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Coming Soon: Devstream #60!


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Will there be more Dojo Features coming in our future? Anything concrete? More Rooms, Grand Halls? A new obstacle course or courses to run with the new parkour out.
Even new decorations to add?
I really like the current rooms, but I'd like to see more possibilities with the Dojo.
The Orokin Towers have such beautiful halls, rooms, and grand hall looking rooms;
Could the Tenno Dojos' get anything to that scale?
Even a mission launch, navigation room option from the Dojo?
I see so many posts and possibilities like, Aquarium Ideas: could apply the new aquatic creatures, Bio Domes rooms for plant life and others.
Any plans to add more Dojo Colors?
Navigation room? Possible to log into the Dojo? Maybe set it as a on a off option?
Also is there a unlisted limit to the amount of Dojo rooms that can be created?
The capacity still is listed in the 300's but it says at a point there isn't anymore room.
Room for Kubrows?

With the new Void Rework. New Tile sets? Will there be more Void Missions? Like Assassination, Rescue, Spy? Could a Mission be designed for us to find and disable the Tower's system that's controlling the Corrupted?
A Rescue mission could involve possibly, a agent needs to be saved from becoming a corrupted?
Would it be possible for us to take the Archwings and leave the tower to go into the void?

With the Conclave Syndicate out. Will there be any special cosmetics or weapons like the other Syndicates?
Unique Syandanas and so on?
Will Syndicates someday get accessories? Like the Edo and Eso armors?

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Hey, I have a... question for the devs. Now, I know this may seem rather traditional of me, but I'd like to ask for Parkour 2.0's hand in marriage, and I wish for a blessing from you, it's parents. You see, ever since I first saw Parkour 2.0 in the devstreams, I knew I'd fallen in love. The way it flows, how it jumps on Grineer heads, and I knew it would treat me so much better than my last parkour ever did. And once I actually got to know Parkour 2.0, well, you know how it goes from there. Like a whirlwind romance, it literally swept me off my feet. Many times. All in all, I just love how energetic, caring, and generally wonderful Parkour 2.0 is, and I think you all did a wonderful job as parents to it. That is why I would like for it's hand in marriage. I hope that you wil consider my proposition, and that the rest of your creations will be just as wonderful!

-Sincerely, Kælhound.

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I look forward to your broadcast tomorrow! n.n

My questions are as follows:

How do you feel about the state of the Oberon Warframe?


Will we be seeing updates to other Warframes on the same scale as the Trinity?


How do you feel about the state of the game with regards to energy and the Trinity Warframe?

What kind of changes or additions can we look forward to for Archwing? 

Thanks for reading, 


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Hey guys & gals,



At the moment he just clips with everything. He even clips with his own body. These are some of his major aesthetic issues..


Is there a fix incoming? Are these issues going to be fixed anytime soon?



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I'm concerned about mastery locking content. I'm a player content to play hundreds of hours with the same weapons and I'm actively having significantly less fun any time I'm not playing Ember/Prime (Thanks in part to the excellent changes you made to her semi-recently).


This leads to me putting a lot of time in that doesn't gain me mastery because I decided I wanted to have fun on warframe with my trusty Mire or Paris Prime. Now that the Rakta Cernos exists and is one of the rare weapons I'm excited to use I've had some problems with my play. Despite the fact I've built and equipped perhaps 400% more gear than I've ever owned before, I've found I have less diverse gameplay. 


Leveling items is only efficient on a few maps, it is most efficient to do nothing and let a friend get you shared experience, actually using the weapon often either feels bad until it is maxed or just doesn't generate its own exp very well, and back to my leading point that I'm the type of player that likes to pick favorites and stick to them long after others would get bored. So instead of flying around the map acrobatically trading between my 3 weapons of choice I end up taking one piece of good equipment and doing one thing over and over.


Mastery just isn't a number I associate with my dedication to the game, mastery is a number I dread because it has nothing to do with me except to hide parts of the game I'm interested in behind hours of tedium and weapons that are both ineffective and less interesting than my favorites.


What do you think can be done to allow players like me to gain mastery without these issues? Let overflow exp contribute to mastery/gear not in use, let us pay a research module on our ship with resources to extract the mastery from items we don't want to use, altering how the mastery system works altogether, finding a better progression block than mastery, or anything else?


Getting to 12 seems like it will be very hard, but it's something I think I can do, I've found a few weapons that I enjoyed (gimmick max speed thunderbolt attica) but the idea that next year I'll be pushing to get to 16 or 20 actively horrifies me. 

