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What Do You Dream Of Having In Warframe ?!


Recommended Posts

-Misa Prime

-Targis Prime

-Proto-Excalibur Skin

-All the warframe and weapon slots

-More free archwing movement (make it like Ace Combat)

-Mesa left alone :^)

-More cutscenes

-More Corpus content (Grineer is on a streak with their stuff)

-More NPCs

-Relay variety by planets

-A new stance that is not on a rare enemy or is rare by itself

-Sparring stances based on actual martial arts (Muay Thai, MCMAPs, etc.)

-Gatling guns/ hip fire weaponry

-Lore/Stories on the war/tensions between the Corpus and Grineer

-More variety in death animations

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I wonder if i should make some deeper thoughts about this topic and make a concept of it.

But i don't know how many people of the community favor kubrows or are interested in such a thing.

Most people i met didn't really care much about kubrows or companions in general.

Don't want to waste time for nothing.

Well maybe people don't like kubrows much but one of the devs might see this and like the idea.

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1. Dynamic missions and mission campaigns

2. A war map like star chart where we as a community make a difference in faction territories. So instead of randomly fighting factions, we actually all work towards a common goal. Maybe accomplishing that goal releases a special weapon, or some type of resource.

Oh yes like on planet side 2, totally digging that idea.

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Valkyr Prime


The Gorgon Family getting a buff on par with the Supra


Being able to Turn Ordis off for non quest related dialogue


Colour Matching of Weapons to Frames


Being able to set Frames/Weapons as Favorites (Ie Set Valkyr to the top of my Variable Loadout list vs having to scroll to the bottom to find her and the same with weapons)


Alt fire for the Tigris


Being able to Set up the LMGs in a firing position to reduce recoil and increase accuracy


Heavy and Slow firing (Snipers, Opticor, Ogris etc) weapons having the punch to blow down or through a Nulifiers bubble


Nullifiers having the damm sniper rifles taken away


Venka Dragon/Prime




I actually got one of my Dreams with Ack and Brunt (not 100% on what i wanted but close enough)



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WOW guys thats some AMAZING DREAMS THERE !




sorry for not Ouote /recognaiz the most awesome dreams i seen here ! ..But still u can check posts 




sorry for not quote them or recognizing the writers cos its too much to post it in 1 place 


and again Thanks :D

Edited by abdo911
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Cloth physx on older warframes(waiting for this since update 9 DE!).


Option to set between low,med and high particle effects quantity and quality.


Tabletop games in the dojo, to play with other clan members. More dojo rooms.



And the return of the Moustaches! 


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REAL Heavy Weaponry miniguns, plasmalaunchers (deux ex1), laserminiguns, grenade lob guns like a huge m32, REAL flamethrowers, elemental throwers, a HEAVY continuous weapon, like some electrical laser thing (skyrim master destruction electro stream) various rocketlaunchers (NON CHARGING), swarm rockets, a HEAVY sniper like an AMR


maybe some kind of mech skill for a new frame switching into a new form, like a vastly expanded  exca ult essentially,


melee weapons to be buffed properly so they out dps ranged weapons or at least come remotely close so we have a reason to maybe take the risk of getting closer


a lasersword <3 single, dual and 2handed ofc


a SHIELD + 2ndary combination, or rather gunblade shield weapon, a 2handed gunblade, dual GLAIVES, a spear, thermal lances, charged mega fist weapons -  which you can charge like DmC beowolf and ragdoll punch enemies into walls and into eachother for damage similar to how bolt weapons work already, MORNING STARS O:


a viable long bow? 


a way to make any (non syndicate) weapon get chosen syndicate charge effects, but not using a mod, maybe like a forma you gotta apply to it


Grenades, with all sorts of effects, maybe using grenades instead of 2ndaries


a cloaking consumeable




thats all i could think of quickly

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