to gain some peace because they should not know where you went if you ran away. There is something way off about the current A.I., and it needs to be fixed because it's irritating and begs the question as to why we need it in the first place if it isn't going to serve the function it is expected to.


I also like to add that when Loki is invisible he tends to get "stuck" more than when he is not. It could be a divet in the stairs, something on the ground or even an enemy. He tends to get stalled by environmental objects a lot more than when he is not invisible. Also, he cannot cut through enemies (like a spin cut slicing through enemies). Instead when he is running and runs up on an enemy - or tries to spin cut through them and keep on running, what rather happens is as if he ran into a boulder. He will not cut through them, he comes to a full stop and the enemy stands there to impede him while other mobs join the fight. Even those little electric blobs or whatever they are - he sticks to them like metal to a magnet. I often have to forget attacking them and find my way around or over them. His melee is supposed to be better when he is invisible, yet he can cut right through the same enemies when he is NOT invisible, but not when he is!

SO I took advice and unfortunately Loki is still being "detected" "followed" even stalked. There is still a magic Charger behind Loki everywhere he goes, waiting to attack him as soon as he comes out of invisibility. There are also the "pop-up" leapers, and the Moa that appear right beside you with it's foot already raised up. - This AI just wonky, it's brutalizing and punishing. I went to ODS to get test out the all new super silent Loki and the results were not promising. I have some pics here;

Here is my Loki summary - nothing special, just shows you I have Shade, Amprex (Hushed) and Despair. I also have Irradiated Disarm which EVERY WHERE ELSE causes the mobs to fight each other - not so in the Derelict (ODS) for some strange reason. They get irradiated - but they still go after YOU. Anyways, here's Loki:




OK my Amprex setup - just so you know it's been silenced.:



And Shade's weapon was told to shut up too:



Here I am putting down a Decoy:



And going into Invisibility:






I was trying to see how long it would take and also attacking:



And looky here - Mr. Invisible has company...:



Note that I kept that decoy over there until I left the area...:


Another Charger visiting the "Invisible" Loki...:




Here I am in another area - not that the Decoy counter is still going. The Decoy is not far. Note also that I have a magic Charger hanging around me, despite the fact that I have a decoy and I am invisible:



There was a Charger on my tail the whole time, usually just behind me. There were also moments when other beasts would just pop up on me (I was climbing the tree in the middle and suddenly all types of wild life were "spawning" right next to me...) - that Moa knocking me out of the tree (yes I was invisible)being most annoying. I have to go back to get pics of those moments... they seemed to have disappeared...


SO FAR, LOKI's INVISIBILITY IS LOOKING BROKEN... the investigation continues...


Edited by magusat999
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They can remember where were you before you stealthed, and also can hear your gunshots and attack there...so if it's really sucha problem for you

1-don't stealth infront of their faces and stay there

2-either equip hushed invisibility or play mele.

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They can remember where were you before you stealthed, and also can hear your gunshots and attack there...so if it's really sucha problem for you

1-don't stealth infront of their faces and stay there

2-either equip hushed invisibility or play mele.


I am aware of how to be stealthy and my post is in consideration of that (I've been playing since 2013). Tha being said - one of my examples is constantly being stalked by a (magic) enemy who waits for you to come out of invisibility. I didn't say "stealthed in front of their face" or "shooting loud gun". When I go stealth I usually carry silent weapons, so that is a non-consideration. Also, even if you weapon is not silent, they should only know the last position you used it - that does not explain them always being on your tail, waiting for your invisibility to expire so they can attack you.


Invisibility means that you can't be seen; heard however....


If you were being stealthy and they still target you, well there's a problem! :/


Right - and whether or not you weapons are "stealthy" they still target you. I've had quite a few occasions where Loki is just standing there ( invisible)  and a "pop-up" Mutalist Moa appears right beside him with it's foot in "Im gonna stomp and knock you down" position. If it cannot see me - who is it knocking down??? Does it just stomp for nothing???

Edited by magusat999
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If you have ever tried a full stealth (always be invisible, using suppressed weapons, killing isolated enemies so that no one notices the bodies) exterminate mission by using Loki/Ash you will realize something is very wrong with how AI reacts to invisibility.

Sometimes when Invisibility/Smoke Bomb wears off, some random enemies will act as if they has seen you and enter alarmed state. I have seen this many time by using Scanner to scan through walls before I turn the corner or walk through a door. The moment Invisibility expires they instantly act as if they knew that I was there, even if I were behind walls with no direct line of sight towards them and no alarms raised. That lead me to suspect that enemies' AI always has aimbot and know exactly where we are but they just pretend that they don't. Then the AI coding sometimes bugs out and let enemies enter alarmed state even though players cannot be spotted in such situations.

