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Kunai Rebalance.


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Paris: Long range sniping

Kunai: Close range crowd control

Glaive: Killing around corners so you'll be less exposed

I don't see how the Kunai are OP it fits into the stealth role the paris and glaive don't cover so now you have an entire stealth package.

Here's why a nerf won't work: Nerf the damage then you won't kill, wouldn't make much sense if you didn't react to a knife in your back.

Nerf the fire rate: You can't kill those guards who're close together,some guards have a really tight patrol pattern.

Giving them a quick reload animation can be bypassed by a reload mod

I just don't see how you can nerf the kunai without having them interfere with the role of another one of the stealth weapons.



kunai must be short range silent lex. not some cc rapidfire weapon. in this case it will work as supposed - stealth weapon.

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kunai must be short range silent lex. not some cc rapidfire weapon. in this case it will work as supposed - stealth weapon.

Depends on your definition of short range. If they were to nerf the firerate of the kunai it would pretty much make it a long range glaive or a paris with more drop. There have been several times where I've been detected meerly because I couldn't follow up in time before I could kill off another enemy in time.

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Depends on your definition of short range. If they were to nerf the firerate of the kunai it would pretty much make it a long range glaive or a paris with more drop. There have been several times where I've been detected meerly because I couldn't follow up in time before I could kill off another enemy in time.

because kunai are NOT silent.





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Guys STOP ASKING FOR NERFS! I like the kunais the way it is.

Rather, buff which ever weapon is weaker to balance it out. If we constantly nerf things, then every weapon is going to end up weak and boring and you're going to see a flood of complaints left and right every single time and I'm pretty sure the community's sick of seeing a complaint thread everyday.


Edit: Where's that downvote button when you need it

Edited by Hafilgar
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What is this.. I don't even...

Just reduce the firerate a little and make the kunai actually fall down when there's gravity so if you shoot it straight up, it'll land at your feet. Close/medium range as it was intended to be.

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Normal or charged, it MUST IGNORE ARMOR.


Reload is needed, but after every 4 throws (considering that he takes 4 of them and throws 1 by 1)


No auto throw


We are not gona play 24/7 in mercury you know. Half-ing the max ammo is bad idea.



Did i mention that it has travel time and travels in a parabolic path ?

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It's impossible to buff other weapons to Kunai level, especially because of the armor-ignoring capability on normal hit. If DE decide to do that them just remove armor mechanic out of the game will be more logical solution.

And no, PvE still requires balance. Both gameplay and marketing reason.

Remove the Armor-Ignore on Kunai and you are much closer to a balanced weapon. The damage rating is fine IF they didn't ignore armor, then they would be no better than the other side-arms because all Side-Arms have to deal with Armor. Hence the No-Return mod.

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Remove the Armor-Ignore on Kunai and you are much closer to a balanced weapon. The damage rating is fine IF they didn't ignore armor, then they would be no better than the other side-arms because all Side-Arms have to deal with Armor. Hence the No-Return mod.

I am totally bias, but if we look a this objectively: Without there armor pen, kunai have less damage that a lex or a bronco (a lot less) and laughably leff fire rate than a viper, twin viper, furis, afuris what not. I am totally bias in that I would love nothing more than for them not to nerf these, but if they do this is definitely not the way to do it.

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I am totally bias, but if we look a this objectively: Without there armor pen, kunai have less damage that a lex or a bronco (a lot less) and laughably leff fire rate than a viper, twin viper, furis, afuris what not. I am totally bias in that I would love nothing more than for them not to nerf these, but if they do this is definitely not the way to do it.

Well, in my OP I mentioned charge mechanic which is supposed to increase damage to the point that you can1-shot mook with a single throw. Stealth weapon should be high damage, low firerate - similar to the Paris.

Right now the main problem is the fact that it deals armor-ignoring damage and can be throw extremely fast. I like it, but if it stays as it is then I don't see reason to use other pistols.

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Too add my 2 cents, I don't think Kunai need a nerf. There are plenty of other OP secondaries that do allot more DPS (AKboltos and dual broncos come to mind).


Badass weapons are fun, here's hoping that in the future DE improves the AI so that we desperatly cling to our deadly weaponry as the valued and life saving equipment it is whilst grineer death squads hunt us down and flush us out with flame throwers and grenades. 

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As far as I know, Despair has whopping 10 more damage without any disadvantage. Pretty severely bad design choice when the game decide to release two versions of the same weapon and one has clearly superior stat.

Why? The stalker knives are much more difficult to acquire. Why shouldn't they be more powerful? What's wrong with a more expensive and difficult to acquire weapon being better?

Also, despair doesn't seem to stagger from what I've heard, and it has half damage vs infested to make up for its innate puncture.


The new Reaper Prime is supposedly about the same as the Scindo or Gram, both of which can be obtained much easier. It doesn't have to better because it takes longer to get, of course it would be nice!

