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Coming Soon: Devstream #58


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Will you consider allowing players to synthetically "de-level" mods per loadout?

I never liked how, if I level up a mod for one loadout, the mod would be too high of a level for another. I'd like to see another step up in customization here.


Will there ever be some sort of auction house or something else to streamline trading?


Are there any plans to overhaul stealth in the future?

The stealth mechanics of this game have never felt... complete to me and I'd like to see it become some enjoyable approach to gameplay. I love stealth games and I really want to enjoy the stealth aspect to this game.

Edited by BaroqueWolf
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I know this has been stated multiple times before me, but might as well say it again to help reinforce the issue. With the addition of the new Knux and it's insane research costs, will inactive clans be somehow able to downsize their clan? This just allows for easier access of a lot of new things. To stop it from being exploitable, why not make it such that you can only downsize to each level only once. For example, a Storm Clan can downgrade to a Shadow Clan and the back down to a Ghost Clan, but when they go back up again, they cannot downsize farther than a Storm Clan. I'm begging you DE!

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So... less of a question and more of a plea. Please rethink the EB nerf! I love my syndicate mood effects on EB. It's pretty much the only time I use syndicate mods because if I really was worried about what melee I wanted to run with I wouldn't use any with a syndicate mod. I really enjoy the concept of excal eb being usable with any melee but really excelling with a select few. It makes excal overall feel more impactful and being that syndicate mods are exclusively use able in pve I can't see a good reason to remove their effect on excal. No one is forced to use them, excal is still a power house without them but his increased proficiency (especially with the skana and variants) makes him feel like a specialist with those weapons. Please DE if your going to do anything, let it be a rework of syndicate mods to be usable on a wider range of low to mid class weapons to make them more appealing.

Edit 1: Other frames could see passives reworks for weapons on their powers like ember seeing an increase from base dmg mods and range mods for primaries on her WoF with the ignis being her go to (or something like that, just an idea)

Edit 2: Clan downsizing, can this please happen? My clan is consistent of 8 active members with 92 open spaces and recruiting active, contributing members is tedious. I just want my resource costs to be realistic again without losing all the hardwork and plat I sunk into my dojo.

Edited by (PS4)appretice
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Main Questions


1. A while back you talked about the return of the melee 1.0 Charge Attacks, it has been quite a while and all is now quite so: Is the return of Charge attacks still in the pipe for a re-release or has that pipeline be closed?


2. And speaking of old you you said in a pass Dev stream that the Void will "become no more" that the void will be change in a big way can you fill in with anymore information on that.


Small questions.


Next warframe: male or female

Pre AladV Valkyr skin status

What is better Popcorn Chicken or Chicken nuggets?

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Why did you guys add so many damage reduction monsters !!!!! Getting annoyed of seeing 4 damage hits when i'm being shot by 80 enemies at once  and i gotta find those damage reduction monsters first . Come on i played for years never post cause warframe doing good  but this.. .  They used to be rare  now every 10 seconds they spawn seen 5 next to each other few times its ._.   . So my qeustion is whyyyyyyy :( could you tell creator to calm those damage reduction monsters ? I'm playing on ps4 btw   Well ty  enjoy stream goodgame

Edited by (PS4)SmokeDieShit
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Void Archwing missions


We've had to go there to grab our odonata prime, so why isn't there void archwing missions on every tower level 1-4 I wonder? Seems kind of strange. Plus it would be nice to have some better options for leveling archwings and arch weapons. All we really have currently is Earth interception, which takes a long time to really level anything, or Uranus interception which is infinitely tougher enemies and you'd need at least half your squad to carry you to level up your gear efficiently. It seems like there's really no in between at the moment in regards to leveling stuff. If we had tower 1-4 archwing missions we could not only have cool void missions in void space, but we can finally level up at a pace that's not entirely glacial in speed. I know people that won't even forma their archwings/arch weapons simply because of how much time it takes to level them back to 30 versus with regular weapons/frames. This tends to be true even with an affinity booster.


Aside from that, keep up the great work. This game has so much content now, friends of mine who have come back to check things out are blown away. Thanks for all the hard work to keep us entertained ;)

Edited by (PS4)Th3C0Effici3nt
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Main Question:

How do we get into the cockpit after ending a quest because there seems to be no viable entry points within the ship and it's really starting to bother me.

Misc Questions:

1. Will Ash be removed or simply moved for the ps4 when the Echo of the Sentients come out

2. Will we be seing any of the Grinner Queens anytime soon on consoles or pc

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First, thanks for your continuing efforts to develop a great game.

How are the Felbrow's (Catbrows) doing?

Will we ever be able to get Mastery Rank experience from releveling a Forma'd Warframe/Companion/Weapon/ArchWing? It seems a bit much to force the use of stuff that we prefer not to use just to be able to unlock loadout slots and rank locked weaponry.

On a note of personal taste, will we see more weapons designed to approximate a more realistic, mechanical design approach rather than ones that look unbalanced and outlandish? For example, the Orthos has a balanced design, however the Orthos Prime seems rather odd and unbalanced in it's current form. This can be addressed by weapon skin options for non-mechanically animated melee weapons, while ranged weapons such as the Bronco hand shotguns may look better with a single barrel aligned to the ammo cartridge/magazine and no additional barrels that would appear to be out of place and useless. (The two barrels on top make it look like a face - 8o )

Stealth. Will there ever be light levels, audio emission levels indicated on the HUD? Breakable lights as the light sources? Holographic disguises? Marking enemies as targets with the codex scanner so they can be tracked through environmental obstructions and taken out with Punch-Through equipped ranged weapons?

Lastly, will Elemental Warframes ever get a base resistance to their own elemental damage type?

Edited by (PS4)x_x--RAGE--x_x
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I've only been playing Warframe for a little over 2 weeks and its a very fun game. I even bought some platinum so that I can use more than 3 warframes and weapons.

My questions are: 1) was there an actual reason for taking certain warframes and weapons out of the game?
(don't give me the "we needed to make room for new warframes/weapons" bs with the vast cosmetics we have you
mean to tell me there's not enough room for the warframes/weapons you "vaulted"?)

2) When can we hope to get any of the vaulted warframes or weapons in an alert or an event?

3) Why wasn't there another way to get platinum implemented instead of spending real world currency or trading? i.e resource extractors or event quests?

Edited by (PS4)Deathscythex01
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I gotta work that night, but I'd love to have my question answered: What EXACTLY does the 'Truth' buff for Arbiter of Hexis do now? "+25 Percent To Parkour" isn't really descriptive on the wiki, and fiddling with my Telos doesn't seem to tell me much.


Haven't gotten it answered by folks in this thread, either: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/504851-gilded-trutharbiter-truth-effect-in-post-stamina-warframe/#entry5641364

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If you could put in an Augment mod for Chroma that gives a guaranteed elemental proc when activating Elemental Ward that would be great. Would make low duration builds viable on him and give his Effigy build more versatility. 


Chroma is boring and does nothing to help his team like Elemental Ward should. If it also gave everyone else a guaranteed Elemental Proc, Chroma could be a could be a really cool team player.

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