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How Parkour 2.0 Feels To Open Minded Veterans.


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Based on the results and their comments, it's pretty clear that taking the easy way out is exactly what they did in regards to wall running. Whether you accept that or not is up to you.

That's your POV, not exactly fact unless you could get a DE member to admit it sure.
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The free wall running in the trailer did look nice, and worked rather well. There's just one issue: where in game, outside of a very select few tiles, do we have large, flat surfaces to run around on? Even the new tile set has lots of uneven surfaces that would make wall runs impossible. The wall jumping allows players to switch surfaces easily and make their own paths through levels.

That's my point. They would have had to program the running to be actual parkour (urban free-running) that dynamically interacted with varying  enviroments.  

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I guess the thing with wall hopping is most players are not ninja reflex to handle wall running.

So the hopping kind of tone it down and made it more noob-friendly.

It's not like every new player spent over 100 hours playing Ninja Gaiden and perfected their wall running and jumping

before playing Warframe.

Wallrunning really was just holding space... Not much skill in it >_>
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I guess the thing with wall hopping is most players are not ninja reflex to handle wall running.

So the hopping kind of tone it down and made it more noob-friendly.

I can agree with that.


That's your POV, not exactly fact unless you could get a DE member to admit it sure.

Like I said, whether people accept it or not is up to them.  I am not going to be able to change fanboys' minds.

Wallrunning really was just holding space... Not much skill in it >_>

If you believe that then it just shows how very little you actually understood of it.

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Wallrunning really was just holding space... Not much skill in it >_>

Did you tried doing the walk up wall + 180 degrees turn and hopping wall to wall ?

In void missions there are rooms with the 4 lasers and a much higher platform in the middle, you need to

perform around 6 consecutive wall hops to reach the tunnel on top of the locker area.

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I can agree with that.

Like I said, whether people accept it or not is up to them. I am not going to be able to change fanboys' minds.

If you believe that then it just shows how very little you actually understood of it.

So taking your POV as fact now eh with not too many things to support it.

Noted. Calling me a fanboy just shows that you have a really weak argument...

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Did you tried doing the walk up wall + 180 degrees turn and hopping wall to wall ?

In void missions there are rooms with the 4 lasers and a much higher platform in the middle, you need to

perform around 6 consecutive wall hops to reach the tunnel on top of the locker area.

Hmm... Got pics? I have a few in mind but I'm not exactly sure of which one you're talking about.
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Did you tried doing the walk up wall + 180 degrees turn and hopping wall to wall ?

In void missions there are rooms with the 4 lasers and a much higher platform in the middle, you need to

perform around 6 consecutive wall hops to reach the tunnel on top of the locker area.

This. You also have to time and space it properly, or your frame would bump their head and fall.  Plus, if you didn't get the 180 degrees correct you would end up missing as well. 

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Did you tried doing the walk up wall + 180 degrees turn and hopping wall to wall ?

In void missions there are rooms with the 4 lasers and a much higher platform in the middle, you need to

perform around 6 consecutive wall hops to reach the tunnel on top of the locker area.

I don't see how that takes skill.

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I don't see how that takes skill.

It isnt much, walking up 3 - 4 steps, turn precisely 180 degrees and hop to continue running

repeat process as necessary.

Just that if you happen to jump any slower after the wall walk or screw it up by turning anything more or less than 180

you will either be falling to the ground or hopping into the air.


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Did you tried doing the walk up wall + 180 degrees turn and hopping wall to wall ?

In void missions there are rooms with the 4 lasers and a much higher platform in the middle, you need to

perform around 6 consecutive wall hops to reach the tunnel on top of the locker area.

Try getting to the top vent in the "plasma" room in the void.  The big open one with the huge capacitors and the really tall elevator.


Yeah, there's a top vent.  It used to be somewhat of a challenge to run up the sides of those capacitors.  Not anymore though.

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Try getting to the top vent in the "plasma" room in the void.  The big open one with the huge capacitors and the really tall elevator.


Yeah, there's a top vent.  It used to be somewhat of a challenge to run up the sides of those capacitors.  Not anymore though.

That was a challenge? 

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You have a video of you doing it?  Because it was certainly more challenging than anything in P2.0, especially after they took out the infinite vert wall runs.

I can't record with my potato, but I do have friends who seen me do it. I was the one who showed them that vent even existed. The only part you could even count as challenging was the jump across to the vent. You didn't even have to actually land in it. You just had to get to the ledge. The magnetism the old wall running had made it quite easy to make your way up, but it was time consuming. 

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You have a video of you doing it? Because it was certainly more challenging than anything in P2.0, especially after they took out the infinite vert wall runs.

Or maybe because P2.0 gives you a lot more control? Trying to parkour with fast frames was weird as you might accidentally slingshot yourself almost every time you try to horizontally wall run.
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Or maybe because P2.0 gives you a lot more control? Trying to parkour with fast frames was weird as you might accidentally slingshot yourself almost every time you try to horizontally wall run.

If you knew what you were doing, you could slingshot (or not) on command.  It could be a bit annoying until you learned how, but it was amazing once you learned to control it.



I can't record with my potato, but I do have friends who seen me do it.

Sorry, but I don't believe you if you are claiming it was somehow easier under the old system versus the new.

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If you knew what you were doing, you could slingshot (or not) on command. It could be a bit annoying until you learned how, but it was amazing once you learned to control it.

Sorry, but I don't believe you if you are claiming it was somehow easier under the old system versus the new.

So easier = worse?
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Sorry, but I don't believe you if you are claiming it was somehow easier under the old system versus the new.

Good for you buttercup. Point was, I never found it to be challenging. I never knew we had to have proof for an opinion. I'm sorry, I'll start recording my life for you so my next opinion can be followed up with a rundown of how I came to that conclusion, but i digress. 


Non sequitur.

How so? That is pretty much the only logical conclusion to your rigorous criticisms of people who don't seem to agree with your thoughts. 

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You have a video of you doing it?  Because it was certainly more challenging than anything in P2.0, especially after they took out the infinite vert wall runs.

It was incredibly easy, you could even intentionally undershoot the hole in the wall and simply brute-force wallrun your way up the the lip, also if you jumped on the crates below it then pretty much any frame would reach the hole in 1 wallrun and a flip easy. Also turning your camera 180* is not hard in the slightest. There were plenty of harder parkour related things that actually had some challenge, if you're using wallrun up and flip as an example then your skill ceiling regarding parkour must've been very low.


As for the "more challenging than anything in P2.0" you've clearly not actually tried parkour 2.0 very much else you'd find there's some really fun, actually challenging things to do.

E.g. http://gfycat.com/AlarmedWhiteKilldeer

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Good for you buttercup. Point was, I never found it to be challenging. I never knew we had to have proof for an opinion. I'm sorry, I'll start recording my life for you so my next opinion can be followed up with a rundown of how I came to that conclusion, but i digress. 


How so? That is pretty much the only logical conclusion to your rigorous criticisms of people who don't seem to agree with your thoughts. 

There is no need for proof for an opinion.  You being able to do the wall run required to make it to that room or not under the old system is not an opinion.


There is no logical connection between what I said and that conclusion.

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