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What Is This Dissatisfaction With Volt?


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This kinda implies that Excal wasn't previously 4 to win.


His old (pre-LoS nerf) ult was SUPER 4 to win.



By the way, why does everyone complain about 4 to win anyway? It's a PvE game why do people care how others have fun?

But, it's a PvE game? You act like this would someone ruin the experience for other players?


Why does everyone hate when someone else is having fun?


For me, it actually has nothing to do about the fun aspect. Sure, I like to see a satisfying effect from punching 4 just like anybody else. The fact that I choose not to spam it is my own choice.


The issue is that there is no incentive for the players to learn anything else about the frame, which results in threads like this. They have a mentality that "4 is my ult, so why shouldnt I use it ALL the time anyways?". Part of that was attempted to be fixed with the leveling progression from 0 to 30 and the limitation of powers. However missions like Draco and the abuse of it, nullify those efforts.


So now we have an army of people who know absolutely nothing about what they are doing except how to press 4, and whatever else mogamu tells them.


Enter the Trial missions. Here we have a difficult mission introduced. The result is you get people in recruiting chat asking for VERY specific frames and loadouts because it was deemed the easiest way to complete the mission. But guess what..... it still isnt that easy is it. So you see scrubs raging on recruiting chat about other scrubs not knowing what they are doing.... and its hilarious. Meanwhile my team brings whatever we feel like, including volt and ember, and complete our mission.


The point is, the result of your "fun" playstyle of spamming 4 makes you unreliable because thats all you know how to do. This creates a poor environment for multiplayer with randoms. For the people who actually recognize this, it leaves us only with the option of playing with friends, or clan mates in order to do anything competent. Im sure you can see the scope of how this divides an entire community.

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Well said.  In replying to that guy's strawman I forgot to mention that 4spam breeds weak, lazy players who don't understand game mechanics, but still come to these forums to give mislead and ultimately toxic feedback that DE will inevitably read more of than actually informed feedback.  Just because the actual game is hidden under a layer of farm and spam doesn't mean that DE shouldn't try to revise and improve it as best they can.  If DE only listens to casual players the quality of their game will steadily erode until it really does become only about p4tw.  By that point we won't have the opportunity to have fun anymore.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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On topic with recent posts

If you dont want to talk about something dont bring it up. Stop talking about it. Quit pretending to be a victim. People dont just spout S#&$ in a vacuum, get back on topic before others follow your cruddy example. Problem solved.

While we're all still here-

Asking that the warframes be balanced so everyone can play together in harmony is the goal.

When i ask for 42win players be ejected and repelled from my games, that doesnt take away from anyone's enjoyment. You are free to play with 99.999% of the other players who want you around, and not with the people who you wouldnt want to play with anyway. The universal "you", not you specific person whose fake name i wont even remember 5 seconds from now.

When people ask for all the frames to be as broken as the most broken ones, you are actively affecting the ENTIRE multiplyer community, causing some players to be completely useless and redundant in every single multiplayer mission.

Also, Volt: He's a pretty cool guy! Why are players ragging on him :[

Uhh, DE is doing power creep all on their own. NO ONE asked for the new frame/weapons to be more powerful than the older ones, this is a monster of DE's creation and theirs alone. It's not OUR FAULT other frames are becoming horrendously outclassed by newer ones.


For me, it actually has nothing to do about the fun aspect. Sure, I like to see a satisfying effect from punching 4 just like anybody else. The fact that I choose not to spam it is my own choice.


The issue is that there is no incentive for the players to learn anything else about the frame, which results in threads like this. They have a mentality that "4 is my ult, so why shouldnt I use it ALL the time anyways?". Part of that was attempted to be fixed with the leveling progression from 0 to 30 and the limitation of powers. However missions like Draco and the abuse of it, nullify those efforts.


So now we have an army of people who know absolutely nothing about what they are doing except how to press 4, and whatever else mogamu tells them.


Enter the Trial missions. Here we have a difficult mission introduced. The result is you get people in recruiting chat asking for VERY specific frames and loadouts because it was deemed the easiest way to complete the mission. But guess what..... it still isnt that easy is it. So you see scrubs raging on recruiting chat about other scrubs not knowing what they are doing.... and its hilarious. Meanwhile my team brings whatever we feel like, including volt and ember, and complete our mission.


The point is, the result of your "fun" playstyle of spamming 4 makes you unreliable because thats all you know how to do. This creates a poor environment for multiplayer with randoms. For the people who actually recognize this, it leaves us only with the option of playing with friends, or clan mates in order to do anything competent. Im sure you can see the scope of how this divides an entire community.

I don't 4 to win, stop projecting. Seriously, you're just making yourself look ignorant.


Well said.  In replying to that guy's strawman I forgot to mention that 4spam breeds weak, lazy players who don't understand game mechanics, but still come to these forums to give mislead and ultimately toxic feedback that DE will inevitably read more of than actually informed feedback.  Just because the actual game is hidden under a layer of farm and spam doesn't mean that DE shouldn't try to revise and improve it as best they can.  If DE only listens to casual players the quality of their game will steadily erode until it really does become only about p4tw.  By that point we won't have the opportunity to have fun anymore.

You're straw-manning, not me. The irony is lost on you I see.

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