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Which Is The Most Hated Faction For You?


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infested.. infested by far, if there isnt a parasite eximus, there is a disrupter and if there is a parasite eximus with a disrupter then there will be several healer ancients as well and if you are really lucky there will be several parasite eximus  with several disrupters, and several healer ancients, with several toxin ancients, and with an extra boon one of the parasite eximus will be hiding in a corner, behind something 1 floor below, in a small map where you are affected no matter where you are.. also you get the be the ping pong ball and yoyo frame 

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Grineer, with their homing AoE's that cause knockdown and Napalms with deceiving AoE that passes through everything and Slash-inducing (near-)perfect accuracy and every unit ever possessing infinitely scaling armor.


Them having a "No Reload" hack is annoying, too, but that's not a problem exclusive to the Grineer.

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Probably infested because I don't support Alad V. 


Grineer are too generous, they give out Orokin Reactors and Orokin Catalysts when fighting against Corpus, not to mention most of the time giving higher credit rewards in general. Corpus are greedy, so they almost never dish out something as good against the other faction back.

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