Edited by neoragdoll
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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted some pics of my so-called Invisible adventures in the OP. I will probably have to do a video so people can get a full feeling of what i mean - invisible is not invisible if you can be stalked and followed while you are invisible...

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Yeah, lets give the most Overpowered frame another buff.

No - lets fix an ability so it does what it is supposed to do. It isn't a buff, it's a correction. Enemies should not see you or detect you if you are invisible and all of your weapons are hushed. Just because you think a thing is OP, or don't like it, is not an excuse to keep an aspect of it broken. I could see your issue if it were just about thinking some things were over powered and you were whining for a nerf, but this is not that topic and we are talking about an ability not working, not an op Warframe. If your going to respond, please stay on topic.


putting the decoy down makes them alert, so they'll go and find you. try doing the test without alerting them.

Putting the decoy down is supposed to put them on alert FOR THE DECOY. They shouldn't be leaving the decoy area and coming after you - especially if you are invisible and all of your equipment is hushed. Now say the decoy got destroyed, and your invisibility wore off - yes, I can see them coming after you. But whether they are on alert or not has no bearing on them seeing you or detecting you - and also, being on alert was not the issue with that charger following me and spawning behind me everywhere I went (it wasn't the same Charger, it just happens to be A CHARGER spawning off camera...).

Edited by magusat999
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Putting the decoy down is supposed to put them on alert FOR THE DECOY. They shouldn't be leaving the decoy area and coming after you - especially if you are invisible and all of your equipment is hushed. Now say the decoy got destroyed, and your invisibility wore off - yes, I can see them coming after you. But whether they are on alert or not has no bearing on them seeing you or detecting you - and also, being on alert was not the issue with that charger following me and spawning behind me everywhere I went (it wasn't the same Charger, it just happens to be A CHARGER spawning off camera...).


Like I said, have you tried without the decoy? just plain invisibility? I've never had this issue.

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Like I said, have you tried without the decoy? just plain invisibility? I've never had this issue.

Yes, I did try it without the Decoy, that did not stop the magic Charger from trailing me, waiting for my Invisibility to wear off, and "pop-up" spawning just off camera - right beside or behind me. I thought that was clear in the last sentence - following me should draw a picture that it has nothing to do with a decoy - because a decoy cant follow me...


It isn't always a Charger either, sometimes its a leaper or a Moa with it's foot raised. They love to spawn one of those right by you when your fighting other mobs, so it can knock you down and have them maul you up. Like someone is stupid and didn't notice there was NO MOA in the AREA when they started swinging.


I'd like you to just notice next time you are doing infested survival solo (ODS). Open the chat box for 10 - 20 seconds. Hack a console if there is one (probably not in ODS). Go to your mini-menu (gear menu) not quickly, take a few seconds as if your deciding on something. Open the game menu (press escape). Go to a clear area and let your invisibility wear off. Go to an area that isn't clear, but a part that there is nothing near you and let your invisibility wear off. Even if you turn it right back on. I hope you don't say, "I did all that and nothing happened to me..." But then, that doesn't men it isn't happening to anyone... I showed the pics!



I dont have an issue with enemies or challenging enemies - or even big spawns. My issue is HOW they are spawning. Spawning from another room or closet and running to where I am is fine - spawning right behind me because the camera doesn't show that cone is just cheap. Spawning right next to me because I turned left or right and am not looking that direction is cheap. The enemies should come from somewhere - not spawn out of thin air. This aggressive spawning is why Loki's invisibility doesn't seem to work - because the spawn technique is inconsiderate of his invisibility.

Edited by magusat999
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No - lets fix an ability so it does what it is supposed to do. It isn't a buff, it's a correction. Enemies should not see you or detect you if you are invisible and all of your weapons are hushed. Just because you think a thing is OP, or don't like it, is not an excuse to keep an aspect of it broken. I could see your issue if it were just about thinking some things were over powered and you were whining for a nerf, but this is not that topic and we are talking about an ability not working, not an op Warframe. If your going to respond, please stay on topic.

Putting the decoy down is supposed to put them on alert FOR THE DECOY. They shouldn't be leaving the decoy area and coming after you - especially if you are invisible and all of your equipment is hushed. Now say the decoy got destroyed, and your invisibility wore off - yes, I can see them coming after you. But whether they are on alert or not has no bearing on them seeing you or detecting you - and also, being on alert was not the issue with that charger following me and spawning behind me everywhere I went (it wasn't the same Charger, it just happens to be A CHARGER spawning off camera...).

A correction to a frame, no, the frame, that has been floodet with benefits over the years like no other. That doesn't only hold the throne for his own class(stealth v ash) but also beats nyx in his own game (aug), and is overall the strongest frame in generall. Just so you don't have to set a decoy to, ya know, not get caught in the INTENDET aggro system. Rly?

How about a fix by actually balancing him into the game? Meaning a major nerf to his overall kit.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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