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This Chart Is Best To Say Melee And Power Do Never Be Op Or The Best Way To Kill


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Well...your sample is ....not so right.....just like you are comparing a low end  automatic car to a high end manual  gearbox car....

because as I know....the fastest m! production car in the world is "Bugatti Veyron", which have used a fully automatic mode to defeat F1 racer after it hits the max speed in that race(320km/h), actually with the computer tech we have human hand is no match to them, they can input fuel and balance the force the car really need to maintain the max speed in every second.

Bugatti Veyron can be driven in either semi-automatic or fully automatic mode *


You didn't read what I posted at all.

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can MM get kills without aiming?, yes/no, you have to aim in order to start tracking, and the track is lost soon as the target makes any fast movement, watch from 0 to 50


can you kill a Furax+MM who had the initiation?, jump to 1:00 <-- btw 1st hit deals the entire damage before vex armor procs, as in breaks shields + hurts hp before vex armor works, unwanted behaviour DE?


Is furax OP? you would need to test it against burst cqc weapons, not daikyus, vectis, bo primes, but dex dakra, boar, sybaris, tonfas, also, you would have to compare its ttk

If this was this supposed to support melee, you failed, because it clearly show how broken it is.

You killed players aiming at the opposite direction.

You answered your own question: Can MM get kills without aiming? Yes.

Edited by RexSol
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can MM get kills without aiming?, yes/no, you have to aim in order to start tracking, and the track is lost soon as the target makes any fast movement, watch from 0 to 50

can you kill a Furax+MM who had the initiation?, jump to 1:00 <-- btw 1st hit deals the entire damage before vex armor procs, as in breaks shields + hurts hp before vex armor works, unwanted behaviour DE?

Is furax OP? you would need to test it against burst cqc weapons, not daikyus, vectis, bo primes, but dex dakra, boar, sybaris, tonfas, also, you would have to compare its ttk

Thanks for proving the points of practically every single 1.0 player who thinks that melee need to be looked at.

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If this was this supposed to support melee, you failed, because it clearly show how broken it is.

You killed players aiming at the opposite direction.

You answered your own question: Can MM get kills without aiming? Yes.


Im not supporting anything but the game itself, trying to be as objective as a player can be and giving serious feedback backed with the little evidence that a single player can build, instead of going around calling it OP without any analisys to back my claims


i could simply have handpicked the moments where i was killed, but im not inclined to information manipulation, now lets talk about those 2 deaths, the guy was literally sticking by my side on his own, he clearly didnt know the risk, the rest of players dissapeared instantly, because as i said, MM needs you to aim in order to start tracking, and as i wasnt actively aiming, i couldnt track em, sure i could kill the player that served himself in a silver plate, the entire rest of them didnt took more than 1 punch, what does this prove?, what i said, it can kill people without aiming, just as if you stood in front of my gun i could kill you without doing anything else than LMB, and under the same not aiming, it cant kill people who moves fast


Here you are calling it broken, ¿why, because MM keeps tracking a guy who stays right there like 1 meter away?, to me that looks unnecessarily easy to perform under its own optimal condition, MM requires little discipline in that particular weapon, but i would call this thing broken if the proper mechanics and weapons couldnt deal with it, if it was broken it would kill snipers from 30 meters, or would win over dex dakra, which it doesnt as far as i have seen


And as far as i can remember, i was the first adressing the furax MM issue in this forum before anyone even knew that furax existed

Edited by rockscl
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Thanks for proving the points of practically every single 1.0 player who thinks that melee need to be looked at.

I come from 1.0, and i dont think on that way, im defend melee players (im not one of them... i looking at you Dragon nikana), for you, at elast melee should be to move, how you have say on a match...

So, melee was looked, nerfed, removed headshots multipler, spin damage bonus, nerfed, nerfed again, if they remove MM, people still is going to complain, untill all melee does the same damage as bo prime, or fang prime.

Edited by Grimlock-
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First of all i don't label myself a ''1.0 player'' i am just a PvP player, always been and always will be no matter what version of PvP is changed. I've stated multiple times, i quite like PvP 2.0 and i am not against the use of powers or melee. I like Warframe precisely because of that mix of weapons and abilities, and for the fluid parkour and mobility (And also the Art and Sound but thats irrelevant).

I also use melees just like you, but i am honest to admit how over powered some of them are. Not to mention how broken Blocking is, and how easy it is to close the gap and repeatedly mash E in comparison to using guns. I just want the developers to find a balance between guns, melee, and abilities. I don't want them to be nerfed to the ground. But to be balanced to at least equal level, in proportion to the level of effort required to effectively use them. Track a target using a sustained gun or a reflex shot with a semi-auto, takes way more effort than, let's say, farm 100 energy and press 4, or get close to the target and press E. 

Martial Magnetism just make it much worse. In my opinion MM was the worst idea they ever, not just for PvP, but the worst idea ever in the whole game. It should not exist. They should just remove it entirely.
Edited by RexSol
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First of all i don't label myself a ''1.0 player'' i am just a PvP player, always been and always will be no matter what version of PvP is changed. I've stated multiple times, i quite like PvP 2.0 and i am not against the use of powers or melee. I like Warframe precisely because of that mix of weapons and abilities, and for the fluid parkour and mobility (And also the Art and Sound but thats irrelevant).

I also use melees just like you, but i am honest to admit how over powered some of them are. Not to mention how broken Blocking is, and how easy it is to close the gap and repeatedly mash E in comparison to using guns. I just want the developers to find a balance between guns, melee, and abilities. I don't want them to be nerfed to the ground. But to be balanced to at least equal level, in proportion to the level of effort required to effectively use them. Track a target using a sustained gun or a reflex shot with a semi-auto, takes way more effort than, let's say, farm 100 energy and press 4, or get close to the target and press E. 

Martial Magnetism just make it much worse. In my opinion MM was the worst idea they ever, not just for PvP, but the worst idea ever in the whole game. It should not exist. They should just remove it entirely.


MM is first design for heavy melee to balance the speed in WF will make them never could make a hit on someone who "know" how to "run" in WF


But player just finds out its more effective to use on light melee :P  Some player will always try to abuse anything they can abuse :P



Believe me without MM will make heavy melee go worst than now and will be forgotten like all other version of PVP before

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I come from 1.0, and i dont think on that way, im defend melee players (im not one of them... i looking at you Dragon nikana), for you, at elast melee should be to move, how you have say on a match...

So, melee was looked, nerfed, removed headshots multipler, spin damage bonus, nerfed, nerfed again, if they remove MM, people still is going to complain, untill all melee does the same damage as bo prime, or fang prime.

P R A C T I C A L L Y every single. As in not everyone but an overwhelming majority. Please read before you post.

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