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Hi Devs,


I copy-paste last unaswered questions in Devstream #59


Question 1: Do you plan developing on Radar System? Because all things shows on radar with same icon.

                     For example; Containers, Syndicate Medallions, Ammos, Resources etc.


                     This issue and some good suggestions talked in here;





Question 2: We know mobile APP developing. Is this mobile app Alerts Section has detailed customizable alarm system? Please read the below suggestions.


                   Meanwhile i developing small Java Desktop Application for read Warframe Tweets and send E-Mail to my Mailbox if some criteria exacth match (Some string matching i am using for this. For example [ if tweet contains "Mutalist" or "Tower" or "Vauban" Than send mail ] ) for not miss the important alarms for me.


                    My suggestion is: This Alert section should has String Matcher (User can enter his/her important things here),

                                                 Notification Sound should be customizable

                                                 Should has Time Interval for checking the Alerts which users can select (5 - 10 - 20 - 30 min.)

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When will we be able to replay quests? In the past you guys also mentioned the possibility of replaying story quests and old events. In general is a reworked the quest system part of the starchart rework? As a player who experienced a few quests bugs in the past I would love to get a chance to replay them again polished.

Edited by Rapidx
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How would you feel about applying weekly and monthly events?  I feel as though weekly and monthly events (like the one currently going) should be applied with weekly awards consisting of rare mods such as astral twilight, high noon, eleventh storm etc. and rare weapons like boar, wraith strun etc. while monthly awards things like latron prime, reaper prime, boar prime etc. OR you could do just monthly events that award a different piece of a vaulted weapon or frame each week. 


When can we see a rework on the void trader? Since Tenno have to wait 10 days for him to surface he should sell more than just 3 items. I suggest 6-9 items.  1 special item 2 rare mod or weapon 3 uncommon mods 3 common mods


Can we hope for a slight tweak to the Stalker? I and many other Tenno feel as though the stalker is overpowered. How about taking away his ability to teleport Tenno who are 3-4 areas away directly in front of him as well as nerfing his dispel ability. Instead of a map wide dispel make it to where the Tenno have to be within a certain range say 10-15 meters for his dispel to work. 

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I have a few questions, if you don't mind.


The last hotfix removed the ability for players to farm Brakk parts from the new quest. Is DE considering other ways of making it easier to farm weapons/blueprints that drop from assassins? (i.e. assassins have a higher chance to appear in nightmare mode or dark sector missions)


Is there any update on allowing players to repeat quests?


There have been some complaints about the slow movement of Archwing underwater (Sharkwing). Will Archwing/Sharkwing get Parkour 2.0 adjustments to improve movement in these modes? (i.e. launching off of walls/objects, etc.)


Traditionally, events been structured where you earn rewards over a period of time at your own pace. The current and previous event have been structured as four 24-hour events, which can be hard for some players to be able to obtain the rewards they want to due to time constraints. Can you explain the reasoning for using this format rather than something like a tactical alert, which doesn’t have such a small time frame to do the event?


It was noted in the previous Devstream that the normal Boar shotgun would be re-released in some form prior to update 17.5. Since we are getting the Wraith Twin Vipers this weekend, is the Boar re-release still happening before update 17.5 or has it been pushed back slightly?


Can we get a fast-travel menu/console for Relays? Currently, you can semi fast-travel by using the Conclave menu option in relays, but creating a proper/better system for it would be much appreciated.


Conclave specific questions below:


Will we get dedicated servers to host matches? There seems to still be a lot of issues with P2P hosting which might not exist if the mode had a dedicated host. (i.e. energy surge not properly working sometimes after a host disconnects, energy spawns being reset/bugged after a host disconnect, having a bad host that causes lag [especially on maps with doors], etc.)


Will we get an MMR system to balance out how players joining in a match for team games get assigned to teams? (Right now, a player joining a match will automatically be assigned to the Sun team if both teams are even in player numbers)

On that note, will we get a leaderboard or something similar for Conclave?

Can we get a UI update to Conclave to see how many matches are currently going on/open per game mode? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if I am just not being able to connect to matches due to issues after completing/leaving a previous game or my own connection, or if players are just not playing Conclave.


Why does Conclave’s ranking only go up to 4? All other syndicates go up to 5, or start at the max rank (Cephalon Simaris).


Can we get a ‘reputation dump’ reward for Conclave (i.e. Exlius Adaptors from Simaris, Tower Key Packs from the default Syndicates) to encourage players to have a reason to play PvP after getting all of the mods?



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