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Forma-Ing Weapons Is A Pointless Waste For The Foreseeable Future


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I really wouldnt be bothered about losing resources because some positive changes of the game's dull mechanics turned that resources into waste. I would be happy that the changes ever came true.

What I am concerned about and What I consider a waste and a design flaw, is the current system of releasing weapons. When new weapon comes out, I never catalyst nor forma it, even though I may like it a lot. I know its a total waste because there will be other stronger versions of it that will make the basic weapon obsolete. This fact takes away so much from the game for me. New weapons have become mastery fodder no matter how good or fun they may be.

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I liked the guy's idea of Forma's just adding to the maximum drain, or that you can flip a Forma-ed slot to whatever you want on the fly. Or.. removing the drop back to un-ranked would be a welcome change as well. As I said before, I doubt they will make things that easy on us.


Maybe, at the very least, make it so that if you use a Forma to override another polarity, the item in question stays at rank 30? So, your gear would only need to be re-leveled if you are actually adding polarities. I think that is a fair compromise.


Probably even asking for too much with that though...

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A simple solution to many problems in warfare (such as trying to use a forma pve weapon on pvp or swap elemental types with D polarity for fighting different factions) is to allow the same slot to have multiple polarities. So that slot you placed a V in for multi is bad, just allow us to forma it again with a D or - (and keep the V).

Simple solution, adds variety, not over powered at all since can't use additional mods, just allows more customization. Most weapons could be fixed for pvp with 1 or 2 more forma. Would allow easy fix for pve if mutishot becomes garbage.

Easy solution that works in existing code. Presented it before and guys with 2 brain cells actually complained. Now maybe people will be more receptive.

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These are both very interesting ideas for a fairly simple Forma/Polarity re-work, but somehow I doubt they'd make things that easy on us. :(

They could just make polarizing a neutral and halves the cost of any mod put there. They can be a little restrictive if you want multiple builds.
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Uhmm who doesn't have Forma out their butt... Its no use saving them you will always have to many. :/ Your basically saying:



Um, I don't have Forma coming out of anywhere.  I have 1 built, one building, and one BP left.  LOL


That said, I have no issue using those Forma now.  It's a game, I play for fun....I am not going to avoid having fun now on the off chance something might change later.


It's a constantly changing game, avoiding playing it now for fear of what will change is silly.


Play the game we have now, when/if it changes, change with it and play that game until it changes.

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im tired of reading every few month about changes which moves tons of plat/real money in "small but massive" amounts in the bags of the market part of warframe


shure, they can count on greed and stupidity of their "young" players where the tradechat is the best mirror for all this crazy minds without any good values, im not following this


and as said before, there is a delete-possibillity on my computer even that DE doesnt care about, as well as i care about myself =)))


as i loved warframe im not really excited about this "development moves", DE do better to create new content in the same timeframe as they try to fool me with all this "changing nonsense" for getting money


im tired of this ... sorry, no better feedback right now and im tired of hearing, waiting for this changes and getting them


i did the same as threadopener, i moved a lot of time and real money into warframe for getting my ACCOUNT with my weapons and my style and my warframes, and now i am tired of this, i dont fear anything, im simply bored ...


money cant be eaten ...


im sick of this announcements and im not reworking all my good hard created stuff, i wanna hear and read about new planets, races, cool weapons, missions and more ..., i dont wanna hear all this "modchanging and whatever more" stuff ... a simple NO from me for this part of development in warframe :()

Edited by mordechai_
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