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The Real Problem With Limbo


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Honestly all you need to do to limbo's powers is allow him, and other warframes potentially, to shoot at things that are in the rift. It might be a bit broken, the whole "they can't hurt you, you hurt them" but...as it stands...Limbo is not squad friendly. Too many times have I had people yell at me for putting up my cataclysm and rift surging to deal with a group of baddies, and they can't shoot at em because my rift bubble is up.

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- Toggle-able rift-surge.

- Slightly lowered cast-times. 

- Impact Proc on enemies inside the radius of Cataclysms initial activation area. 


That's all I think he needs.

nothing wrong with his cast times, they are barely above average and having rift surge be toggleable seems pretty stupid, considering its a self buff and there is no reason to turn it off. 

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The real problem with Limbo is that the way in which he functions well is notably different than how other frames work.  Thusly many players will try and utilize Limbo but, rather than going in with an empty slate, they carry their expectations and preconcieved notions.  When Limbo then proves to not conform to their own ideas of what they think Limbo should be and should do, they tag the frame as useless and don't try to adapt to the unique skillset he possesses.


This is of course not to say that improvements cannot be made to the frame's current iteration.  There are some tweaks that could be made which would streamline what Limbo already is, improve his operation within the niche he already works inside without destroying that unique niche he holds to now.


Due to the problem at hand, Cacalysm's usefulness is limited, since it can act as a fine team utility when players know how to function with and around an active Cataclysm.  If players know how to make use of this ability properly it acts as a boon to the team, with the Cataclsym's purpose differing based on its placed location.  If in a spot where enemies don't frequent (non-melee enemies hug cover and move in predictable paths) then Cataclysm is a spot of refuge within even the most horrid of storms.  Being chased by the damnable rocket of a Bombard?  If a Cataclysm is nearby make haste and take shelter within its warm busom... Hmm, I'm thinking that my mind may have blown a small fuse for a moment there, one moment while I reboot.


Anyways all silliness aside this obscure stigma attached to Limbo hampers him, since one's own teammates not understanding how to make the mechanics work for them (instead of butting their head against something which can be useful) partially limit what can be done within a normalized team setting.  Sadly, this isn't something which can be easily remedied without ruining Limbo by reworking him from a thinking man's frame into yet another mindless one, like Loki.  Now don't take that as some sort of bad thing, Loki happens to be another of my top 5 most favored frames.  However Loki is by far and away one of the most simple-minded and easy frames to utilize well.


Something most folks can understand about Limbo is how great he is at reviving, however there's another facet atop the base level that I understand yet never make use of.  One can swiftly Banish other allies so they too can assist at reviving safely and/or even Banish the revivee to ensure they won't be instantly downed again.  Of course since everyone can simply de-rift themselves at their liesure it's a win-win, or it would be if players actually took the time to understand the +110% benefits and 0% downsides to a situation such as that.


There are a lot of things a Limbo can do to contribute to a team's success while still acting as a strong offensive force himself.  But this post is going to be a mile long if I continue onward so I'll cease for now.  Well, maybe just one more note;  It's not about just hiding in the rift all the time, there are smart times to be outside and inside of the rift.  The number one mistake players make when trying to figure out Limbo is that they try to live inside the rift 100% of the time.  Limbo isn't an entity comprised of rift.  He's a frame who possesses the mastery of traveling between two existences.


Not everything should be easy, is more or less what I'm saying here.  Because of that though, Limbo will never be "understood" unless he too is made into a turn-your-brain-off frame by oversimplifying the mechanics he has.  I would much prefer it stay this way, even if it means Limbo is hated by most of the playerbase.  Since the only way to make him well liked would be to ruin his current style of play.  Can't thinking players have one toy suited to them?  You'll never find me proposing to make Ash less blatantly straightforward.  I simply accept that I hate Ash and always will hate him due to his innate nature, and choose to play a frame which suits my preferred style.

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nothing wrong with his cast times, they are barely above average and having rift surge be toggleable seems pretty stupid, considering its a self buff and there is no reason to turn it off. 

On Rift Surge, it was mainly to address the issue(?) of managing three different timers at once. 

I agree it's not really necessary, but occasionally I'll throw them a bone. 

The cast times still feel slow to me, even while I am using natural talent. Again it may not be necessary, but it's what I'd like to see, and I am not going to make a fuzz if/when nothing changes, as I quite like Limbo's current iteration. I think it's just because I press 1 a lot.


Funny thing is that Banish isn't limited by animation speeds, so it really wouldn't actually help me in the long-run, as you can pretty much banish as many enemies as you want, and almost as fast as you want, as long as you mouse over them and press 1 fast enough, but there will be very visible animation lag if you do this though...

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