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The Super Duper Ultra Mega Parkour 2.0 Zephyr Movement Tutorial!



Seeing how many uninformed players think Zephyr is useless after parkour 2.0 is just downright depressing, so I think I'll try to do something to remedy that. If you would use Zephyr for more than 5 minutes, you would be absolutely amazed at the finesse involved with Zephyr's movement. You can draw a strong comparison between it and rocket jumping; it takes a lot of skill to master, and you can end up massively screwing yourself over if you do it wrong, but the benefits are amazing.


Keep in mind that all of the information in this guide comes from my personal experience and what I’ve learned after practicing Zephyr for countless hours. I would like to share what I’ve found with the rest of the community in hopes someone may find it helpful.


I'll be breaking down this guide into sections for your added convenience. I would have loved to add video demonstrations, but seeing as I lack both a screen capture program and the knowhow to edit videos, text will have to suffice.


Section 1: Modding Knowledge

To use Zephyr's movement at maximum effectiveness, you'll have to have an effective build. Here is what each attribute does to each of Zephyr's abilities, in order of modding importance:


Power duration increases Tail Wind's flight distance and makes Turbulence & Tornado last longer. Duration is probably Zephyr's most important stat to mod for, and absolutely essential on any build, but too much duration can make your Tail Wind send you too far (although this can be mitigated; see section 2), causing you to slam into walls. Duration also increases the time before you're able to re-cast Tornado.


Power efficiency does exactly what you would expect. It's essential for being able to use Tail Wind reliably. At max efficiency, Tail Wind will cost 6 energy. Maxing out efficiency is not recommended, however, -50% duration is the minimum loss required to reach the efficiency cap of 75%. Going for 70% efficiency instead will increase Tail Wind's cost from 6 to 7, but only reduce your duration by 40%.


Power strength increases damage dealt by Tornado (and also Tail Wind & Dive Bomb, but that's negligible.) Contrary to popular belief, Tornado's damage is actually pretty reasonable, dealing 9600 total damage when completely unmodded. This can be effectively boosted to 19200 damage when the tornadoes are shot with Viral damage, as the proc halves enemy HP, thus making them die twice as fast. Adding a bit of strength is advisable to boost Tornado's crowd clearing power.


Power range makes Tornadoes spawn further apart, increases the size of Turbulence's radii, and makes Dive Bomb knock enemies down from further away. Both increasing and decreasing range will hurt Zephyr. Increasing range will make your tornadoes spawn further away from each other, but decreasing range may cause them to not spawn on top of enemies at all. As of 16.8.3, increasing range makes Turbulence protect less against hitscan weapons (possibly, needs further testing), but decreasing range makes it protect less against explosives. I would recommend keeping range as close to 100% as possible.


Augments: Jet Stream is Zephyr’s only real augment worth considering. The bonus speed is quite nice, but its helpfulness is diminished by the majority of your mobility coming from not being on the ground. The extra projectile speed can be made use of too, but I personally find that it screws me up due to the difference in speed when Turbulence is up. I often find myself leading my targets too much when Turbulence is up, and too little when it’s down. I prefer having a consistent projectile speed that doesn’t constantly shift on me. Still, this is most likely just me, and you will most likely not experience this issue.


The Tonkor glitch can be incredibly effective as well, but you pretty much have to completely destroy both your Zephyr build and your Tonkor build to make use of it. Your Tonkor will lose damage, and your Zephyr will lose other stats.


In short, Jet Stream is useful if you like it. Do what you want.


My personal 3 forma Zephyr build: http://goo.gl/VDj050


My build is a bit of an unorthodox one. It was designed to get all stats within Zephyr’s perfect sweet spots. +59.5% duration is enough to keep Zephyr alive and keep Tail Wind fast, but isn’t so high that you constantly smash your face against walls and can’t cast Tornado when needed. Tornado becomes quite destructive with this build, its 19200 total damage boosted to about 50632. With Tail Wind costing 7 energy, you’re pretty much never without your maximum possible mobility. I don’t find any Exilus mods to be exceedingly useful on Zephyr, although Patagium could be useful for bombing runs if you happen to be in a tileset open enough to do so. Forma for it at your own discretion.


