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Whats The Easiest Way To Get Stalker To Come After You?


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Herobrine was removed from Minecraft in update 1.6.6 and has now joined Warframe under a new name and skin. He is now known as a the "Stalker" and comes to kill you at odd times.


Don't expect him and he will come.

Expect him and he shall not appear.

He'll appear when you're ready.

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What is Stalker?

The Stalker is an ominous, vengeful figure that infrequently appears during missions, encountered with a level that ranges anywhere between 30 to 70, that will target and attack a single player within the current cell. This enemy will taunt the player with messages in a similar fashion as bosses. For the duration of these messages, the targeted player's HUD will flicker, along with any surrounding lights. After a total of three taunts, the stalker will teleport into the session and proceed to attack the targeted player. 


Everyjuan should know this by now. Play more warframe.




  1. A person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.
  2. A person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.
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The Stalker is really DE_Steve in cognito.


Everytime people exploit weapons to destroy bosses, DE_Steve cries inside a little for not making the game harder.

He decided to take it upon himself to punish these gamers, fitting himself with gear that ONLY he could have created.

The ultimate pay-back.


But in all seriousness, go on a boss killing spree then do a whole bunch of moderate-hard solo missions and make sure you equip a Shade.



Because Invis is the greatest counter to the Stalker and it's hilarious watching mobs kill him for you... or visa versa o.O

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