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Limbo The Invulnerable And Mesa The Untouchable


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1.1 Limbo :

There are a lot of strong feelings about limbo and I am going to put it in a way where there is no bashing of any kind along with any sort of hate. If there is any sort of indication of hate or bashing, please say so on this post and I will try to rewrite it in a way where it does not sound like it is. Thank you.

1.2 Design :

A lot of players feel that the warframe just does not fit the seriousness of what a warframe represent, though respectfully we know that there are people that adore the look of limbo, that is fine in many levels because we all have different tastes in style. The only difference is, Warframes are supposed to represent something; a symbol of hope and the seriousness of warframe.

Yes I am aware of Mirage's look but at least with Mirage you can tell that she fits as a warframe due to the stylistic choices that DE has chosen for Mirage, giving either a jester type or a creepy looking warframe thanks to the helmets and customization of color choices they have given us. As for limbo, no matter what you do to the warframe you can tell that the warframe not a Warframe but just a character.

What I mean by "just a character", he looks like someone who portrays exactly like a 1980's stage magician, meaning, he is just wearing regular looking clothing with some lighting on him wearing a top hat, while a real warframe looks like an actual suit.

On a side note : I actually like how Limbo looks, I just don't agree him being a Warframe is all due to the look. Limbo kinda got that sloth face going, so adorable! <3

1.3 Solution upon Design :

Now I shall repeat, I am not here to say that it should be completely reworked and take out because there are people who absolutely adore the look (Like me), but what I and a majority of players think he needs is an alternate skin of the "original" Limbo. In other words give us a skin along with a helmet that fits the theme of Warframe. If Valkyr is going to have one then why not Limbo?

1.4 Abilities :

Now the abilities are a bit sensitive to talk about since I know there are a lot of players that love the choices that were made for limbo but there are also a lot of negatives that are against the abilities because it breaks the game. In my opinion, yes it does break the game.

We all know about Mesa turret along with invincible excalibur, if you don't I will post a link of the excalibur one here :

(As for the mesa one I couldn't find one and eventually I will post one for Mesa once I recover fully from my anxiety attack.)

Trinity's 100% damage reduction per cast was nerfed for good reason, it broke the game and made things way too easy. Now with limbo, it's practically the same just the difference is that there is no energy vampire but replaced with energy restore per tick. Not a big one but big enough to help Mesa and Excalibur use their ultimate infinitely with the right mods.

1.5 Ideas Upon Abilities (Possible Solution) :

(Banish, Rift Walk, Cataclysm)

I talked to someone and debating that energy restore per tick should be removed but there was a fair point that was given, why take out something that helps the Limbo be usable? Now the solution to this is simple to say but I can not say it is simple coding wise; disable energy restoring upon using abilities.

Now with this said, it would hurt Limbo a lot since that's really what his niche is, so as a solution on making Limbo more unique and more viable on usage was "Void Monsters". When you enter the void the only interesting thing it has is the visual effects, while the useful things are the invulnerability status and the energy restore, but that's it.

Now with void monsters, it can make his banish and Cataclysm be far more viable for helping defensively. Imagine, either shadowy figures or demon kubrows in the void that put down enemies who enter the void or fling them around when grappled in their mouths, with respected numbers of them of course (Depending on power strength). Making Cataclysm and Banish far more exciting and be far more useful than it is right now.

If that idea doesn’t exactly work then another idea is upon entering the void, which has probably been said countless of times I am sure, reduce enemy levels depending on how much power strength you have. If anything, that can also be added as well with the void monster idea if they attack the enemy (Nom nom nom screw your level).

(Rift Surge)

Rift surge has probably been mentioned a lot of how it is not exactly useful at all. Only reason I agree to that is because we already have so many warframes with damage buffs. So as a thought, when using Rift Surge, it has the “void monsters” go from offensive to defensive, basically them latching onto the teammate to increase damage reduction only in the void (As a side possibility, give limbo a damage reduction by sending a void monster out of the void so he at least has a chance both outside and inside the void), making it compliment both banish and cataclysm alike. Giving the abilities more synergy between skills and far more synergy with both team and solo play.

Edit : Also the ability to pick up items while in the void.

Edit 2 : Make Banish a small AoE.


Edit 3 : Banish to only work on enemies and Rift Walk to have a small AoE for teammates. (Same functionality as Ash's Smokescreen Augment)

2.1 Mesa

Now as a reminder, Mesa is my 4th favorite warframe in this game, mostly because I love the idea of the warframe and having a badass gunslinger is something I die for, don’t judge me. Though there are a few problems that I would like to address.

