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http://imgur.com/MexAntd <--- this is my warframe design Elys the Master of time he can use his abilities to manipulate time. I visualize  him as a support frame but with just one offensive ability. I'll keep this post updated as i keep designing him and working on him and his abilities i have one more drawing of him that i will post soon. I'd like some feed back on it. From anyone who wishes to help improve him so he could be atleast looked at by DE. Thank you.



When i first posted this i didnt realize the frames that other people had made where so different from mine theirs had detail and mine just have a picture and explanation. So ive worked on his lore and a few forward faced designs i will post those and probably make a deviant art account to post them there instead of imgur, so without further ado i give you the Lore for Elys.


Lore :

We-We-We-We-We-We-We were, he's gone, days had past without our knowledge, was this even possible. The ship standing still in time but moving ever so closely to the blazing star. We were eternally trapped in our own memory, Until given a burning death. All we remembered was seeing his body on the table all those years ago.


I'll leave you all with that for now. I wonder if you all can figure out what happened to the Orokin ship, anyway i will be working on more designing and art and will update when i can. Thank you For Reading.

Edited by SiphCrow
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the name, the design, everything about him... love it. got any ideas on his abilitys?

Well for his abilities for his one will be Time Freeze, freezes enemies in a certain radius/distance and he can do what ever he wants to them, of course this can be improved by range mods., His Second ability will probably be a movement ability like per say he can move with out moving like when he casts the ability he moves and passes through any object or person in his way and this can only be a certain distance so it wont be too op, but can be improved by ranged mods. Thanks for the reply.

At least it ain't Chrono or Crono or Chronos or Cronos etc.

Haha i didnt even think of those names, XD anyway thanks for the reply.

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Well Ive Done it Ive made a Deviant art account for art design updates I'll post each picture on here every few updates to his design this is the first

1. http://siphcrow.deviantart.com/art/Elys-Front-Face-556722281?ga_submit_new=10%253A1440769931

the second


and the third



Sorry that the 3rd is so blurry the camera i used was my phone's i didnt have any other very sorry for my unprofessional work.

i will Continue to design and update this post and my design's thank you all for your replies.

Edited by SiphCrow
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Ive finally been able to create a FULL full body design with better detail. I'll be working out his abilities next i might be designing the icons MAYBE i will i don't know, but i will type out the name of each ability and what effect they will have, i just don't think they will be too outrageous like aging all enemies and kill of everything in a go but i'll put a radius cap on that XD anyway thank you all so far for your comments, i hope more people will leave a helpful comment on the working on Elys. Also i may change his name to Elyx maybe i don't know, tell me what you think. but anyway here are the full body designs.


First :


Second :



I dont know/don't think they're too blurry but i didnt ink them cause i was afraid to mess them up :P (god im such a noob) but i will try my best on the up coming designs than you for your support :)

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