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[Warframe Concept] Paimon - Possession Warframe (Update: 8/1/2015)


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Largely inspired by my earlier Marionette Warframe idea. I thought of a few ideas to take the possession theme to a more extreme level. Don't really have much to go with this, so I may just leave this as is - also not certain about an ultimate.


1 - Possession - Take direct control of an enemy unit, losing access to Parkour and your own weapons but making you immune to damage (as it is all taken by your host) and multiplying the damage you deal with their weapon by 4.


Casting Possession again will cause you to leave the target, knocking them down, dealing some damage, and restoring half of the initial Possession cast cost.


Duration increases how long you can possess a target. Power Strength increases damage bonus.


2 - Emerge - Partially emerge from your host's body, being carried along with them as they continue to move forward in a slow walk and attack enemies on their own while you may rotate to attack in any direction. Both you and your host have their damage multiplied by 3. You remain immune to damage.


Using Emerge increases the duration of your Possession of the target. Movement inputs will alter their course slightly, but the host will never walk of cliffs.


Power Strength increases how high the bonus Duration is AND damage bonus.


Augment - Soul Bond - Casting Emerge will now cause you to completely leave your target, allowing free movement. While you can now take damage again a tether will connect you to your host, as long as you stay within a certain range of your host you it will remain under your control and damage will be shared between the two of you.


Range effects the distance you can move away from your target while maintaining the tether.


3 - Spirit Walk - Leave behind a corporal and visible copy of yourself while you move forward in an invisible state. The copy will draw enemies to attack it and attack nearby enemies, dealing half of your regular damage with its attacks.


Casting Spirit Walk again will return you to the position of your copy, extending your invisibility for a few brief seconds.


Duration increases invisibility. Power strength increases the damage your copy deals.


Augment - Spirit Break - Casting Emerge while using Spirit Walk (and not currently possessing an enemy) will cause your copy to explode, dealing damage to all nearby enemies, and create a similar radius damage around you - but cost you your invisibility.


4 - Mass Shackle - Send out a wave of energy in the direction your facing that spreads out, gaining a larger AoE, the farther it goes before dissipating after a certain range. All enemies caught in range of the wave are stunned for a moment and then placed under the control of the caster - the duration of the control determined by how far they were away from the initial cast.


While enemies function identically to those under Nyx's Mind Control, they are not immune to damage from allies like the Mind Control target is.


Duration increases how long the control will last as longer ranges.

Edited by Morec0
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Everytime he posses someone, you'll hear a faint phrase...




On-topic: I like this idea, although I feel as though the first ability doesn't seem all that useful. I'm not entirely sure on how to change it though...

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Everytime he posses someone, you'll hear a faint phrase...




On-topic: I like this idea, although I feel as though the first ability doesn't seem all that useful. I'm not entirely sure on how to change it though...


It's sort of like a mix between Mind Control and Rift Walk, imo. Ideally you'll be using it to possess the biggest, strongest enemy in the room (i.e. Bombard, Heavy Gunner, or Tech Crewman) to turn enemy fire onto it, while you yourself become immune to all that damage.


Combine that with Emerge - which unless you're using the Augment MAINTAINS your invulnerability - and you've got a recipie for, as Phreak would put it:



Hell, if you're REALLY smart I see no reason why you couldn't use Spirit Walk to go invisible, possess that big target in the middle of the group, get all enemies to kill it quickly, and then when you're forced out of it by its death (because you don't die if your host dies) but are STILL invisible due to Spirit Walk still being active quickly recast Spirit Walk to go back to where you started and start the whole thing over again.



well i didn`t think about the 4th skill but so far sounds like a nice idea... a puppet master would be nice


Aye, it's proving VERY elusive. The only thing I can even remotely think of is basically just a Chaos copy...

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I really like the idea of a possession frame, but I have a few suggestions. I suggest you make the frame more squishy (like as squishy as Loki, if not more) to counter the potentially constant invulnerability of the frame.