2.2 Mesa’s Design

Though I do not mind how she looks, I personally love her look, but the only thing that she has in common with Limbo is that, it does not fit the warframe theme. She is wearing clothing, something that really shouldn’t be a thing as a Warframe, it should be a suit, not clothing at all. It sort of breaks the whole theme of warframe.

2.3 Solution Upon Design

I will repeat what I said beforehand with the limbo part, I am not saying to completely redo her look but instead give out an alternate skin of the “original” Mesa. That’s about it really.

2.4 Abilities

So far her abilities synergize pretty well except for her final ability. When you hear aimbotting, it is very discouraged in a lot of games, but in this sense, it is encouraging it as an ability. The ability clears out the whole room depending on where you are standing, which sounds ok until when an enemy spawn and before the enemies can even react they are dead.

2.5 Ideas Upon Abilities (Possible Solution) :

The idea of Excalibur’s ultimate is really awesome, instead of Radial Javelin the whole map it was moved and then replaced with a sword of pure awesome. So as a solution, basically do the same with Mesa, instead of being stationary and be turned into a aimbotting turret, you are able to use the guns yourself. In other words you are able to aim and shoot on your own but with devastating results. Keep the damage as it is right now but have the bullets have a small blast radius and have headshots do more, making Mesa’s pistols the ultimate killing machines. Having a aimbotting skill to an ability of pure skill.

TL;DR : Limbo needs very little rework but needs more than what he has and Mesa's 4th ability needs change along with both having alternate skins of "originals" to fit the warframe look instead of having normal looking clothing.

(Edit : Fixed missing text also love ya Mynki! <3)
(Edit 2 : Ideas are appreciated and if it does sound really good and HELPFUL then I will consider it. :U

Edited by Fait
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I agree with most of this, as for looks on him i honestly pictures something so much more for him then when they showed him, I honestly just didn't even want to get him for the longest time due to how he looked. Just my opinion but i always felt he didn't look the part. 

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Having Mesa's ult be completely mobile, looking in a general direction and getting consistent head shots?

Might end up being OP, +1 to you anyways

Edit: Misread, now my question is why should I use the regulators over my 5 forma Soma Prime?

Edited by Zachatoo
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Having Mesa's ult be completely mobile, looking in a general direction and getting consistent head shots?

Might end up being OP, +1 to you anyways

Edit: Misread, now my question is why should I use the regulators over my 5 forma Soma Prime?

Well, to save up energy you use Soma Prime, if you run out of ammo, use her ultimate or pistols. It's basically giving you 3 different choices of guns and one melee. instead of 2 guns and 1 melee.

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when i 1st suggest Mesa 4th (possible after a month of her release) should be like your idea and everyone just say "No! she's good as she is"

+1 for you and hope De will make her 4th to be able to use the regulator freely like a weapon

Edited by ZzVinniezZ
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when i 1st suggest Mesa 4th (possible after a month of her release) should be like your idea and everyone just say "No! she's good as she is"

+1 for you and hope De will make her 4th to be able to use the regulator freely like a weapon

It usually happens until a lot of people start to realize the potential of press 4 and go to sleep.

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I really like the idea of a rework for the mesa ulti that you says on your post and would be great to add fast or reduce recharge times+increase firerate s, the only thing that i will hate whit this is that the players only will use the 4 like excal ulti all the time.

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I really like the idea of a rework for the mesa ulti that you says on your post and would be great to add fast or reduce recharge times+increase firerate s, the only thing that i will hate whit this is that the players only will use the 4 like excal ulti all the time.

Well, since she is a gunslinger, it would just give players 4 different weapon types, just one will be energy based, 2 will be ammo based and 1 will just be melee. I can't say the same for excalibur since he's both melee and range...


These are some really good points, and as before, I stand with you on them.

The alternative/remake of Mesa`s peacemaker sounds soo much better than the one we have now. Would love to try it out.!

Thanks, I am glad you like it. :)

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I really like the idea of a rework for the mesa ulti that you says on your post and would be great to add fast or reduce recharge times+increase firerate s, the only thing that i will hate whit this is that the players only will use the 4 like excal ulti all the time.

Yea, but it would have synergy with her other skills, which she doesnt really have right now. +no more turret. And I dont see a problem with constantly using excal`s 4th. Since you actually need to aim, run, shoot. All these are missing from the current Mesa. 

