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Which Warframes Do You See The Least?


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Oberon is a jack-of-all trades type of war frame.  Of course he isn't going to be the best at everything because he has a little bit of everything, which is what makes him great in his own right.


Healing - Renewal can be used as a true regeneration ability and can slowdown bleed out timers. (Now you may argue that the particle has travel time... but that doesn't matter, if your entire team is sticking together... in a team fight anyways.  If people aren't sticking together, that's another problem entirely, and also completely depends on the situation and/or mission type as well.).  Power Strength only makes it better.


Damage - It's not about his damage.  You can build him for insane crowd controlling.

-> Crowd Control:

1. Reckoning is some serious business crowd control.  The health orbs are nice, if you do end up killing your enemy with it, which you easily can anyways, if your teammates are keeping the pressure on.  Everyone benefits from that one aspect.  Reckoning momentarily lifts a HUGE area of enemies, slams them down on their faces, blinds, and confuses them all at once.  It casts quickly and can be done midair, sliding, and during other maneuvers.  And you have the nerve to tell me that's zero utility.  You say that "any utility frame can do it better."  I like to see any other frame do what Oberon can (no hate to 'em).

2. Smite is a hitscan #1 ability.  It sends out homing ribbons which proc radiation and make enemies drunk... several enemies at a time.  Upping power strength ups the ribbon count.  More Power strength = More crowd control.  It takes less than half a second for me to confuse a whole squad of enemies with a skill that can cost less than 20 energy.


Supporting/Buffing - The Hallowed Ground is rather a niche.  It can prevent knockdowns and staggering and can be casted multiple times for however long you need it.  You don't need a huge carpet.  You don't need a long lasting carpet.  A 6 second carpet is long enough.  - No one requires you to stand on it.  Heck, I place it on anyone who looks like he's drunk.  Helping a Tenno out.  I don't use it too often, but it comes in handy in a pinch.


Let's not forget to mention Smite Infusion.  Now I know it's an augment and some of you are going to be up in arms like "waste of slot yada yada yada"  Except it's not. [I don't care if an augment is an "augment" or "Waste of slot."  Its definition is to power up your abilities.  Are normal mods not the same thing; augmenting our abilities and powers?] It turns any of your teammates into radiation spreaders.  "But it only lasts 40 seconds so what?  it's dumb, useless, stupid, worthless, etc."  No it's not.  Casting smite infusion on a teammate still sends out the dazzling ribbons which stagger and proc radiation of multiple enemies.  Let's not forget to mention... Smite is hitscan and you can shoot and reload while casting it without interrupting anything.


Tanking - I don't consider Oberon to be too much of a Tank.  I run him with high HP and totally nuke his shields by equipping a Decaying Dragon Key(I have Rage on Oberon).  Now I say that I don't consider him much of a tank, and I don't.  I play him as sort of a blood-mage(?).  I take damage in order to cast a Reckoning to lift up the entire lot of enemies, use a quick Renewal, and continue to use Smite/Infusion to keep enemies pinned down and confused.  Reckoning and Smite are my defense.


Every.  Single. One... of his abilities has a use and most likely will be used in any demanding mission.  What other frames consistently use all of their abilities?  Not many.  Especially the meta-builds.  And any Oberon build will see usage of all his abilities.


I don't appreciate your rather inflammatory and abuse tone, so I'm going to stop replying to you since you have only retorted without anything beneficial, only "yup he's trash."  Or "lol go play ur 20 min apooplos noob hahah ur mom"


Oberon doesn't need an overhaul nor is his kit "garbage"


Get clemmed, Tenno skoom.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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Healing - Renewal can be used as a true regeneration ability and can slowdown bleed out timers. (Now you may argue that the particle has travel time... but that doesn't matter, if your entire team is sticking together... in a team fight anyways.  If people aren't sticking together, that's another problem entirely, and also completely depends on the situation and/or mission type as well.).  Power Strength only makes it better.


And yet Trinity does this better, and then some, without having people wait for a projectile to travel to them, ontop of adding damage reduction and coming equipped with EV and Link as well.


1. Reckoning is some serious business crowd control.  The health orbs are nice, if you do end up killing your enemy with it, which you easily can anyways, if your teammates are keeping the pressure on.  Everyone benefits from that one aspect.  Reckoning momentarily lifts a HUGE area of enemies, slams them down on their faces, blinds, and confuses them all at once.  It casts quickly and can be done midair, sliding, and during other maneuvers.  And you have the nerve to tell me that's zero utility.  You say that "any utility frame can do it better."  I like to see any other frame do what Oberon can (no hate to 'em).

