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A Solution To Stop De Getting So Much Crap About Pvp


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Ok, now anyone who played (and wasn't too bad at) the old PvP most likely wants it back. However (correct me if I'm wrong) DE have NEVER gone back on something that they have "fixed". So the solution. Digital Extremes... If you would take the small amount of time to implement the old PvP 1.0 system while retaining the PvP 2.0 system that would be much appreciated.


If you do choose to re-implement PvP 1.0 plz give us the PROPER PvP 1.0... Not the damage nerfed one or the non-crit one... PvP 1.0 is a system that being unbalanced in the whole point, people showing each other who is better by using the same weapon or having the freedom to use a weapon you feel comfortable using. Not to mention the old movement. Before you guys nerfed parkour people would have conclaves going where we would practice using existing routes and would spend hours linking them together and finding the best ways around the map.The infinite wall run being nerfed was also a massive letdown. That was the way that, in PvE and PvP, people used to get places or if you were a small distance away from the target you almost reached you would press control and you would make it.


DE the solution to your problem is to give us back PvP 1.0 while retaining PvP 2.0.

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I don't know if you know this but PvP 1.0 was a joke. A bad one at that. If you made a new account, went through all the Vor's prize crap, and then went into the dark sector conflicts, or even normal conclaves, you would get rekt! But that's the problem, there is no sympathy with this community. There is only what the individual wants. You really have to consider other people, bro. 

Here's an analogy for you; When DE made PvP 1.0 it was a really huge mess, a mess so big you couldn't see what color the floor was. How the heck are you supposed to clean that!? Well, DE had to make a tough choice, and start reorganizing. About half way through, DE let us know that they were cleaning their mess(making PvP 2.0), and when we saw it, it seemed better, but we could still see stains(exploits) and piles of garbage(bugs), but at least they know what color the floor was(they could see the direction of development going somewhere nice). So while the room is still pretty messy, DE is working to make it clean for a change.


PvP 1.0 DIED, that's why DE revamped it, so it could LIVE.

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Now with Pvp 2.0 scrubs actually have a fighting chance 

How is that a good thing. Giving tools in order to make bad players beat good players gives no incentive to get better at a game. It pisses of vets and it bores newer players, ad their boring, easy to perform tactics always win.


It's like halo 4, and look at the longevity of that game, died in almost 2 months.


I don't know if you know this but PvP 1.0 was a joke. A bad one at that. If you made a new account, went through all the Vor's prize crap, and then went into the dark sector conflicts, or even normal conclaves, you would get rekt! But that's the problem, there is no sympathy with this community. There is only what the individual wants. You really have to consider other people, bro. 

Here's an analogy for you; When DE made PvP 1.0 it was a really huge mess, a mess so big you couldn't see what color the floor was. How the heck are you supposed to clean that!? Well, DE had to make a tough choice, and start reorganizing. About half way through, DE let us know that they were cleaning their mess(making PvP 2.0), and when we saw it, it seemed better, but we could still see stains(exploits) and piles of garbage(bugs), but at least they know what color the floor was(they could see the direction of development going somewhere nice). So while the room is still pretty messy, DE is working to make it clean for a change.


PvP 1.0 DIED, that's why DE revamped it, so it could LIVE.

If de and the PvP community made an effort. And attempted to teach it's players how to play we would not have this problem. Making a game easier for newer players, is the easy way out and quite frankly was a terrible decision on their part.


PvP 1.0 did not die, it had a small niche community that was very active. Look at pvp 2.0 it takes me at least 5-10 mins to find a game whereas in 1.0 I always found one or joined a friend. People don't care about 2.0 as much as people cared for 1.0. Hell the only reason I am still on this part of the forums is because I don't want the devs to further destroy my favorite part about warframe.



PVP 1.0


unbalance, easy example: heavy melee weapon.

so what. You have to understand that some weapons work for pvp and others do not. You cant just take everything from a pve game, tweak it and expect it to be effective and fair in pvp. 1.0 had standards, and the skill sets that players demanded required a quick weapon, that is how the game was played as it was fully community based. 


Think of it as a custom game where the rules are agreed upon all the game's devotees.

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Now with Pvp 2.0 scrubs actually have a fighting chance 


Eh, not really. The movement system is still flexible enough that you can out play bad players heavily.

The main difference is that one won´t be at a big disadvantage for not optimizing ones mods and it is a bit easier to pick good weapons for pvp.

Still being on equal footing in terms of gear won´t help much if one lacks behind in terms of movement and aiming skill.



People don't care about 2.0 as much as people cared for 1.0. Hell the only reason I am still on this part of the forums is because I don't want the devs to further destroy my favorite part about warframe.


Conclave 2.0 has actually become my favorite thing in Warframe. I would hope that there are a lot of people who enjoy it like I do but I guess looking at the forums it mostly seems to be dominated by complaints.

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Conclave 2.0 has actually become my favorite thing in Warframe. I would hope that there are a lot of people who enjoy it like I do but I guess looking at the forums it mostly seems to be dominated by complaints.

You are not alone my friend, as you can see most of the complains come from 1.0 gun play dominant system, they are still adapting about this new amazing pvp.


The only way to stop getting so much crap, its stop trying to make 1.0 come, and stop complain about the balanced system on this new pvp, where skills dont 1 shot, melee are underpowered, and guns still are the most common thing on shooters.

i dont know... 

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You are not alone my friend, as you can see most of the complains come from 1.0 gun play dominant system, they are still adapting about this new amazing pvp.

adapting. Bro, i do great in my games. I adapted pretty well and I still "complain". 


Not because of adapting but because the game is inherently flawed, when looked at objectively. Currently, and I think I can speak for the 1.0 community here, there is 1.0 player that is "adapting", hell they are still destroying in games, I see it all the time.


