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Void Trader Mods And Weapons



Hi fellow Tenno!

I have a few questions about the void trader, Baro and his goods he bring us every few weeks. 


Personally I don´t have the time to play Warframe the times Baro comes around with the all kinds of amazing and fun stuff.


Are some or all of these stuff coming back in future trades?

How often does he come?

Are these weapons and mods important for high end mission?



As I said, I have never been able to trade with him and it´s kinda sad for me to miss out on some awesome stuff!


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11 answers to this question

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Are some or all of these stuff coming back in future trades?

Yes, all of his items can come back.


How often does he come?

Once every 2 weeks.


Are these weapons and mods important for high end mission?

You can do without them.

The only mod which is a must have is Primed Reach if you're into melee.

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point blank and flow ?

Like with melee, depends on if you use the proper tools much.  Flow is akin to ammo drum.  Some people might want the power spam capability if they see huge fluctuations between full and empty, some might get by with a lower cap utilizing pacing and a stream of incoming energy.  I've always seen Flow as the communities bizarre exception to "ammo pool" increasing mods.  Streamline makes every energy orb effectively bigger.  Flow just lets us spam for a little longer without improving energy orb intake.  But what do I know?  I don't run hour long survivals.


And point blank?  I can only justify sparing the primed variant on a Sentinel's sweeper right now.  The shotguns a Tenno can use are already ludicrously powerful.  At least for now.

Edited by Littleman88
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