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Coming Soon: Devstream #58


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I have a simple question: Can the Venus and Phobos Tilesets be switched to make sense?


My reasoning:

High temperatures for Phobos were measured at 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) and lows at -170 degrees Fahrenheit (-112 degrees Celsius). This intense heat loss is likely a result of the fine dust on Phobos' surface, which is unable to retain heat.


I'm all for stretching some reality, but....


...phobos is basking in some really nice rays here.

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Wanted to ask a few questions about the new starchart. Considering the current issues of endless missions being able to provide more rewards, and how any attempt to counter powercreep is met with hostility (because the only way to get more loot is to last longer).

So any solid things you have in mind to help with that?

Will the new star chart affect drop tables in any way, because me and fellow tenno always hate seeing forma bp on rotation c with t3 survivals :P.

Any plans to make more frames viable, seeing as we currently have an endgame meta that wants to go as long as possible. So any frame that cannont either buff, debuff, and outright kill enemies the most efficient will see less play (not saying any of these frames are horrible, just other frames do those three things better)?

In addition will there be changes to aoe abilties in general or in how affinity and loot is earned? Since it doesnt seem like nullifiers will be the best solution to people useing them.

Just wanted to note I am actually asking this because im curious (so dang hard to convey tone in writing, especially on the internet).

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I have a very important question for the devs. When are you going to let me battle Rebecca in conclave in mortal combat?

I would prefer to hear your answer on stream if at all possible. Thank you.

Edited by chriz411
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Can we see an expansion of relays? Not just by conent, but by size. People really only go there to get Baro's stuff, maybe drop off some medalions, and get out. Honestly a bigger 'free roam' area with more INTERACTION would be amazing.

What if lotus was at the relay? What if syndicates held events at the relay every now and then? What if syndicates battled in some sort of hybrid between Dark Sectors and Conclave? (while we're on the subject, I agree on adding new syndicate mods/ weapons/ cosmetics. Helmets would be so cool) What about kubrow races or caged sentinel fights at relays?? Also maybe a place where you could easier recruit/ advertise your clan/ show off your clan on a leaderboard?

Rework/ expansion of Archwing. It feels too separate from the game, and I don't mean 'patching' it up by putting a shiny new, costly bandaid on it (I'm looking at you, Knux). It feels like Archwing is being forced down our throats in order for us to like. Its a cool concept, but vastly limited as of now.

Miscellaneous thoughts/ suggestions:

- What if we just mashed everyone up into a giant free for all? All factions- corrupted/ orokin, tenno, grineer, sentients, corpus!
- What if you could meet lotus?
- How cool would a cephalon sentinel be?
- Tyl Regor noggle? TYL REGOR NOGGLE??
- Oberon (and lots of other warframes) could use some love :(
- More environment interaction?
- More intricate environment/ hacking/ traps/ puzzles in regular tilesets?
- What if you could chose who 'guides' you? Like, Teshin, Lotus, Ordis, Simaris, Darvo, Maroo, or a syndicate leader? Or maybe just NPC quests!
- We all know Ordis is faulty. As a noob I thought you'd have to buy a new ship,and get a new ship cephalon. I thought buying different liset skins would do that, lol. Then as I played I started to like and grew attached to Ordis. Now after so much repetitive dialogue I'm back at square one and want to get rid of Ordis for a new ship cephalon LOL. Possibility? Maaaybe?
- Liset races. I want to be able to fly my ship somewhere else besides just the loading screen!

- Can the radio have some cool sort of functionality besides just being obnoxious? Idk, let us use it like tuning into a police radio and then we get to fly in and save the day?? lol your suggestion is as good as mine
- Can Drahks become pets?
- Can MOAs or zanuka/hyena pack-like things become pets?
- New planets or asteroids or even a whole new solar system? Dark matter planets or dark matter 'voids'? The SUN???
- Could we get more operational machines like ramparts? I seriously want some sort of AT-AT or AT-ST stuff going on!

Thanks DE, keep up the great work!

Edited by -Grinny-
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Quick question, when will we get a different mastery system? the current system seems kind of pointless.


The current system does not show how much skill the player has, all it shows is how much stuff he or she power leveled / leveled up. Also Focus system when?


Thanks DE, good luck and keep up the good work 

I will keep asking the following questions


Also, much of my text seems to have gone invisible so some highlighting is required to see most of it.


Since the dark sword and dark dagger are receiving new and unique models, will the heat sword/dagger and ceramic dagger/cronus receive similar treatment? As a side note, could the same idea go for the ether sword and ether dagger


It was mentioned that a new dual sword stance may be released. Can this be confirmed or shown? Also, is there an ETA on the dark sword and dark dagger combo?


Will Nekros ever receive a rework? I feel he is unbecoming of the title necromancer and needs a full rework involving empowering his minions and sustaining himself through their life force (sacrifice)


Again, is the idea of a dark greatsword, heat greatsword, ceramic greatsword, and ether greatsword a possibility? I think it would be interesting to have a small-medium-large type layout for these weapons


Will we ever see a new flamethrower or a flamethrower rework? The ones we have can be pitifully weak, the actual flamethrower we have doesn't have an automatic flame proc but shoots flames, and they can achieve alarming ranges for what they are supposed to be


Will we see new weapon augments that are weapon specific? The ones shown in the recent devstream were weapon class specific, not weapon specific


Any ideas on what you will do for excalibur augments? I think an augment that gave him a nikana or greatsword for exalted blade would be an interesting addition


Will we ever see weapons with varied channeling stats? The current cookie cutout 1.5x damage and 5 efficiency is boring and doesn't allow for unique and interesting channeling builds or channeling focused weapons. I still personally believe that ether weapons should be a class of weapons meant for channeling builds.


