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Mirage Eclipse Test With The Hek


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rude ;[

they need to increase the fall off damage

Precisely. Shotguns are the snipers now. :P

Shotguns are super good right now because of the falloff damage. I use my Tigris as a Vectis Prime because I don't have one lol.

Do you know that corpus tileset that is very large and there is a platform being dropped somewhere in the middle and there is a boat thingy at the side? I was on the far edge of the tileset and I oneshotted (single barrel, single bullet) an Eximus from behind a door on the next tileset. Something about thay says that shotguns are "OP" right now.

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Precisely. Shotguns are the snipers now. :P

Shotguns are super good right now because of the falloff damage. I use my Tigris as a Vectis Prime because I don't have one lol.

Do you know that corpus tileset that is very large and there is a platform being dropped somewhere in the middle and there is a boat thingy at the side? I was on the far edge of the tileset and I oneshotted (single barrel, single bullet) an Eximus from behind a door on the next tileset. Something about thay says that shotguns are "OP" right now.

I'm more curious about that Eximus's level.


It's true that currently Shotgun is better than Sniper in its job. But we are expecting Sniper buff soon.

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Hey guys It's me Nabu :D

After the Shotgun buff i decided to give the Hek a try! And i can't believe how strong it is :O it's capable of one shotting almost anything! so i had to go to the simulicrum and give it a try with mirage and here are the results 

PS:it's not much of a quality but i just wanted to show you guys the results ^~^

Hey guys. It's me, Dracco :D

After the Shotgun buff I decided to give the Sicarus Prime a try! And I can't believe how strong it is, :O it's capable of one shooting almost anything! So I had to go to the simulacrum and give it a try with Mirage, and here are the results.



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Your joking right?


You go to simulacrum to test on lv 65 corrupted Ancient?? and with a Mirage with Eclipse+Hall of Mirrors??


I'm sorry, but you could get any weapon and do the same on these settings (Mirage + lv 65 infested)


How about, you go get Loki, get lv 95 Bombard or Heavy Gunner and show me this again, hmmm???

that's why i named the video eclipse test :P and im rank 13 i can't bring more than level 65 enemies

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that's why i named the video eclipse test :P and im rank 13 i can't bring more than level 65 enemies

That may be so but you can't make a Thread and say something is OP and demonstrate it at the same time buffing it with Mirage Eclipse and Hall of Mirrors.

Yes, Hek is top tier but you can wreck with any other weapon on Mirage easy.

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Precisely. Shotguns are the snipers now. :P

Shotguns are super good right now because of the falloff damage. I use my Tigris as a Vectis Prime because I don't have one lol.

Do you know that corpus tileset that is very large and there is a platform being dropped somewhere in the middle and there is a boat thingy at the side? I was on the far edge of the tileset and I oneshotted (single barrel, single bullet) an Eximus from behind a door on the next tileset. Something about thay says that shotguns are "OP" right now.

^ this! and i didn't say that it's strong or anything all im saying that i tried it with the eclipse and people took it as i said that this needs to be nerfed to the grounds >.> even my video is named "eclipse test" i believe sometime in the future where people will start blaming mogamu for posting a video about these shotguns >.>

Nice to see people use the Hek more often now. I stuck with it ever since I hit rank 4. And because of that I was way ahead in the Hek game.



that was amazing :O i give you kudos to that! but yeah the Hek is enjoyable to use (extra points for the sound of it as well)

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Hey guys. It's me, Dracco :D

After the Shotgun buff I decided to give the Sicarus Prime a try! And I can't believe how strong it is, :O it's capable of one shooting almost anything! So I had to go to the simulacrum and give it a try with Mirage, and here are the results.



okay to be honest i want to try the sicarus prime now it seems to be amazing with mirage and the hall of mirrors LOL

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Precisely. Shotguns are the snipers now. :P

Shotguns are super good right now because of the falloff damage. I use my Tigris as a Vectis Prime because I don't have one lol.

Do you know that corpus tileset that is very large and there is a platform being dropped somewhere in the middle and there is a boat thingy at the side? I was on the far edge of the tileset and I oneshotted (single barrel, single bullet) an Eximus from behind a door on the next tileset. Something about thay says that shotguns are "OP" right now.

They really aren't snipers, you obviously never played the Hek in the days it was the most OP gun in the game. Snipers still will drastically outshine a shotgun at range and Hek/Tigris are the only ones you can kinda use at range. Instead of using ancients which have no shields or armor and get downed in seconds by any well modded gun you should try nullifies, Hek struggles hard against nulls especially at range. It doesn't need to be nerfed at all I think people need to actually use weapons and do more missions with said weapons to see that they don't perform universally. Edited by Echoa
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That may be so but you can't make a Thread and say something is OP and demonstrate it at the same time buffing it with Mirage Eclipse and Hall of Mirrors.

Yes, Hek is top tier but you can wreck with any other weapon on Mirage easy.

how many times do i have to say that i was only testing it with mirage >.> i didn't say it's OP because im using it on mirage because i believe that 400% + more damage can make any weapon op so i wanted to test it with the hek and see how it goes....

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That bombard is not an Eximus, just a comom one.

Gosh I used 2 shots to kill 2 Corrupted Ancient Eximus lvl 90 with my Drakgoon today, the second one was behind an died with the punch trough.

And killed 3 Corrupted Butchers lvl90 with 1 shot.

I need to put more forma on it, not enough damage yet.

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