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The Warframe Market Is A Joke And Actively Discourages Impulse Purchases (Updated, Includes Solution To Installed Catalysts/weapon Slot On Weapons)


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You havent seen DE's accounting.

You dont know how much profit they are making, other F2P games have no bearing on what DE is doing.


And no i dont know if people are clamoring to pay for the set but if a few buy it that's a win.

Remember, this game has no publisher so the cash goes directly to them minus whatever transaction cost from whatever pay services they are using.

Please ask a business Major what he thinks of it. As one myself, I can tell you that what the OP posted is pretty much the way all big companies that sell products are run around the world.

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To the people who say "only buy slots/potatoes etc.":

If I go to a café for the first time and I notice that they're advertising(not just offering) a plain ham and cheese sandwich for $25, I (and most people) probably wouldn't bother to stick around and try to see if they have anything cheaper. Guess what the first thing I see is when I open the market tab? 

Edited by Argoms
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It seems like common sense to cater to the people that you have more of.


You should look at Vindictus, it does the same thing that Warframe is starting to do.


Vindictus has outrageous prices and outrageous RNG.


Among the community, there are several fairly well-known financially successful players and these players always buy whatever it is that Nexon sells, regardless of the price.


Vindictus has a terrible enhancement and enchantment system. Enhancement goes up to 15 and sometimes it's impossible to even get past +5. If you manage to get up to +8, you risk destroying your weapon completely from then on. There are cash items you can buy to protect your weapon, to keep it from resetting in rank and losing durability. These cash items don't make you succeed, so if the enchancement fails, you're out 5 bucks. Yes, 5 bucks for an item that doesn't help you succeed.


Enchanting is pretty much the same way, it has these same cash items that go from 10-25 bucks, if I recall. The cheapest keeps your weapon from exploding, the next keeps both your weapon and enchant from exploding. The last one is a special one that they release on occasion, which is a complete 100% success. Pure Pay to Win at it's finest.


Nexon even makes you pay for event items in Vindictus, event items that are available for free in every other version of the game. Why do they do this? Because they're understaffed and the least profitable branch.


A quick look at Vindictus's cash shop and remaining community shows what group of people they're trying to cater to. And it's not helping them. At all.

Edited by FatalX7
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Add 25/30 plat onto the weapons, and 35 plat onto the warframes to make up for the potato and extra slot and then I completely agree.

Adding on the Slot cost I can agree, but not the potato. You can't put the full price down on that because its locked to that frame. You can't choose to put it on a different frame or wait and see if you actually want to keep said frame. The slot you get to keep, the potato you don't.

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You don't seem to be grasping that if DE made the prices more geared towards people who weren't born in a family that owns a yacht, they'd earn more money. This is a proven fact with many F2P games which remain successful to this day, as well as many mobile games on iPhone and Android.


I ask again, do you have DE's accounting sheets?

Can we see them?

If not, you have no base on this argument at all. Business doesnt operate on one single method because if it did then EVERYONE would be successful if they all did they same thing but *gasp!* this isnt happening!




You see those Orokin Catalysts and Reactors which cost a measly 20 Platinum? I can guarantee you they are some of the highest selling items in the store. Why? They're cheap and rarely show up in the game.So tell me why some of the rarest to find and most sought after items cost LESS than all of the weapons, many of which can be made with barebones materials you get just by playing normally? I guarantee you 90% of the playerbase does not purchase weapons or frames, and they have good reason to, because it's a complete con.


Everybody (well really some people, i dont have catalyst in all my guns, the game is not that hard) needs catalyst for their guns but not everyone needs to get every gun. This is obvious. The items that people are guaranteed to buy, Orokin stuff, slots, are cheap but the items that arent as guaranteed have their prices bumped because sales of those items wont be guaranteed to be high even if cheap. There are endless threads of people saying how this weapon is just a re-skinned version of this other thing, or how this weapon sucks, or only get this version of the weapon, etc, etc. This affects people's view and that affect sales.


I've seen like two positive comments for the Grakata on this board and one of them comes from me... do you really think the general player is going to spend ANY sort of money on a weapon that gets blasted that much? No. So what's the point? Just price it based on what's around the market and wait for some sales.


By the way, people still ENDLESSLY complain about slots when they are some of the cheaper items in game. There are lot different types of players playing this game so when you see some of this stuff set like it is set know that this isnt just made for one type of player.

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Please ask a business Major what he thinks of it. As one myself, I can tell you that what the OP posted is pretty much the way all big companies that sell products are run around the world.


Is DE a big company? No.

There are a lot of small companies around the world selling 500 dollar jeans which do real well.

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Is DE a big company? No.

There are a lot of small companies around the world selling 500 dollar jeans which do real well.


I didn't know this was a clothing store.


Can't really compare Nexon and DE.  DE actually has customer service.


Well, this isn't about their customer service, it's about their cash shop and financial situations.


But Nexon doesn't have customer service because they're so poor, so I guess it goes hand in hand! LOL

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Nexon even makes you pay for event items in Vindictus, event items that are available for free in every other version of the game. Why do they do this? Because they're understaffed and the least profitable branch.


Nexon NA is a good example of how not to do cash shops. When Dungeon Fighter Online came out here, people raged about the cash shop prices and how many of the items were based on gambling. Nexon did very little about the prices.