I'm also a bit worried about how large the base damage multipliers are. Imagine a Bombard that does 4 times the damage to his enemies than usual... That sounds freaking insane. But since I don't have the exact numbers on how much damage each enemy does on each level and stuff, I'm not gonna throw any exact numbers here.


And about Spirit Walk: is the damage taken by the corporal copy going to be split between it and the invisible copy? Or will the corporal copy take damage normally? If it's the latter, the frame would have to be able to take the hits, meaning that the frame would have to have some high amount of armor. But if that happens, the frame might tread into OP territory IMO.


But I really like the idea. I hope I don't come across as argumentative. I'd just like to give my opinion to improve it, and maybe DE will see this awesome idea and make it happen.

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I'm imagining this to be fun for infested missions, where you could possess a mutalist moa, and see how they like it when you come on and slam...


Honestly I actually hadn't given much thought to the likes of those things and what their primary means of attack do... I suppose that's a matter of figuring our what their primary attack is and running with that


We may very well see players spraying out Tar-Moa Goo on the Infested. KARMA!


I really like the idea of a possession frame, but I have a few suggestions. I suggest you make the frame more squishy (like as squishy as Loki, if not more) to counter the potentially constant invulnerability of the frame.


I'm also a bit worried about how large the base damage multipliers are. Imagine a Bombard that does 4 times the damage to his enemies than usual... That sounds freaking insane. But since I don't have the exact numbers on how much damage each enemy does on each level and stuff, I'm not gonna throw any exact numbers here.


And about Spirit Walk: is the damage taken by the corporal copy going to be split between it and the invisible copy? Or will the corporal copy take damage normally? If it's the latter, the frame would have to be able to take the hits, meaning that the frame would have to have some high amount of armor. But if that happens, the frame might tread into OP territory IMO.


But I really like the idea. I hope I don't come across as argumentative. I'd just like to give my opinion to improve it, and maybe DE will see this awesome idea and make it happen.


Oh yeah, s/he was TOTALLY designed to be a squishy caster, much like how Limbo is, making up for the fact he can avoid enemies via the Rift (though even that needs work).


Aye, I'm not horribly away of the base numbers either, but I would suspect that what deals a lot of damage in higher-level missions would be surrounded by fellow enemies that can take just as much of a beating. I'm not sure about the number myself either, but it seemed like a good guess.


And there is no splitting of damage between the Corporeal and Invisible. Think of the Corporeal copy as Loki's Decoy or Saryn's molt, only with damage and a little more utility thrown in to warrant it's slot as a 3 ability and all the costs that come with. The sort of things that determine Decoy and Molt strength (likely power) would also determine the Corporeal's durability.


And think nothing of it. I like feedback and explaining where I was perhaps vague.

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I rather like Emerge and the augment, vaguely reminds me of Trin's Link.


As for concerns about it making enemies OP, times 3 sounds pretty tame compared to Nyx's 500% damage increase mind control augment. As long as the host can die while possessed, it sounds pretty balanced.

Edited by Aoden
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Huh. I had an idea almost exactly like this as a sort of voodoo/puppet master themed frame in my head.


For the fourth ability, I basically envisioned a kind of taking control over a group of enemies who get tied up by marionette strings and aim where you aim, go where you go, and shoot where you shoot. Kind of a strange cross between Hall of Mirrors and Shadows of the Dead in a way.

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Currently searching through lists of demons and what they're associated with to find a fitting name for this Frame. If you have suggestions, feel free to... suggest them.


I rather like Emerge and the augment, vaguely reminds me of Trin's Link.


As far as concerns about it making enemies OP, times 3 sounds pretty tame compared to Nyx's 500% damage increase mind control augment.


Aye, if I'm under standing the whole matter correct that would give the units a rough 300%/400% bonus - as I do believe 500% is x5?


Of course, the fact that Nyx needs to spend a mod slot to gain that MAY equal it out, but I would argue that the loss of mobility and variety that is pushed onto the player via these abilities (i.e. no parkour/usage of own weapons - unless you cast emerge) plays a similar role.



