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Umbra Excalibur, De Thats What We Want


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look at the founder right above you lol it was perfect timing 

How does that disprove my statement?

I said "most don't seem to care", not "all founders don't care".

And he is right, DE said they were never releasing it again and to do so under another name would be a very shady loophole.

I'd rather see the real thing released again then have DE to undermine their promise, it shows they have honesty and transparency at least


Regardless, this is still all off topic.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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I want it to be a skin. Why?


- It almost seems like a shady way to release a new Excalibur "Prime"

- We already have several Excalibur types

- Umbra seems like something the Chinese rushed into the game with no regard for the lore

- Many founders including me will lose even more trust to DE


Primarily though, it's the first reason. Excalibur Prime was exclusive to founders. "We would NEVER backstab our founders and re-release excalibur prime".... "We'll just make a new one and call it something else". Maybe that's ignorant of me, but it looks shady.



Im not a founder but i see it shady and unfair too.

Mybe im lazy to do this again, but i threw 5 formas, a reactor and now the exilis on my excal knowing that i would never get his prime version.

Sure i could avoid at least the exilis, and sure im not forced in any way to get the umbra excal if its another frame. but damn its times much better looking than vanilla excal (and imho than excal prime too)

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Has to be a skin.


I'm sure DE is creative enough to NOT triple-dip with the same frame...


If they really want to sell it like prime access, then make it a combo of Excal frame + Umbra skin + instant level 30 + Potato + Exclusive cosmetics. EDIT: Throw an exilus too, because who cares.


Either way, whatever they do, it just can't be a separate frame. That's dumb.


The prisma gorgon, Gorgon and gorgon wraith say otherwise.

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I like how people think it's a prime when DE calls it UMBRA even when it looks nothing like Excal Prime lol

Making a gold excalibur with a different skin than Prime and calling it something else..? You don't see why we take distance to that?

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The prisma gorgon, Gorgon and gorgon wraith say otherwise.

He did say "Triple dip with the same frame".

Weapons are quite besides the point as having more then two variations is less cumbersome and actually serves a purpose.

I like how people think it's a prime when DE calls it UMBRA even when it looks nothing like Excal Prime lol

Funny... I never saw anyone refer to umbra as a prime...


Edited by StinkyPygmy
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He did say "Triple dip with the same frame".

Weapons are quite besides the point as having more then two variations is less cumbersome and actually serves a purpose.

Funny... I never saw anyone refer to umbra as a prime...


go to the FAQ Rebecca made about changyou with your hmmmm lmao

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He did say "Triple dip with the same frame".

Weapons are quite besides the point as having more then two variations is less cumbersome and actually serves a purpose.

Funny... I never saw anyone refer to umbra as a prime...


I will, any day. Let's look at the similarities:




Founder exclusive


Excalibur Umbra is the chinese Excalibur Prime. They just made adjustments to the skin and called it Umbra instead of Prime. That's the most shady loophole around our promised Excalibur Prime I could think of. It's disgusting. Releasing the Chinese Excalibur PRIME, with a different name is disgusting.


 lol basically you are taking offense because it looks better than excal prime because if it didn't you wouldn't care AT ALL.

I don't care for Excalibur Prime's appearance.

Edited by Zareek
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go to the FAQ Rebecca made about changyou with your hmmmm lmao

What does that have to do with the price of bread?


I will, any day. Let's look at the similarities:




Founder exclusive


Excalibur Umbra is the chinese Excalibur Prime. They just made adjustments to the skin and called it Umbra instead of Prime. That's the most shady loophole around our promised Excalibur Prime I could think of. It's disgusting. Releasing the Chinese Excalibur PRIME, with a different name is disgusting.


I don't care for Excalibur Prime's appearance.

I agree they look similar and I agree it would be shady.

I'm just replying to Ghost and stating that I hadn't seen anyone in this thread refer to umbra as a prime.

But you are right, it is for all intents and purposes China's excal prime.