Still, this build is purely personal. I would strongly recommend experimenting as seeing what works for you. As previously stated, my build is quite unorthodox, so you won’t find many other guides suggesting something similar. Mod how you want.


Section 2: Mechanical Knowledge

Tail Wind has a number of mechanics that can be exploited to great effect, many of which a new Zephyr user probably isn’t aware of.


For those of you who are just joining us, Tail Wind’s mechanics work like so: if you use it while on the ground, you will be launched straight upwards. If used in the air, you will be launched in the direction of your crosshair.


Press crouch while Tail Wind is active to cancel it early. This will be your best way of preventing yourself from getting caught on walls. Mastery of this mechanic will allow you to mod for maximum duration with no fear of slowing yourself down. I would consider knowing this to be essential for any Zephyr user. Keep in mind that you will only be able to cancel out of Tail Wind by crouching while Tail Wind’s main particle effect can still be seen. Crouching afterwards will cause you to slide.


Dive Bomb can be used at any time. Although it costs energy and is quite a bit slower than just crouching, Dive Bomb will cause you to drop to the ground regardless of whether or not Tail Wind’s effect has already ended. If the particle effect is no longer visible, use Dive Bomb to stop moving instead of crouch.


Tail Wind’s ground launch won’t trigger whenever you are moving downwards. This could be considered a bug. Normally, you have to be airborne to Tail Wind in the direction of your crosshair. However, Tail Wind will launch you in the direction of your crosshair whenever you are descending. This is most noticeable when walking down staircases, but even the tiniest dip in the floor can allow you to launch yourself straight forwards without having to touch the jump key at all.


Double jumping while Tail Wind is active will multiply your momentum. The amount of speed you gain by double jumping while Tail Wind is active is nothing short of insane. It is easily enough to end you all the way across even the largest rooms in the entire game. I would not recommend doing this very regularly, however. The momentum you gain is so great that you continue to move even after you’ve landed, often causing you to slide across floors and get pinned to walls for several seconds as you wait for the momentum to dissipate.


This can be used to your advantage, however. There are very rare situations in which the ludicrous speed is helpful, and the amount of speed you gain is dependant on how long you wait to double jump after using Tail Wind. By waiting a bit, you can gain a sizeable speed boost without it getting too insane.


You can bullet jump while Tail Wind is active. If you bullet jump while Tail Wind is active, Tail Wind will shift direction and cause you to fly in the direction you bullet jumped in for the remainder of its duration. If you can pull off a bullet jump within the short time-span of Tail Wind's duration, then this trick will do wonders for your maneuverability.


Neither Tail Wind nor Dive Bomb will cancel momentum. Try bullet jumping, then spinning around 180-degrees and using Tail Wind. You may notice that you go almost nowhere. This can be used to your advantage somewhat, but is primarily just a hazard to work around. Try to get moving in the direction that you want to go in before using Tail Wind, or at least neutralize your speed in other directions. When using Dive Bomb to cancel out of Tail Wind, you also have to activate it a fraction of a second before you need to land, as the momentum will push you forwards a ways even after you start falling.


Tail Wind is a very buggy ability. This is another hazard to work around. I’ve sent DERebecca a PM detailing every Zephyr bug I am aware of, so if you’re really interested, here is the complete list:

I sent the following message as a PM to DERebecca.


This is my second attempt at trying to contact you about these issues, as my first PM went unread. That's completely understandable, as you go through hundreds of PMs every day. I don't harbor any resentment whatsoever. Still, these bugs continue to be massive problems for Zephyr and in come cases the game as a whole, so I'm willing to roll the dice again and pray to RNGesus that you see this and these issues get resolved.


