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Some Random Weapons


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I just got new automatic pencil, so... Yeah...


http://i.imgur.com/dCPKAkz.png'>full res | http://i.imgur.com/vlA4Nzn.png'>original


1. Heavy pistol. Enormous damage, stun effect, low fire rate, high accuracy, medium clip size

2. Sniper rifle shooting bolts (like bolto and boltor). Boltron maybe? Piercing damage and Metal Auger effect. Low fire rate, high damage, single bullet clip size (bolt-action)

3. Sword and Dagger with stun, or probably armor piercing damage.

4. Shotgun with minor armor piercing damage. Low damage, low fire rate (pump-action), medium clip size

5. Random grenade launcher. Because why not!


More are coming soon

Edited by Angius
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Next portion!

http://i.imgur.com/47hheHX.png'>full res | http://i.imgur.com/ko0mFsq.png'>original


6. Medium pistol, something like Lato, maybe with little bigger clip

7. Two-handed sword, ignoring armor

8. Heavy dagger/short sword - ignoring armor

9. Autorifle - Braton with better accuracy and damage, but lower fire rate

10. Something like Gorgon, but with even bigger clip and lower fire rate.

11. Viper with Furis clip

12. Heavy pole weapon - Naginata. Huge range, can hit multiple enemies, slow, but very destructive swings. Charged attack is charge with Naginata pointing towards enemy.

13. I don't really know, what the hell ist that... Maybe Scindo skin with puncture?

14. Kunai Prime - slower, but dealing more damage.

15. Just another assault rifle. Low fire rate, but high damage with armor piercing. Single-shots very accurate, but long bursts... Well... Like Grakata.

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Those are really elegant!

I love the grenade launcher, a very unconventional but interesting grip design!

Keep it up!

Look at the date... HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE O.O

Explanation: this post was sent AFTER second part of my weapons... Kinda strange, huh?

Thanks, though :)

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Third post in a row, but well, nobody else is posting here, so...



http://i.imgur.com/ffpTKtS.png'>full res | http://i.imgur.com/a2UfgyC.png'>original


1. Saw or Disc launcher - dismembering weapon, can hit multiple targets if in a row. It can bounce off the armor, but it's deadly against flesh.

2. Chainsword. Because WHY NOT?

3. Bolt(ish) Pistol - shooting short bolts accelerated by high-speed motor.

4. Auger. Just Auger. Two-handed mass of mechanical destruction. Can pierce through armor, covers, shields, maybe even walls.

5. Plasma Lance. Who was waching Stargate SG-1? Exactly. This one is different, because it has blades on both sides. It can be equipped as primary weapon, and it can be used as meele weapon, when primary is chosen. When you switch to secondary - you can use normal meele.

6. Harpoon - works kinda like Scorpions Whip. Charge attack - throw and pull. Fast attach - attach as with sword† set.

7. Impaler. Pneumatic stake launcher. Ever played Painkiller?

8. Electric (plasma) whip. Electrical-only damage dealing meele weapon. Also drains enemy shields.

9. Shield. C'mon, Grineer got one, why not give one to Tenno? Charged attach is ducking and taking cover (you can still move and shoot), when fast attack is shield bash.


That's all for today :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here you go!

http://i.imgur.com/uZSZu4D.png'>full res | http://i.imgur.com/V1PeXjX.png'>original


1. Grineer blunderbuss shooting shrapnel. Wide damage cone, but armored targets are 80% immune. Also very short range, deadly versus infested when point blank.

2. Acid sprayer. Just acid melting armor and flesh.


4. Admit it, standard daggers are booooring... Why not Karambit? Or better - DUAL KARAMBIT
5. Kathar. Because, y'know, difference is cool. And this is different from swords.

6. Spider grenades. Can be secondary, can be ability. Basically, little robo-spiders searching for enemy and blowing them up.

7. Saw. Sawmen are Butchers, so give the saws for Tenno! Armor ignoring.

8. Infested rifle. Living organism, which will probably move in your hand. Shoo... Spitting acid drips. Or spikes.

9. Infested pistol. Same as #8, but secondary. And with slower fire rate. And semi-auto.

10. Infested Hammer. Not Fragor skin, but different weapon. LIVING weapon. Pretty cool, eh? It can give you Enemy Radar functionality. You know, eyes on your back...

11. Infested Axe. Same as #10, but probably more wobbly.

12. Liquid Hydrogen sprayer. Because Liquid Nitrogen is too mainstream! Probably primary weapon, with same effect as frosts Freeze ability..

13. Infested Dagger. It can deal poison damage. Also, every poisoned enemy can create poisonous cloud on death.


Comment, leave a like, subs... Wait, that's not YouTube...

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Can you do a Warframe lore friendly design of  the weapon used in the movie "Ninja Assassin"?


I think it's called Kyokestu Shoge. Click for a pic.


I'm waiting for a game to use this weapon since I saw that bloody movie. Warframe looks like a good game for it. If you haven't seen the movie, you can look up some youtube videos to see how that's used in the movie.


Slashing weapon, high Range, fast Rate, mid dmg.

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