Guess what game shuts down in a few weeks?

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Is DE a big company? No.

There are a lot of small companies around the world selling 500 dollar jeans which do real well.

(I think it's safe to say at this point he's gone full fanboy, or has no understanding of how a business works)

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I ask again, do you have DE's accounting sheets?

Can we see them?

If not, you have no base on this argument at all. Business doesnt operate on one single method because if it did then EVERYONE would be successful if they all did they same thing but *gasp!* this isnt happening!

I don't see how this is an argument at all when we have countless other companies to base what is the best option when it comes to selling virtual goods in a F2P game and what isn't. It's a fallacy that isn't worth even arguing against. Do you think going against the grain of other successful F2P games instead of copying what they do is in any way a smart thing to do? Have you ever taken a business class in your life? It is a proven fact that incremental small purchases are THE most successful way of earning profit from F2P games. It doesn't matter how much DE is making now, chances are they could be making far more if they stopped trying to make Warframe's market only accessible to people who have a butler.



Everybody (well really some people, i dont have catalyst in all my guns, the game is not that hard) needs catalyst for their guns but not everyone needs to get every gun. This is obvious. The items that people are guaranteed to buy, Orokin stuff, slots, are cheap but the items that arent as guaranteed have their prices bumped because sales of those items wont be guaranteed to be high even if cheap. There are endless threads of people saying how this weapon is just a re-skinned version of this other thing, or how this weapon sucks, or only get this version of the weapon, etc, etc. This affects people's view and that affect sales.


I've seen like two positive comments for the Grakata on this board and one of them comes from me... do you really think the general player is going to spend ANY sort of money on a weapon that gets blasted that much? No. So what's the point? Just price it based on what's around the market and wait for some sales.


By the way, people still ENDLESSLY complain about slots when they are some of the cheaper items in game. There are lot different types of players playing this game so when you see some of this stuff set like it is set know that this isnt just made for one type of player.

So what you're basically saying is "These items suck, so it doesn't matter if they're priced low or high, it won't affect sales." I genuinely can't believe I'm hearing this. Why WOULD it be smart to price a bad weapon high? What stops the weapon being cheap all of a sudden? What utter nonsense. I don't see stores selling their worst merchandise for more than their better stuff.

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Nexon NA is a good example of how not to do cash shops. When Dungeon Fighter Online came out here, people raged about the cash shop prices and how many of the items were based on gambling. Nexon did very little about the prices.


Guess what game shuts down in a few weeks?


No freakin' way!?






My god, you're right! I used to play that game so much, that's kinda crazy. I liked the Korean version better anyway.

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Is DE a big company? No.

There are a lot of small companies around the world selling 500 dollar jeans which do real well.

What, like Abercrombie & Fitch. I guess ya gotta know your market.


However Warframe doesn't have anything about that would really draw the rich and dumb. It isn't on Xbox.

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I didn't know this was a clothing store.


The post i was replying to didnt seem to just be talking about video games.



(I think it's safe to say at this point he's gone full fanboy, or has no understanding of how a business works)


Right, because in business the only market out there is the extremely cheap market.



What, like Abercrombie & Fitch. I guess ya gotta know your market.


However Warframe doesn't have anything about that would really draw the rich and dumb. It isn't on Xbox.


Rich people play PC games too, i mean.... Alienware.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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You forget weapons come with a slot and a catalyst.

Seeing as catalysts cost 20 and a single slot costs 6 platinum, your viper costing 25 makes no sense.

I'm brazilian, whatever platinum I buy, I'll pay around twice as much as any dollar customer and I don't think the prices are quite absurd or anything.

Platinum is used to buy commodities, most people buy simply slots and colors, which are fairly priced, specially the bundles.

Some prices could be adjusted, sure, I agree, but your outrage is exxagerated.

How is this outrage?


DE should cater to us, the common folk, instead of the rich kid with $200 spend every month


Why not take the potatoes out? Why not lower the prices of potatoes and slots all together?

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I don't see how this is an argument at all when we have countless other companies to base what is the best option when it comes to selling virtual goods in a F2P game and what isn't. It's a fallacy that isn't worth even arguing against. Do you think going against the grain of other successful F2P games instead of copying what they do is in any way a smart thing to do? Have you ever taken a business class in your life? It is a proven fact that incremental small purchases are THE most successful way of earning profit from F2P games. It doesn't matter how much DE is making now, chances are they could be making far more if they stopped trying to make Warframe's market only accessible to people who have a butler.



Does every F2P out there operate exactly the same? No.... so what's your point?


Copy successful models? Which? Let me guess.... League of Legends?

Ok now we have to wait for a Chinese company to invest half a billion dollars on Warframe.


Team Fortress? That was a paid game first.

Any other successful models you want to add?







So what you're basically saying is "These items suck, so it doesn't matter if they're priced low or high, it won't affect sales." I genuinely can't believe I'm hearing this. Why WOULD it be smart to price a bad weapon high? What stops the weapon being cheap all of a sudden? What utter nonsense. I don't see stores selling their worst merchandise for more than their better stuff.


I ask again,  do you think a number of people are going to drop ANY amount of cash on something that is generally considered bad?


Care to answer?

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