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Ong void monsters gimme. I want. Though one thing you might have forgotten that DE might have to fix is Limbo's inability to pick up items or carry stuff or interact with consoles. So, I'm thinking that Limbo either loses 2 energy for every item he picks up, and I say 2 because that's the amount of energy he gains in the void, or let the Carrier pick it up even though I know thats not how Vacuum works. For carrying stuff, yea 2 energy per second again. Most people run energy siphon on Limbo I think, so even if theres a 2 energy/s cost, they still get energy regeneration. Interacting with consoles, I really dont know. If this idea seems poorly thought out it probably is because i cant think of any downsides to it

Ong void monsters gimme. I want. Though one thing you might have forgotten that DE might have to fix is Limbo's inability to pick up items or carry stuff or interact with consoles. So, I'm thinking that Limbo either loses 2 energy for every item he picks up, and I say 2 because that's the amount of energy he gains in the void, or let the Carrier pick it up even though I know thats not how Vacuum works. For carrying stuff, yea 2 energy per second again. Most people run energy siphon on Limbo I think, so even if theres a 2 energy/s cost, they still get energy regeneration. Interacting with consoles, I really dont know. If this idea seems poorly thought out it probably is because i cant think of any downsides to it

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I like all these ideas. I don't play Limbo much at all, mainly due to his looks, and have made mine look as little like a stage magician as possible. Mine kinda looks like Gandalf now to be honest :P For me, one of his abilities seem kinda pointless. I don't see why Banish/Rift Walk couldn't be merged into one ability, where if you cast Banish without a target, it just banishes the caster. 

I like Mesa, I think she is a cool frame, and the equivalent of Excalibur but with guns. Her ultimate is boring. I have no idea why it was introduced into the game in the first place. You don't do anything, except hold down a button or trigger. (Same could be said for Ash, but he's not being discussed here.) I'd love it if her ultimate actually involved some input and aiming.


+1 from me :)

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Ong void monsters gimme. I want. Though one thing you might have forgotten that DE might have to fix is Limbo's inability to pick up items or carry stuff or interact with consoles. So, I'm thinking that Limbo either loses 2 energy for every item he picks up, and I say 2 because that's the amount of energy he gains in the void, or let the Carrier pick it up even though I know thats not how Vacuum works. For carrying stuff, yea 2 energy per second again. Most people run energy siphon on Limbo I think, so even if theres a 2 energy/s cost, they still get energy regeneration. Interacting with consoles, I really dont know. If this idea seems poorly thought out it probably is because i cant think of any downsides to it

Ong void monsters gimme. I want. Though one thing you might have forgotten that DE might have to fix is Limbo's inability to pick up items or carry stuff or interact with consoles. So, I'm thinking that Limbo either loses 2 energy for every item he picks up, and I say 2 because that's the amount of energy he gains in the void, or let the Carrier pick it up even though I know thats not how Vacuum works. For carrying stuff, yea 2 energy per second again. Most people run energy siphon on Limbo I think, so even if theres a 2 energy/s cost, they still get energy regeneration. Interacting with consoles, I really dont know. If this idea seems poorly thought out it probably is because i cant think of any downsides to it

You typed it twice just in case you didn't know, also I edited in the item drop... really embarrassing that I forgot. >3>

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when people say that the warframes design of Limbo does not fit.. tell me who designed the original suits? I'm pretty sure the 1st limbo made his own suit, the 1st Limbo was a gentleman with style and now he destroys the battle field with style


if you see him as a stage act then that is your own fault



Edited by Sibernetika
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when people say that the warframes design of Limbo does not fit.. tell me who designed the original suits? I'm pretty sure the 1st limbo made his own suit, the 1st Limbo was a gentleman with style and now he destroys the battle field with style


if you see him as a stage act then that is your own fault



The Orokin did. And how would you know the personality of the first Limbo(Prime)?

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I instantly agree with the peacemaker changes and personally think that should've been how she worked from the start. With limbo I also agree with the changes but he'll defiantly need that alt skin so he can look the part if he's going to control monsters (although i'd prefer to have that alt trinity skin developed and released quicker xD).

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Mesa's my favourite Warframe and I don't mind how she looks so unarmored (personal opinion) And that GUNSLINGER theme is just too awesome. Sure 4th ability breaks the game. With the Greedy Mag + Mesa combo gone, players still find alternatives to it like Trinity and Limbo (as mentioned). The problem wasn't with Greedy Mag, it's been Mesa's Peacemaker all along (but please don't remove the Regulators, it's one of the biggest reasons Mesa looks so darned AWESOME!)


Note: an archer's scope for an alternate helm would be wayyy cooler :D


(Sorry guys, and Fait, just fanboying over Mesa's looks XD)

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