We can play, but we understand the flaws of what we are playing and thus project them on the forums. Stop assuming that we cant adapt and we are crying about it. We did adapt, were just more critical about the games we play :)

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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You do realize scrubs in pvp 1.0 didn't stand a chance against vets, DE got a ton of crap from pvp 1.0... 


Now with Pvp 2.0 scrubs actually have a fighting chance 

But, sir, does a True PvPer not enjoy fighting against the useless and weak, mocking them for their failures, and demanding they uninstall the game?

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adapting. Bro, i do great in my games. I adapted pretty well and I still complain. 


Not because of adapting but because the game is inherently flawed, when looked at objectively. Currently, and I think I can speak for the 1.0 community here, there is 1.0 player that is "adapting", hell they are still destroying in games, I see it all the time.


We can play, but we understand the flaws of what we are playing and thus project them on the forums. Stop assuming that we cant adapt and we are crying about it. We did adapt, were just more critical about the games we play :)

Im not who complain about "I see people who never touched a real 1.0 conclave game in their life and somehow have a higher K/D than some of the 1.0 veterans I have seen in WF"

You tell me, what are the flaws that are currently on this new pvp.

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Im not who complain about "I see people who never touched a real 1.0 conclave game in their life and somehow have a higher K/D than some of the 1.0 veterans I have seen in WF"

You tell me, what are the flaws that are currently on this new pvp.

1) Lack Of Dedicated Servers

2) Lack Of Skill based matchmaking

3) The fact that melee can literally stop you in your tracks and instagib you. Also considering that it is the most effective method to kill. Join a TDM game see how many E spammers you find. I just played a game 30  mins ago and was graced with a full team of melee spammers, starring the furax, boltace, dex dakra and prisma skanna.




4) The fact that powers are a deciding factor in almost 80% of fights amongst players in addition to the accessibility and fast respawn time of powers.

just gonna drop this here, check Fungineer's recent post if you want to find it.


It's 40 seconds. I counted. You're welcome.


5) The fact that the game is so accessible that there is no skill curve amongst exploitable weapons and powers, thus reducing the depth of the game to, Grab energy press numbers and then E. Also considering that players who played the game for much longer and are clearly more skilled are getting killed way to many times by power spamming. It devalues everything that 1.0 players mastered.

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1) Lack Of Dedicated Servers

2) Lack Of Skill based matchmaking

3) The fact that melee can literally stop you in your tracks and instagib you. Also considering that it is the most effective method to kill. Join a TDM game see how many E spammers you find. I just played a game 30  mins ago and was graced with a full team of melee spammers, starring the furax, boltace, dex dakra and prisma skanna.


Okay, you have trouble with a Fang prime? Normal Skana too? Melee spamm its constant press E? What about the constant LMB Spamm for Semi automatic weapons? It is Spamm too?

The most effective metod to kill, its Guns, at the current state of melee.

Lets go DE, nerf the melee weapons, or better take it out of the game, because community, no, that is general, players who want a focused gun gameplay dont like that player choice.

Do you read what you say? About melee weapons? (hell i know that people its really annonying, and i dont like untill they add dragon nikana on the game, but because i dont like, i dont ask for a nerf of that weapons, because i know they are really balanced, like glaive, no?).


4) The fact that powers are a deciding factor in almost 80% of fights amongst players in addition to the accessibility and fast respawn time of powers.

just gonna drop this here, check Fungineer's recent post if you want to find it.


No, powers give advantajes on the game on low stats warframes, and create a diferent type of pvp gameplay, a different type of shooter. 


5) The fact that the game is so accessible that there is no skill curve amongst exploitable weapons and powers, thus reducing the depth of the game to, Grab energy press numbers and then E. Also considering that players who played the game for much longer and are clearly more skilled are getting killed way to many times by power spamming. It devalues everything that 1.0 players mastered.


Define exploitable weapons? O yeah, melee, that have sense, i think.

Powers exploitable? 

Press E? Dont talk about "skills" because what you, or everyone (maybe? who comes from 1.0? well most of the people who claim about the E are 1.0 players, not all, but most..) think about "skills" is just aim, and shoot, nothing more.


About 1.0 mastered, what can i say, in a game mode where 1 energy orb says nothing, and where melee was just for move, i think you have mastered your aim... Right?

That is skill? Nothing more? Movement too i think, because people who run... You know...





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But, sir, does a True PvPer not enjoy fighting against the useless and weak, mocking them for their failures, and demanding they uninstall the game?


Wtf? who enjoys kicking petty players? they don't even put up a challenge... 


PvP 1.0 was boring for me, not because I died 24/7 but because I killed 24/7, its like you're playing with AI instead of players...


Pvp 1.0 was like bullying little kids, if you enjoy that, then you're pathetic 

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I wonder if OP really believes that DE is getting a lot of crap over PvP 2.0.  I really doubt the tiny remnant of sadfaced pvp 1.0 players that won't move on are even on their radar.



Wtf? who enjoys kicking petty players? they don't even put up a challenge... 


PvP 1.0 was boring for me, not because I died 24/7 but because I killed 24/7, its like you're playing with AI instead of players...


Pvp 1.0 was like bullying little kids, if you enjoy that, then you're pathetic 

PvP 1.0 was like instagib tdm only with a gear barrier.

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I think that everyone should wait a minute: the only thing that I don't like about this new pvp is "the work in progress atmosphere". This is not a thing that has developed and it's ready to launch, we get updates every months and it is not spotless yet. When everything that is in the game will be available in conclave, we will able to judge.

But for me the fact is one: if you want to do something, you do it good or don't do it. Giving few warframes, few weapons, few maps and few game modes is not something that can be called pvp 2.0, is still work in progress 

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