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Is Akjagara Worth It?



And by worth it I mean worth sacrificing my akbolto.



I'm nowhere near getting the telos akbolto , and it's a pretty decent secondary.


So I want to know if the akjagara is worth the sacrifice :)

Edited by Deidaku
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11 answers to this question

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Yeah, it's worth it.


AkBoltos are pointless anyway after the semi-auto ROF nerf. A normal Bolto fires just as fast as an AkBolto after Lethal Torrent.


Just be aware, the AkJagaras are a totally different sort of gun to AkBoltos. They're more comparable to AkVasto, or shotgun pistols. They are high recoil, low accuracy, multiple pellet, slash based Status weapons.


edit: Sounds like you have a good plan. Get Telos, then use old AkBoltos to build AkJagara.

Edited by OniGanon
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it is very very powerfull. basicly a more powerfull akmagnus but with no crit. it is not accurate at long ranges  and has some spread to it. think of them as akimbo shotguns but not exactly broncos. for a run and gun secondary they are very nice. the slash is good at cutting up bodies for nekros. all in all they perform very nicely. i have 5 forma on mine. and i maxed out their dmg.  i like them.

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A lot of people are going to tell you no, but that's only because they're upset over the costs. They actually are good, it's just that the production costs really suck (especially if you don't have any of the components yet). I personally find them to be very useful, and even prefer using them over the Akbolto, but - as with many things - your personal mileage will vary. I will say this - however - it probably won't be worthwhile if you've already potato'ed/forma'ed your akbolto, as you won't be getting those back.

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For the mastery?  Yes.  If resources are tight?  No.  The base damage is 30 x 2 (bullets per trigger pull), making it less powerful than say...akbolto.  The recoil is severe and the screen shake can be puke-inducing unless steady hands is equipped.  But it's a great looking weapon, with a good rate of fire and good sized magazine.


An altogether average weapon at best.

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If you're asking if the build costs are justified due to the weapons performance, the answer is absolutely not. That said, it's not unusable and no matter how bad a weapon is, you're gonna wind up building it for mastery at some point. Unless you have another specific weapon you're thinking about building instead, I can't really comment on whether or not you should build it. I personally would not invest in it, but building something and maxing it isn't a huge deal, and then you can decide whether you personally like the weapon enough to catalyze/forma it. 

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