2. Smite is a hitscan #1 ability.  It sends out homing ribbons which proc radiation and make enemies drunk... several enemies at a time.  Upping power strength ups the ribbon count.  More Power strength = More crowd control.  It takes less than half a second for me to confuse a whole squad of enemies with a skill that can cost less than 20 energy.



And yet Irradiating Disarm does it better. Disarming and proccing enemies instantly.

And yet Chaos does it better. Having them just straight up slaughter each other without having to wait for fifty animations to finish. When enemies get to such a high level that even our weapons can't even tickle them, the only thing that can kill them is eachother. This is how folks got to 100+wave defenses in the first place.

Vauban Bastille and Vortex completely neutralizes enemies entirely, preventing them from even moving, let alone attacking.

Sound Quake stunlocks them for an eternity.

Hell even Tornado does it better. Lifting them up up and away from your team. The list goes on and on.


And guess what, neither are tied to mashing your 1 key or your 4 key. You hit it once and the entire room and then some is CC'd. Incredible, and they scale infinitely too! Wow! And they come packed onto some of the best frames in the game barring Zephyr! 


So no, don't even try to argue that Oberon has more utility than any frame in the game. It shows how ignorant and biased you are to your favourite frame. I love Volt to death, doesn't mean I'mma take him everywhere and argue he's the best frame in the game when he clearly isn't.



Every.  Single. One... of his abilities has a use and most likely will be used in any demanding mission.  What other frames consistently use all of their abilities?  Not many.  Especially the meta-builds.  And any Oberon build will see usage of all his abilities.


And yet you just said you barely ever use Hallowed Ground 'cus it's terrible. Make up your mind.

> Using every single one of your abilities

This is not a selling point to what makes a frame good. Doesn't matter if you use all 4 abilities if only 1 of them is semi-decent at best.



Get clemmed, Tenno skoom.



No thanks I'll just go play a frame that can actually fill the role needed for the squad.

Edited by Diarist
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Best part is that all the frames named here rarely seen are the only frames I play like banshee Chroma oberon zephyr limbo is my jam don't own a ember.I only own frames I like so it's kinda funny to see them here.

The thing is the frames named above are more solo players frame than a team players like Loki or rhino.

All the frames are good but need to have the patience to find the method to use them :)

Edited by SharkPot
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And yet Trinity does this better, and then some, without having people wait for a projectile to travel to them, ontop of adding damage reduction and coming equipped with EV and Link as well.


And yet Irradiating Disarm does it better. Disarming and proccing enemies instantly.

And yet Chaos does it better. Having them just straight up slaughter each other without having to wait for fifty animations to finish. When enemies get to such a high level that even our weapons can't even tickle them, the only thing that can kill them is eachother. This is how folks got to 100+wave defenses in the first place.

Vauban Bastille and Vortex completely neutralizes enemies entirely, preventing them from even moving, let alone attacking.

Sound Quake stunlocks them for an eternity.

Hell even Tornado does it better. Lifting them up up and away from your team. The list goes on and on.


And guess what, neither are tied to mashing your 1 key or your 4 key. You hit it once and the entire room and then some is CC'd. Incredible, and they scale infinitely too! Wow! And they come packed onto some of the best frames in the game barring Zephyr! 


So no, don't even try to argue that Oberon has more utility than any frame in the game. It shows how ignorant and biased you are to your favourite frame. I love Volt to death, doesn't mean I'mma take him everywhere and argue he's the best frame in the game when he clearly isn't.




And yet you just said you barely ever use Hallowed Ground 'cus it's terrible. Make up your mind.

> Using every single one of your abilities

This is not a selling point to what makes a frame good. Doesn't matter if you use all 4 abilities if only 1 of them is semi-decent at best.




No thanks I'll just go play a frame that can actually fill the role needed for the squad.



You seem so hung up on "specialized" frames.


Oberon does everything, which is what makes him great.


Disabler. Stunner. Healer. Support.  Crowd Controller.  All-in-One.  That is what he specializes in.


"Jack of all trades"


No frame does what he does.  He fills in all those roles at the same damn time.



You're calling me ignorant because I think Oberon has tons of utility? That makes no sense.   It's pretty much fact that he has the most utility, considering he does what most other frames do, in one big package.  I'm not ignoring other frames.  Oberon does (almost[he does most of the useful stuff]) >>>>>>>>>>>EVERYTHING<<<<<<<<<<


All those bits of utility add up, tremendously.


