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Ash's Power Really Need A Balance In Pvp


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You have no sense for the scale of numbers. FrostP has 20% more shield and about 27% more armour but ashp has 50% more health which scales of armour (which by the way has diminishing returns AshP reduces about 1/3 of neutral damage while FrostP about 0.39 ). AshP has 350 effective health vs neutral damage and FrostP 313. So no, not "even if" - run the numbers before bringing irrelevent arguments.


For the rest I laughed since A is incredibly easy to dodge and basicly requires luck or bad players to hit B does not kill AshP (though it is a good ability which seems like a fair traid off for 40 less health and less speed) and C... just no - frost globe is a bad ability compared to his 1 and no matter how hyperbolic you frame your statments it doesn´t change the truth.


Do I see? Well yes, I do see that to rationalize is easier than actually confront reality.



Still , 37 "effective healt " does not mean that you must have 4 useless ability. And yet However , is not that easy to dodge avalanche When It's behind a wall , the freeze + Vectis headshot is annoying as f * ck and snow globe is better than teleport .
However is always nice to see how some people can be nice to the other , thank you for your scholarly mathematic wisdom
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Still , 37 "effective healt " does not mean that you must have 4 useless ability. And yet However , is not that easy to dodge avalanche When It's behind a wall , the freeze + Vectis headshot is annoying as f * ck and snow globe is better than teleport .
However is always nice to see how some people can be nice to the other , thank you for your scholarly mathematic wisdom


His 4th isn't useless, I have often been one shot by it and there is absolutely no way to counter it.

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His 4th isn't useless, I have often been one shot by it and there is absolutely no way to counter it.


You get 1 shot because you use valkyr. Bladestorm ignores armour and does 150 damage. Since valkyrs health and shield adds to 150, she dies.


It can't 1 shot any other frame.

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I like that Ash's shurikens don't deal insane damage. I've used it to finish off fleeing targets, or to soften targets.

I also don't think movement speed matters that much given the small variations we have and that once fighting starts people don't sprint but rather parkour to dodge and reposition.

Comparing it to frosts and embers 1 which have status effects I wouldn't mind if shuriken applied a 3 second bleed proc that dealt 2 damage pe we tick for an extra 6 damage over time.

Does Ash get an invisible damage bonus if attacking someone while invisible? That can make for a good invis -> teleport combo. I don't really like ash so don't know these things as I don't use him.

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I think for how abundant energy is, I find it okay that powers do not 1 shot on most frames.

If energy was a lot less common, then it would need some sort of damage increase. But I think its fine as it is now.

Energy is not easy to gain if you play with someone who decide and plan to grab most energy in the field.



I use 6 stopper on my screen to counting every orb spam time , and after I control the energy supply, I don't even need to afraid anyone use ulta in the left of match.


Thats kind of skill, take alot of calculation, route mapping for most points you can get(you never could take all 6 spots of energy), predict how many energy holding in the map & the players.




Actually it's more difficult than just aim and shoot.

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Thats kind of skill, take alot of calculation, route mapping for most points you can get(you never could take all 6 spots of energy), predict how many energy holding in the map & the players.

you see that would be applicable, and I would agree with you. But I wont, simply because once again, energy is too abundant. 


If this was a halo 3 board, I would agree, but this is powerframe so no.

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you see that would be applicable, and I would agree with you. But I wont, simply because once again, energy is too abundant. 


If this was a halo 3 board, I would agree, but this is powerframe so no.

abundant ? 8 player share 6 orbs in every 45 second.




I can't see anyone can use a ulta pre match if all of you calculation and decide to grab all energy orb like me.




lucky most WF players won't do it, they just see one grab one:P   And match with random nubs which most of them not even know where the energy spawn, and blame the energy "abundant"

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lucky most WF players won't do it, they just see one grab one:P   And match with random nubs which most of them not even know where the energy spawn, and blame the energy "abundant"


or maybe because some players don't like using powers because its easy. Just sayin, a lot of players still stay true to that.

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or maybe because some players don't like using powers because its easy. Just sayin, a lot of players still stay true to that.

So those player give up their right only.


you can don't spam power on other player but still control the energy supply, they just don't want/have the skills to calculated how to control the map, just pewpewpew and jump jump jump,  and blame the energy "abundant"

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Kudos for swinging the good arguement, but you won't get through. I hope we will just get a selectable gamemode for those of us who would rather focus on the mobility mechanic's and twitch reflex shooting rather than melee crutches and Target softening/slowing powers and 1 shot AOE ultimates.

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So those player give up their right only.


you can don't spam power on other player but still control the energy supply, they just don't want/have the skills to calculated how to control the map, just pewpewpew and jump jump jump,  and blame the energy "abundant"

I call the energy abundant because I am actually critical about when I play a game. I am just identifying flaws. Win or Lose, bad or good. I am simply looking at the game and saying what I think is wrong. I actually purge energy in order to keep it away, but of course you have to make fals assumptions. Please Stop

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I call the energy abundant because I am actually critical about when I play a game. I am just identifying flaws. Win or Lose, bad or good. I am simply looking at the game and saying what I think is wrong. I actually purge energy in order to keep it away, but of course you have to make fals assumptions. Please Stop

As i see, you call the energy abundant is because you think you're always face 4-6 new players or 1V1 2V2.games

So you seems to be easy to get alot energy in a game


And you don't have full tactic design to control most energy flows, and when someone skillful at that makes the game toward him because the powers, and you think it's because the map have too much energy.


Actually the energy is very finite in advanced matches.

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