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Another Perspective


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Think of a world where the tenno hasn't been introduced to multishot yet. And then out of the blue, they get introduced the split chamber and hells chamber by the great baro ki'tear :') and then they explode in debate of how they're going to use it. What types of tactics or strategies that they can use to fully benefit from this new mod that lowers ammo but increases damage.

Anyway, how would you feel about the future multishot if multishot never existed in the first place?

I think multishot in its present condition "spoiled" everyone and now they think that this is a nerd (which I guess it is). I think everyone would be fine if multishot was never implemented before and then we get introduced to the "nerfed" one

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The hypothetical situation you've posed doesn't really apply here, as our system had built around the mod. We'd have different expectations if we didn't get multishot until now, sure, but that's not the case, and DE needs to be careful unless they want to cause an instant mess. Things need to be rebalenced game-wide.

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The issue with the split chamber nerf is that it is for one, needed for anything high end. Especially if you enjoy solo play, enemies are bullet sponges anyway. For two, anyone who argues how they should use this new mod would be kind of dumb. It will do twice the damage but use twice the ammo, your weapon will end up doing the exact same sustained fire damage without it. Unless it also increases your ammo capacity by double. This will end any usefulness the mod previously held and it will make every weapon that you take to t4 half as strong as before. You enjoy doing t4 survival solo? Too bad, you are completely s*** out of luck unless you have tons of ammo restores because a mutation won't be enough.

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You are getting there, but, not enough.


Remove all damage mods, the mod system as been rigged since the beginning.

Fixing or removing multishot alone, is pretty much doing nothing.

I would agree with that as long as enemies end up with a level cap and every weapon in the game is capable of standing up to them. That's the only way that it would make sense and not break the game for everyone.
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De has balanced the entire game around having these mods. So I would think " wow why is this game so damn hard, I can't even make it 20 rounds in defence missions"

Exactly what most of the player base supporting this can't seem to comprehend. I meet a lot of bad players that think they are amazing. They'll be pissed when they find out that the weapons they used with this mod can't carry them anymore
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Exactly what most of the player base supporting this can't seem to comprehend. I meet a lot of bad players that think they are amazing. They'll be pissed when they find out that the weapons they used with this mod can't carry them anymore

I'm not saying I'm amazing or anything but all the weps I use are acuracy based like the lex and Paris p. But even with those low ammo costing weps this will cripple those too. I'll have to reload 3 times more with my lex p which is outrageous! That's so much damage loss . And we don't even know if these mods will work on bows or not because it will take the ammo from the mag which is at maximum 1 for bows.

In fact this change makes the most sense to only apply to bows. Take 2 arrows out of your quiver and fire them at the same time. I wouldn't mind that as much, but when it comes to any other gun it's a huge nerf.

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