From what I understand (haven't gotten RP myself), it's strictly inferior to the gram and scindo in everything but looks. Slow charge but not much more damage than gram, less reach and damage than scindo but not too much less charge time.


I like it, but if it stays as it is then I don't see reason to use other pistols.

A properly modded Lato will outDPS kunai. The armor ignoring thing is nice, but that's only really useful vs grineer and ancients now. A properly modded Lex can snipe enemies at ranges where the kunai would be wasting shots. The kraken at close range can fire almost as fast for nearly twice the damage per trigger pull, and it can still snipe enemies at range like a lex.

Dual broncos will also outDPS the kunai. Twin vipers will do the same at close range.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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No I play the weapon by myself and found that I can down lv30 ancient with lv10 Kunai which has only one mod equipped, 100% damage pistol mod. One clip can take that down without headshotting it.


AND you deserve to be able to do that... Why? because you are an EXPERIENCED player and know how to mod/play.

The balances are already there. You just sorta missed them. The reason why the Kunai ARE powerful vs pistols is because bullets take less time to travel and hitscan. You DO have to compensate for knife travel time and enemies moving to land all your shots. Try headshotting with a kunai vs. lex. Unless you're really good at compensating for the dip, just like when using Paris and able to further compensate for distance, it's not as easy as a sniper gun.

I can't see how changing the reload and/or autofire can help to balance this weapon at all.

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I am totally bias, but if we look a this objectively: Without there armor pen, kunai have less damage that a lex or a bronco (a lot less) and laughably leff fire rate than a viper, twin viper, furis, afuris what not. I am totally bias in that I would love nothing more than for them not to nerf these, but if they do this is definitely not the way to do it.

I know, I did the math after I made that suggestion. I retract the statement and it is why I came back on the forums today. The Kunai are not the top dps-offhands in fact they are in the top 10 but not top 5 for pure DPS potential.


They are fine as is and honestly I with I never suggested the above statement.

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Leave it the way it is and buff the other weapons if you want.

If it's nerfed that's just another weapon that was once fun most likely ruined.


It's PvE not PvP.

This has been my opinion in all of these threads.  If you think it's OP, try it out yourself, it is cheap to buy in BP & uses common materials to build.  It has many strengths, it has few weaknesses.  That doesn't mean you'll love it, it just means it's versatile.  Just because it's powerful doesn't mean it suits every enemy, every scenario and every playstyle.


The one nerf I'd be happy with hasn't been suggested to my knowledge - raise the availability requirements.  Do this in 1 or 2 ways - raise the base lvl you can buy it at to MUCH higher, say 4-5-6.  You'll be rewarding your longer players with the cool new toy without making it sh*t.  Raise the cost of the blueprints and the construction to make it something you have to seriously aim for for a day or so, instead of something you can pretty much build straight away.


Nerfing weapons & warframes people love which are working as designed* when we're playing a PVE game only pisses people off who have spent many hours levelling their favourite weapons.  Myself definitely included.

(* e.g. not like the paris crititcal % chance which which was bugged)

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This has been my opinion in all of these threads.  If you think it's OP, try it out yourself, it is cheap to buy in BP & uses common materials to build.  It has many strengths, it has few weaknesses.  That doesn't mean you'll love it, it just means it's versatile.  Just because it's powerful doesn't mean it suits every enemy, every scenario and every playstyle.


The one nerf I'd be happy with hasn't been suggested to my knowledge - raise the availability requirements.  Do this in 1 or 2 ways - raise the base lvl you can buy it at to MUCH higher, say 4-5-6.  You'll be rewarding your longer players with the cool new toy without making it sh*t.  Raise the cost of the blueprints and the construction to make it something you have to seriously aim for for a day or so, instead of something you can pretty much build straight away.


Nerfing weapons & warframes people love which are working as designed* when we're playing a PVE game only &!$$es people off who have spent many hours levelling their favourite weapons.  Myself definitely included.

(* e.g. not like the paris crititcal % chance which which was bugged)

To me it is a Level 2 or level 3 restricted weapon or at least should be. I was Level 2 before I could get this. The Kunai are not OP, try them out on wave 15+ then tell me they are OP compared to Lex/Furis/Akbolto's because they are not. You can do far more sustained damage with any of those than the Kunai.


Everyone has a playstyle the goal of weapons is to viable in the hands of the right player. IF perhaps a weapon is being used a lot... well the Kunai JUST came out of course they are going to be used as everyone figures out what they like, they also are another source of level-xp.

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Just came from opening up Pluto, the Kunai are perfectly balanced in those difficulties. They're twitchy as hell, but effective if you can keep your head in a big fight.


Mine are at Lv-30, Potato'd with Barrel Diffusion at 100%, and +160% damage Hornet Strike. I still need two to three throws into a target to drop them, and if I don't get the enemy before they see me, I come out worse in the exchange.


Also, I'm finally the guy who carries the football in those missions and doesn't feel like I'm dragging the team down because I can't fight. I really appreciate having an effective sidearm that can keep up with the rapid pace of play.

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