First of all, as to why I'm sending you a PM about this in the first place and not creating a thread in the bug reporting section, I created a "Grand compilation of Zephyr bugs" thread in the bug reporting section several months ago, and the only bug that was fixed, the one regarding Turbulence's effectiveness v.s. hitscan weapons, was the one I sent you a PM about. That thread is horribly out of date now, so I wouldn't recommend using it as an official Zephyr bug list, but most of the bugs listed there are still in the game. Creating topics in the bug reporting section has no effect unless enough people all create bug reports on the same bug, and not nearly enough people play Zephyr enough to reach that threshold. Therefore, if Zephyr is to ever have her bugs fixed, I must contact you directly. It honestly makes me feel bad to be sending you another PM; I've sent you way too many already, but if I want Zephyr to improve, I don't have any other option. These bugs will never, ever be fixed unless I directly inform you of them.


So now, here is every single Zephyr bug that I am currently aware of.


Bug 1: Zephyr loses her lower gravity and air control after repeatedly using Tail Wind or doing an extended sequence of parkour 2.0 moves.

This bug has affected Tail Wind for an extremely long time, but with the addition of parkour 2.0, it's worse than ever. After only a few moments in the air, Zephyr plummets in a way that's more akin to a rock than a bird. How does anyone expect Zephyr to be an airborne frame when she randomly loses her lower gravity passive for no reason?


Bug 2: Zephyr's air control does not work while aim gliding.

This bug ties into the one above, and also severely limits Zephyr's airborne potential. Zephyr's lower gravity stacks with aim gliding, so why doesn't her air control work with it as well?


Bug 3: Tail Wind has a cooldown.

EDIT: This has been fixed now! Thank you DERebecca!


Bug 4: Tail Wind does not override bullet jump momentum.


Dive Bomb doesn't override Zephyr's momentum either.


Bug 5: Side swiping an obstacle while Tail winding will cause Zephyr to lose all forward momentum.

Before parkour 2.0, this bug manifested in the form of Zephyr literally being teleported backwards so she could vault onto an obstacle she grazed. Obviously, this makes using Tail Wind monumentally difficult, as you have to be extremely careful not to even go anywhere remotely near a solid object.


Bug 6: The camera massively zooms out for no reason when using Tail Wind; Tail Wind potentially stealth nerfed.

This issue isn't exclusive to Zephyr, but it certainly damages her more than any other frame. I've already contacted you about it, so here is the link describing why it's so harmful to Zephyr: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID=122839


You responded to this topic asking me if I had created a thread about it. I responded saying I had, and I never received a reply.


And here are the screenshots:

FoV with no movement:



FoV at full Tail Wind speed:



The FoV change also isn't instant, and it takes a short amount of time for the camera to fully zoom out.


FoV immediately after Tail Wind begins:



Bug 7: Dive Bomb won't knock down enemies that are performing an animation.

This isn't just a Zephyr bug, although it definitely hurts Zephyr. It is impossible to knock down any enemy that is performing an animation involving their legs. This could be anything from an Ancient's grapple to a Bombard's ground slam to an enemy getting back up after crouching behind cover. This adds a layer of unreliability to an already weak ability, hurting both Zephyr and every other frame capable of knocking down enemies.


Bug 8: Turbulence deflects Bombards' rockets in a poor manner (perhaps not a bug?)

I apologize for not being able to provide screenshots of this happening. What appears to happen is that when a Bombard's rocket hits Turbulence's inner radius, it is redirected away from Zephyr as it should be, but the direction in which it is sent is completely random. This frequently results in the rocket immediately hitting the ground in front of Zephyr and blowing up in her face. Whether or not this happens is completely dictated by random chance. This isn't necessarily a bug, just a poor functioning of the mechanics.


Bug 9: Tornado's elemental damage type cannot be changed off of Corrosive.

