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A Proposition For The Dojo Costs


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I propose a slight change in the way costs are used for building the dojo. The clan that can afford the actual prices would still be able to use it, the small clans will have a cost reduced but a longer time of construction.


DISCLAIMER : I didn't have that idea, I read it somewhere and tried to tweak it. If someone recognize its idea, please PM me so I can credit him/her :)

EDIT : Got it ! The original idea is from : Viziroth thanks to him for that idea :)


This is how it could work.

All the actual costs would be divided by 5 and the time needed for building multiplied by 5.

The trick is that you can pay the price up to 5 times to reduce the time by 1/5 down to 1/5 of the initial time (that would take the time back to what it is actually)


An example would be better :

At the moment, for the Oracle you need :

100 000 crédits

35 000 circuits

65 000 salvage

35 000 polymer pack

15 forma

1 day


With my system the costs would be :

20 000 crédits

7 000 circuits

13 000 salvage

7 000 polymer pack

3 forma

5 days


If you pay the price a second time you would have paid the following :

40 000 crédits

14 000 circuits

26 000 salvage

14 000 polymer pack

6 forma

Reduced time to 5 days - 1 day (which is 1/5 of 5 days) = 4 remaining days.


If you pay the price a third time you would have paid the following :

60 000 crédits

21 000 circuits

39 000 salvage

21 000 polymer pack

9 forma

Reduced time to 4 days - 1 day (which is 1/5 of 5 days) = 3 remaining days.



If you pay the price a fourth time you would have paid the following :

80 000 crédits

28 000 circuits

52 000 salvage

28 000 polymer pack

12 forma

Reduced time to 3 days - 1 day (which is 1/5 of 5 days) = 2 remaining day.



If you pay the price a fifth time you would have paid the following :

100 000 crédits

35 000 circuits

65 000 salvage

35 000 polymer pack

15 forma

Reduced time to 2 days - 1 day (which is 1/5 of 5 days) = 1 remaining day.


You can only pay the price 5 times and if you pay the price while you have a remaining time below 1 day then you get the room built (no proportionnal cost on that last one is there to simplify the system)



So small clans could afford such a price and the waiting time isn't killing without being too fast (remember we'll surely have more and more rooms to build)

Moreover it would reduce the problem of forma. With my system you would need only 1 or 3 forma (some rooms need 15) to start the building. But those who wants to put more money could do at a proportionnal rate.

For instance you don't want to spend 300 plat (!) for just an oracle, you could just spend 40 plat to get 2 forma and reduce the time a little. Or just pay or farm for one forma and start your dojo.


I thought about it for two days and didn't see a con to that system, even for the devs because the player would have incentive to buy small amount of forma and the ones who can afford to pay the "full" price will still have an incentive to do so.

I really tried to think both as a player and a dev : because they need money and we want things to be fair.


What do you think about it ?


EDIT for better maths.


EDIT 2 after some answers :

The remaining time could follow another curve. for instance it could be : 10days/6days/3days/2 days/1day

Moreover the system could be used for all the weapons research


EDIT 3 : a bit more maths :

If you want to build each room one time the costs are (you have to buy two reactor to do so):

Credits : 925 000

Salvage : 780 000

Ferrite : 270 000

Nano Spores : 720 000

Forma : 130

Alloy plate : 75 000

Rubedo : 30 000 (only the great hall uses it)

Circuits : 210 000

Polymer pack : 140 000

Days : 9 (but the cost of materials prevents from spending 9 straigth days to get each room one time)


With my system the costs would be :

Credits : 185 000

Salvage : 156 000

Ferrite : 54 000

Nano Spores : 144 000

Forma : 26 (520 plat ! Still a bit high for me)

Alloy plate : 15 000

Rubedo : 6 000 (only the great hall uses it)

Circuits : 42 000

Polymer pack : 28 000

Days : 45 (but the cost of materials prevents from spending 45 straigth days to get each room one time). It would be 90 days if you multiply by 10 instead of 5.


And that's for each room once. Think the reactor will be needed (for energy) and the great hallway too as it's the only way to get space. I don't know if more rooms of research would speed up the research. Maybe did they add researches that are "inifinite" ? Like creating omni ammo boxes (with a bit of forma) or boosters (with a bit of forma too), etc.