He blinds, like Excalibur and Mirage.


He lifts enemies (similar to Vauban)


He heals (similar to trinity)


He irradiates/confuses (similar to Nyx and irradiating Loki) - Actually it is 100% confusion meaning enemies WILL attack and KILL each other where our weapons can't... just like you said.


He stuns (similar to Volt) [impact stunning from Smite is comparable to Electric Stunning from shock + it confuses]


There are many other frames he shares features with like Nekros, aiding in generating health orbs (negligible benefit)


With his augment, he is an intense buffer which outclasses radial/aural buff skills because the buff allows teammates to turn into Confusion Status Machines with any weapon and it stuns (similar to Volt)   ---- This single mod does so much.


It doesn't matter if Loki/Nyx is the better confuser.  It doesn't matter if Trinity is the better healer.  It doesn't matter if Vauban is the better controller.  Because Oberon does all those at once.


And you're calling me ignorant.


Is that ignoring anything?  If anything you're being the ignorant jerk by assuming these things about me.  I may be biased, but I'm not damned ignorant.  


Good night!

Edited by GoatGodJohn
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It depends on what activities you play the most -

I see Chroma all the time when credit farming on Pluto.

I see Mesa/Limbo/Trinity/Frost all the damn time on Draco

I see Excalibur pretty much everywhere

I see Hydroid a lot on Jupiter and Mars dark sector.

I see a lot of oddball frames on Pluto dark sector and Earth Excavation, since players use these to level up stuff.

I never see Mag anymore

I never see Ember

Never ever ever see Vauban, even in Infested missions.

I see Rhino, Mirage, Loki, Ash, and Nova all the time in the Void.

Never see Banshee, Nekros, Nyx, Oberon, Volt, Saryn, Zephyr, it Valkyr though.

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Oberon is a jack-of-all trades type of war frame. Of course he isn't going to be the best at everything because he has a little bit of everything, which is what makes him great in his own right.

Healing - Renewal can be used as a true regeneration ability and can slowdown bleed out timers. (Now you may argue that the particle has travel time... but that doesn't matter, if your entire team is sticking together... in a team fight anyways. If people aren't sticking together, that's another problem entirely, and also completely depends on the situation and/or mission type as well.). Power Strength only makes it better.

Damage - It's not about his damage. You can build him for insane crowd controlling.

-> Crowd Control:

1. Reckoning is some serious business crowd control. The health orbs are nice, if you do end up killing your enemy with it, which you easily can anyways, if your teammates are keeping the pressure on. Everyone benefits from that one aspect. Reckoning momentarily lifts a HUGE area of enemies, slams them down on their faces, blinds, and confuses them all at once. It casts quickly and can be done midair, sliding, and during other maneuvers. And you have the nerve to tell me that's zero utility. You say that "any utility frame can do it better." I like to see any other frame do what Oberon can (no hate to 'em).

2. Smite is a hitscan #1 ability. It sends out homing ribbons which proc radiation and make enemies drunk... several enemies at a time. Upping power strength ups the ribbon count. More Power strength = More crowd control. It takes less than half a second for me to confuse a whole squad of enemies with a skill that can cost less than 20 energy.

Supporting/Buffing - The Hallowed Ground is rather a niche. It can prevent knockdowns and staggering and can be casted multiple times for however long you need it. You don't need a huge carpet. You don't need a long lasting carpet. A 6 second carpet is long enough. - No one requires you to stand on it. Heck, I place it on anyone who looks like he's drunk. Helping a Tenno out. I don't use it too often, but it comes in handy in a pinch.

Let's not forget to mention Smite Infusion. Now I know it's an augment and some of you are going to be up in arms like "waste of slot yada yada yada" Except it's not. [I don't care if an augment is an "augment" or "Waste of slot." Its definition is to power up your abilities. Are normal mods not the same thing; augmenting our abilities and powers?] It turns any of your teammates into radiation spreaders. "But it only lasts 40 seconds so what? it's dumb, useless, stupid, worthless, etc." No it's not. Casting smite infusion on a teammate still sends out the dazzling ribbons which stagger and proc radiation of multiple enemies. Let's not forget to mention... Smite is hitscan and you can shoot and reload while casting it without interrupting anything.

