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[Suggestion] Clan And Or Alliance Bbs


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Bulletin Board System (BBS) should be a function in Clans or Alliances. It would help with long messages or notices that the Message Of The Day (MOTD) cannot fit. Clans or Alliance would be able to post rules, guides, introduction, etc. The use of BBS would be more convenient for members who are unsure about using a website or doesn't want to log onto a website to see whats on the agenda of the day. 

An old game that I once played had this system. It was simple to use and very easy to access. Clan window > Clan BBS

 The Image below is how their BBS looked like. Warframe should have one with its own theme. 


I ask fellow Tennos to support like and comment. To help integrate the BBS system into Warframe. #YearOfQuality

Edited by Keijii
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Great Idea. I'm behind anything to strengthen communication in clans/alliances. The motd simply isn't filling this role in any shape form or fashion. This BB system is defiantly a step in the right direction. Combine this with an in game inbox system that clans/alliances can use together sprinkle in an Clan/Alliance event alert system (akin to steam alerts for discussion groups) and you would have an in game communication quality of life souffle fit for a Grineer Queen..

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