Huh. I had an idea almost exactly like this as a sort of voodoo/puppet master themed frame in my head.


For the fourth ability, I basically envisioned a kind of taking control over a group of enemies who get tied up by marionette strings and aim where you aim, go where you go, and shoot where you shoot. Kind of a strange cross between Hall of Mirrors and Shadows of the Dead in a way.


A puppetmaster/minion controlling frame is a pet want of mine, especially given how let down I was when I first got Nyx back in the day. I'm all for any idea that uses it to the full potential I see in such an idea.


That ability is interesting, I'm not going to jump it's bones right away because I would like to see if I could find something other than an AoE Chaos-like thingy, but I'll keep it in mind.

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First of all I figured out a name


Cypher-a person or thing of no importance, especially a person who does the bidding of others and seems to have no will of their own(Ironic name if you will)



Stolen Will- Cypher takes an enemies will permanently causing them to follow along attacking his target, and has a limit of 10(maybe like 6 if this is too OP) targets, this amount is increased with power strength.

Edited by geninrising
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First of all I figured out a name


Cypher-a person or thing of no importance, especially a person who does the bidding of others and seems to have no will of their own(Ironic name if you will)



Stolen Will- Cypher takes an enemies will permanently causing them to follow along attacking his target, and has a limit of 10(maybe like 6 if this is too OP) targets, this amount is increased with power strength.


Heh, I like the irony of the name.


I just stumbled upon Paimon myself - a demon from the Ars Goetia that could bind men to the will of the conjurer that summoned it.


As for the ult idea, it feels VERY Shadows of the Dead to me, like a more OP version of it, mixed with Chaos. I think I'll pass.

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I rather like Emerge and the augment, vaguely reminds me of Trin's Link.


As for concerns about it making enemies OP, times 3 sounds pretty tame compared to Nyx's 500% damage increase mind control augment. As long as the host can die while possessed, it sounds pretty balanced.

That augment is total news to me. The More You Know...





And there is no splitting of damage between the Corporeal and Invisible. Think of the Corporeal copy as Loki's Decoy or Saryn's molt, only with damage and a little more utility thrown in to warrant it's slot as a 3 ability and all the costs that come with. The sort of things that determine Decoy and Molt strength (likely power) would also determine the Corporeal's durability.


And think nothing of it. I like feedback and explaining where I was perhaps vague.

Now I get it... Yeah, that's actually pretty awesome. And thanks for the reassurance.


I got a question though: when you possess a target, will the other enemies notice? I'd kind of like to blend into the ranks by possessing one of the enemies and walking around unconspicuously... And that adds to the stealth flavor that the frame gets with the third ability.

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I got a question though: when you possess a target, will the other enemies notice? I'd kind of like to blend into the ranks by possessing one of the enemies and walking around unconspicuously... And that adds to the stealth flavor that the frame gets with the third ability.


This is an interesting point, honestly... I didn't have that in mind when I was doing it, honestly I thought of it more as a different take on mind control than anything...


I DO like the idea of a Warframe that can copy a target's appearance and use that as a new take on Invisibility - over just going invisible - but to combine that with this... I LIKE it, but at the same time I can't help but feel it's overkill in some regards...


It's something to think about... Maybe an augment? Maybe a built-in mechanic? I'll give it some thought....

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What about an ult what connects some enemy together, when you deal damage to one others get some of that damage too, however if you posses an enemy while the ult is on all connected enemy will do what you possesed one do, attack the same enemy move where you move but the connection still works so if the possesed body takes damage all connected enemy takes damage , if one of the controlled enemy takes damage all connected enemy takes damage but only half of the damage will be given to the possesed host.


btw I like the idea, it would be good to have a puppeteer warframe.

Edited by necrogun
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Intresting ult and without the friendly-fire immunity it seems pretty balanced as well.


I didn't write anything in about it, but it also crossed my mind that any kind of damage bonus given to MC targets would be lesser as well - possibly based on how far away they are; maybe going from like 100% bonus to a 25% bonus minimum.

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