Will we ever see event type infested weapons? We have wraith and vandal, which are often associated with grineer and corpus weapons respectively, but we have yet to see the infested receive the same treatment. Imagine a scourge embolist or a plague torid (prefix pending)


Will we ever see head items for warframes? Things such as sedge hats or halos? I know it was said it would be hard with positioning on each frame, but if the demand is high enough will we see something


As a final joking question or 2


Viking helmet or armor for excalibur? Or maybe even a sedge hat for excalibur?

Massive fiery greatsword or icy greatsword? Basically elemental greatsword to fulfill my dreams of having forstmourne or the real surtur's sword

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Q1: Will there be new Syndicate Weapons?

Q2: About shotgun's status chance. Is it supposed to count as 30% (if weapon has 30%) status chance per PELLET or it supposed to be per SHOT and the problem hides in the game code? If status counts per PELLET, than status builds for shotguns seem not as useful as for rifles/pistols.

Q3: Progress on Equinox's augments?



Q4: How is the progress with Umbra Excalibur and Kunai, Nikana Prime? I know it will be at least after a month of Chinese release, but still would be nice to get some info about it's shipping for both Chinese and our versions? Same for nunchacks.


Thanks, again.

Edited by Cloudnight
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Is there any chance of getting a new Supra skin as per the Rocket Launcher style weapons,the end of the barrels look a tadd meh.To me it just looks sub par compared to the new weapon art and designs.


Can we toggle gold default colours on Warframes please or just as prisma default setting to help unbreak some colour schemes with prime frames.


The relays appear to have room for markets,detailed shops(like a Lisset show room), or maybe an auction house,boarding house or hangout spots is there any news on any further construction?









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When are we getting the Pre-Corpus Valkyr skin?


When will you buff scythes?


Some news on login rewards 2.0 and mastery rewards 2.0? Steve talked about this a while back.


Will there be a time when Baro will sell all his stuff at once?

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Is there any chance we could implemnt Clan Downsizing or have the construction donation requirements scale with actual members not just preset cap of the clan? Personally I was very new to game when my clan size went up and I wasn't quite aware that the increase would devastate my ability to maintain the research costs alone and a 10 member limit was very difficult to functionally pull off.

Can we have the Vacuum effect from Carrier become an inate ability of having a companion PERIOD and rework carrier to instead I dunno "carry" stuff? This feels like a missing function more then a feature and severely limits the playability of the other sentinels ESPECIALLY for new players who need every single item they can obtain to begin to develop their character.

ARCHWING is great and all but I feel its really lacking in perspective, it would be nice if there was some kind of visual gyroscopic compass to determine when I'm looking down or up of forward and maybe even a 3 dimesional radar / map function to actually see where enemies are coming in from like on other space shooters? As it is its very difficult to get your bearings and the solar glare doesn't help either, can I buy sunglasses so I can avoid sunflare? Astronaught helmets all have sun shielding, tenno should have that default as well. Even if its just 4 waypoints on the phisical space I'd be happy just to know where is up and down sometimes.

Is there any plans for a mimi map rework in general? maybe a breadcrums style system like how Simaris missions have when you look through the viewmaster (lol) to help guide players to objectives a bit easier then having to look up and to the left all the time or have the blown up map in the way of aiming all the time?

Since coptering is gone I feel the new bullet jump "freedom" system seems a bit too much, everyone is spider-man now and the gliding thing all feels overpowered for the game and doesn't feel very "ninja" like more like "Prototype" type gameplay. I agree coptering sucked because it limited what weapons I could use, I really like the Dragon Nikana but it couldn't copter til a few months before the copter nerf so it was short lived in viability in that time. Bullet Jump is fine but sticking to walls, free climbing walls like we have spider sticky feet and floating through the air is all really offputting, I'd say make bullet jump faster in a single direction, floaty aimed up and just do away with all the other movement jankyness.

More then any of these minor questions I think my priority question would be if you guys feel Vacuum only on Carrier is an acceptable gameplay mechanic or if you like almost everyone else feel that its frustrating to be locked to one option only or risk losing a KEY funtionality of the user experience?


EDIT: sorry to complain complain, its more quality of life improvements I care to see, minor tweeks to your game that overal make it less awkward and more intuitive and more enjoyable to play. I think you guys have done a really great job with the game and I'll be honest as a free to play title I feel a little guilty not having paid any money. I have stimulated the economy through trade and getting others to invest money but personally I haven't been able to due to poverty but I just though I should add that I respect what you have done and appreciate your work. I'd love to see Sheldon (or maybe Meg or Rebba?) do a followup on hot pepper gaming too, that was what got me into WF in the first place, took it like a champ! :-D 

PS: Put Mogamu on the payroll! (add him as an actual QA tester!) his advice is legit and his videos have done alot for you guys.

Edited by DensetsuZ
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ETA on Rapier and Mios and any other new weapons in the works.


New syndicate weapons and weapon augments (vaykor sybaris ;)


J3 Golem Trial update on how its coming along


Any info on a new event?


Next frame rework who will get the rework treatment next I personally hope for Nekros or Hydroid.


Thanks for making such a great game!

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