Edited by vieuxchat
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This is nice, larger clans can spend more 'cycles' and get their rooms quicker, while smaller clans will have to make do with one cycle and waiting.

that's the main idea : letting player play the way they want while letting devs get some money from small and mid-sized clans.

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I definitely support this idea. It seems like a nice compromise between small, medium and large clans.

I would like to add to the suggestion of the OP and have this affect the weapon research as well. However, I would like to suggest making each research initially require a week to complete and lower the timer down accordingly.

If the build time for each research is not capped at a week maximum, it would technically take half a month for each research to complete for small clans (going by the OP's timer suggestion).

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I just used the actual timer and multiplied it by 5, so after 5 prices paid you would get the actual timer.

But devs could multiply it by 10 and still get a 1/5 time reduction on each payment of the price.

So someone who don't want to pay at all but only the first time would get everything but in a long time.

It would be for the oracle 10 days --> 8 days --> 6 days --> 4 days --> 2 days


Or the devs could create a system where the time would decrese faster at start :

10 days --> 6 days --> 3 days --> 2 days --> 1 day

Or something like that (so there woul dbe a high incentive on paying at least twice or three times)

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I don't want something orriginal, I want something fair for us AND devs. And I read the idea somewhere on the forum and thought I could put it in shape, as I think it MUST be in the game. I can't credit anyone as I don't remember who get it first. If someone recognize its idea I'll credit him/her :)

Edited by vieuxchat
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I like this. It's the equivalent of the "rush order" that already exists in-game; if you want it faster, pay the fee. This would balance out larger clans and smaller clans, and time itself would be the only determining factor in dojo construction, not the time it takes to farm.

Edited by Jytra
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Don't hesitate to voice if you would purchase a bit of forma with such a system.

As, in the dev's eyes, it's the most important thing : will such a system put an incentive on small/medium clan to spend platinum.

I know I would buy some forma for just my dojo. But no way I would spend 2600 platinum (!!!) for just one room of each in my dojo.

With such a system I would buy the minimum (520 platinum) to get things done as it's too much of a grind to get so many forma.

(Don't forget it's just a start. the cost will rank high up with every new room)

EDIT: please, don't be shy add your ideas about the time scaling. Is 45 days to get everything too much ? Not enough ? Getting all the materials will take a long time too. but A month and a half may seem a bit fast. Or not. What's your opinion on that ?

The idea is to give the best shaped system to the devs so they just have to look at it and say to themselves "Hum.. Good idea we just have to tweak this and that and we're done".

Edited by vieuxchat
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Another thing related to costs : the T shape, corner shape, cross shaped and small hallway cost the same amount ! A cross should cost 4 times a hallway, a T should cost 3 times the hallway and a corner should cost 2 times the hallway.

And the hallway should cost less than it's actual price (it's just... a small hallway)

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As an alternative, reduce the people able to go into the dojo for reduced prices.


Like, pay 1/5th of the prices but the dojo will be only accessible by 5 people. (I picked random numbers)


If the clan grows, have an upgrade option to pay the difference for all rooms, or close the doors at each junction until the difference is paid for each room. That would let small clans get a low-maintenance dojo with limited life support, and also prevent getting an 1-man clan for a cheap dojo because then only a very low percentage of the clan could join.


Also, if I saw an end to the costs I would get more plat and buy forma. Right now that's useless because my clan doesn't even have the other mats and it really is a lot of forma for 1 person.

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you have my cudos sir

At the moment its nearly impossible for smaller clans to build rooms at a decent rate because of the enormous costs the have to carry

While large clans are able to get those resources within hours

So please devs make THIS happen



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What about the idea of scaling the costs to the number of players in the clan, as broken down into a variety of ranges?


The obvious cheat/workaround is for a few people from a large existing clan to break off, form small clan, do the building less expensively, and then invite the rest of the larger clan to quit and join the new one.  So if this system were to be adopted, perhaps there needs to be a limit on how large a clan can be allowed to grow, once they've taken advantage of the cheaper build rates?  Or perhaps they can pay some sort of a "fee" to be allowed to add members beyond their initial range once building has commenced?

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