Tanking - I don't consider Oberon to be too much of a Tank. I run him with high HP and totally nuke his shields by equipping a Decaying Dragon Key(I have Rage on Oberon). Now I say that I don't consider him much of a tank, and I don't. I play him as sort of a blood-mage(?). I take damage in order to cast a Reckoning to lift up the entire lot of enemies, use a quick Renewal, and continue to use Smite/Infusion to keep enemies pinned down and confused. Reckoning and Smite are my defense.

Every. Single. One... of his abilities has a use and most likely will be used in any demanding mission. What other frames consistently use all of their abilities? Not many. Especially the meta-builds. And any Oberon build will see usage of all his abilities.

I don't appreciate your rather inflammatory and abuse tone, so I'm going to stop replying to you since you have only retorted without anything beneficial, only "yup he's trash." Or "lol go play ur 20 min apooplos noob hahah ur mom"

Oberon doesn't need an overhaul nor is his kit "garbage"

Get clemmed, Tenno skoom.


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You seem so hung up on "specialized" frames.

Oberon does everything, which is what makes him great.

Disabler. Stunner. Healer. Support. Crowd Controller. All-in-One. That is what he specializes in.

"Jack of all trades"

No frame does what he does. He fills in all those roles at the same damn time.

You're calling me ignorant because I think Oberon has tons of utility? That makes no sense. It's pretty much fact that he has the most utility, considering he does what most other frames do, in one big package. I'm not ignoring other frames. Oberon does (almost[he does most of the useful stuff]) >>>>>>>>>>>EVERYTHING<<<<<<<<<<

All those bits of utility add up, tremendously.

He blinds, like Excalibur and Mirage.

He lifts enemies (similar to Vauban)

He heals (similar to trinity)

He irradiates/confuses (similar to Nyx and irradiating Loki) - Actually it is 100% confusion meaning enemies WILL attack and KILL each other where our weapons can't... just like you said.

He stuns (similar to Volt) [impact stunning from Smite is comparable to Electric Stunning from shock + it confuses]

There are many other frames he shares features with like Nekros, aiding in generating health orbs (negligible benefit)

With his augment, he is an intense buffer which outclasses radial/aural buff skills because the buff allows teammates to turn into Confusion Status Machines with any weapon and it stuns (similar to Volt) ---- This single mod does so much.

It doesn't matter if Loki/Nyx is the better confuser. It doesn't matter if Trinity is the better healer. It doesn't matter if Vauban is the better controller. Because Oberon does all those at once.

And you're calling me ignorant.

Is that ignoring anything? If anything you're being the ignorant jerk by assuming these things about me. I may be biased, but I'm not damned ignorant.

Good night!

Don't forget the radial blind=excalibur and armor buff =valkyr. Status proc and knockdown hydroid and iron skin rhino .

Problem is most people hate because they haven't spent time on frames . Me being MR19 I take advantage of every frame and most weapons to keep myself fresh in the game.

I'll forma something over and over just to see how it is and then exploit it. People need to get good.

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Want to know what's actually bad when used?


Chroma is one of those frames that looks funny and doesn't fit into people's visions of being a sleek futuristic space ninja covered in almost every square inch with gold trim.

He also doesn't help a team kill things faster, move from point A to point B faster, doesn't help farm stuff quicker...he doesn't fit into the 'efficiency' meta.

This is why you don't see Chroma, even though he is capable of a lot if people are willing to bend builds for him.

THANK YOU,love Chroma btw

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RE: Rarely seen !== not used/popular

I just realised that i use quite a few of those frames "never seen".

Then I made the connection: some frame not being seen does not mean that it is not used often at all: it could be that the people using the frames just solo most of the time.


In other words, some frame not being used a lot may not be "lesser". In fact, it may be so effective that people don't even need team mates... ;)




RE: Oberon

His strength is being balanced and versatile, which is also his "weakness", because there are probably not enough missions where we face a lot of unexpected scenarios (e.g. if I say its a Grineer Exterminate, even before starting the mission, I think most of us will already know how it will play out). As such, it is usually more effective if we choose a specialized frame for that mission type.


However, if we ever get longer missions, with multiple random sub-objectives, Oberon's value may be more prominent: you can never go 'wrong' with him, no matter how the situation changes beyond expectations(?).


Personally, I have been hoping to see some inter-frame synergy (e.g. if 2 frames are in party with some say aura mod combination, it will create some special active/passive effects).  Looking forward to a "Titiania" or "Pug" frame (ok not so seriously) ;)

Edited by smithf
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