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I will, any day. Let's look at the similarities:




Founder exclusive


Excalibur Umbra is the chinese Excalibur Prime. They just made adjustments to the skin and called it Umbra instead of Prime. That's the most shady loophole around our promised Excalibur Prime I could think of. It's disgusting. Releasing the Chinese Excalibur PRIME, with a different name is disgusting.


I don't care for Excalibur Prime's appearance.

Another disgusting thing DE did is make Excalibur, lato, and skana prime exclusive. They should have given you guys an exclusive cosmetic or something to go with your boatload of plat and now those things are locked out forever to those who want those things. 


If DE releases the gold trim umbra here so what you founders will still have Excalibur Prime and its exclusive look. You'll be able to get gold trim umbra too along with everyone else. 

Edited by mimicree
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If you didn't care then why are you so focused on saying Umbra is another Excalibur PRIME? and calling it a disgusting when it looks NOTHING like Excal Prime lol

It's the principal. They made a promise and they need to keep it. ENTIRELY. Essentially, I want all the other warframe players to get their chance to get excalibur prime. I want other players to enjoy the game and have a good time, and I don't enjoy knowing some players are sad that they missed out.


However. DE made a promise, and due to that promise, many people spend A LOT of money to first of all, support the game, but also aquire something they knew would be exclusive and special. Hell, Ill even admit I did that to a certain degree. But NOW they are just releasing a new type of excalibur prime with the last name of "umbra" instead of "prime"? How can you not think that's messed up? It's about showing your founders respect and respect the promise that was made.


And no, I don't think founders are better than none founders. We are all on the same level. Any promise made to none founders should be respected as much as a promise to founders.

Edited by Zareek
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If you didn't care then why are you so focused on saying Umbra is another Excalibur PRIME? and calling it a disgusting when it looks NOTHING like Excal Prime lol

You didn't actually read what Zareek posted did you?

*Welp* This is a familiar feeling:



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Why would Excalibur Umbra be redundant as a separate warframe? The Prime version is practically nonexistant. Non-Founders can't even see it in the codex.

So what if DE decided one day that they want to release another variation of warframes? I'm sure that if it were another warframe probably 99.9999999999% of the players would not disagree with it. But since we're talking about Excalibur, now some founders (strangely even some non-founders!) are all like: "OMG DE is going to backstab us!"

Just stop. You can't drag the whole community down and stop the flow of events because you fear your toy will be overshined by a new one.

And No. It's no shady business. Rebecca clearly stated that Umbra Excalibur is the first of a new series of warframes, not a special edition to overthrow the Prime version. The gold parts in it will probably be removed because there can't be two Prime versions of Excalibur.

Edited by OzoneAle
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Yet, your still taking offence, Why?


Its just making our point stronger, apologize if I sounded rude, but geez, here let me find that image

Just answered the question right before you posted it. It's further up the list.


Edit: That picture is totally irrelevant, at least to me. I don't care about the appearance.

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It's the principal. They made a promise and they need to keep it. ENTIRELY. Essentially, I want all the other warframe players to get their chance to get excalibur prime. I want other players to enjoy the game and have a good time, and I don't enjoy knowing some players are sad that they missed out.


However. DE made a promise, and due to that promise, many people spend A LOT of money to first of all, support the game, but also aquire something they knew would be exclusive and special. Hell, Ill even admit I did that to a certain degree. But NOW they are just releasing a new type of excalibur prime with the last name of "umbra" instead of "prime"? How can you not think that's messed up? It's about showing your founders respect and respect the promise that was made.


And no, I don't think founders are better than none founders. We are all on the same level. Any promise made to none founders should be respected as much as a promise to founders.

DE kept their promise you still have the Excal with the void kid smashed into his face

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DE kept their promise you still have the Excal with the void kid smashed into his face

Releasing a CHINESE Excalibur Prime instead of the original one, sorry but I dont consider that keeping their promise.


Oh I missed it ..

No worries

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At this point it seems you are regretting buying Excal Prime because you wanted to feel special and now that Umbra is here majority of the fanbase won't care for Excal Prime anymore.

You keep making these demeaning assumptions about my personality instead of actually listening to what I say.

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