Damage dealt to Zephyr's tornadoes will change the elemental damage type of those tornadoes. However, once a teammate changes the damage type to Corrosive, the damage type cannot be changed again. This is incredibly infuriating when I'm trying to use the Viral status effect to reduce the max health of a swarm of infested, but a teammate thinks it would be better to remove their nonexistent armor instead. 


Bug 10: Tornado's energy color cannot be changed.

EDIT: Fixed as well!


Bug 11: Zephyr has ugly white "seams" all over her where the color sections intersect.

EDIT: Partially fixed. the seams no longer appear on Zephyr's body or the default helmet, but still appear on her alt helmets.

And last, but... well, also least, bug 12: The new cape syandanas don't attach to Zephyr correctly.
When the new capes are used with Zephyr, they appear to float a short ways behind her, awkwardly attached only by a protruding rod.


This has been every Zephyr bug that I am currently ware of. I will be adding more bugs to this list as I become aware of them. I'm doing what gives them the best chances of them being fixed, since no other way could possibly change anything.

Sorry if spoilers aren't working for you.


Section 3: Application Of Knowledge

All of this mechanical and build knowledge means nothing if you can’t apply it. By effectively putting Tail Wind’s mechanics to good use, Zephyr’s speed is unrivaled.


Never use Tail Wind’s ground launch. Bullet jumping will easily send you just as high for no energy cost. If you’re using Tail Wind, you should be sending yourself in the direction of your crosshair. This can be accomplished either by jumping or using Tail Wind while descending (see section 2.)


Use Tail Wind in conjunction with Parkour 2.0. If Parkour 2.0 can get you somewhere as any frame, then Zephyr is 100% guaranteed to be able to get there faster. This is because Tail Wind does not count as a parkour move. Zephyr can use bullet jumping, double jumping, and aim gliding, and still have Tail Wind to use. This is enhanced even more by Zephyr’s lower gravity, making all parkour moves send her further than any other frame can go. I almost always bullet jump in the direction I want to go before hitting Tail Wind. As talked about in the mechanics section, you can build up momentum and then use Tail Wind to greatly increase your Tail Wind's speed.


Judge when and when not to use Tail Wind. As a basic rule of thumb, if the distance you want to travel is longer than your horizontal bullet jump distance, use Tail Wind. if it’s not, don’t. There’s no reason to needlessly risk getting stuck against a wall when a bullet jump would suffice. For covering distances longer than a single bullet jump, Tail Wind will get the job done monumentally faster, but in a confined space, bullet jumping is less risky.


Aim up. This can be applied to bullet jumping as well. You’ll cover much more ground when placing your crosshair just above where you want to go to before using Tail Wind, which is useful when traversing large distances. You can also aim slightly below to go a shorter distance if you think you’ll overshoot.


Make use of Dive Bomb. Although Dive Bomb is easily Zephyr's worst ability, it can still be at least moderately helpful when used correctly. Dive Bomb's damage is extremely low, and even if most tilesets allowed you to gain a decent amount of height, the process of ascending and descending would be far too time consuming to make the damage worthwhile. The Heavy Impact mod helps to boost the damage, but these problems still persist. Therefore, Dive Bomb's primary use is a CC tool.


Dive Bomb can be used to defend yourself against melee enemies, which aren't affected by Turbulence, covering Zephyr's survivability blind spot. Another effective strategy is to Tail Wind into a crowd of enemies and then immediately use Dive bomb, enabling you to easily deal with small groups. As I talked about in section 2, Dive Bomb also has uses for stopping a Tail Wind short when crouching won't work.


EXPERIMENT! Zephyr’s movement is also like rocket jumping in that the best way to learn is to practice. A tutorial can help greatly, but it’s not going to instantly make you a master. If you’re having difficulty maximizing your speed, spend some more time with Zephyr and see if you can do any better. Too many scrubs write Zephyr off as garbage after 5 minutes of slamming into walls. Don’t make the same mistake.


I hope this tutorial was helpful in some small way. It’s the first time I’ve ever done any sort of player help activity, so I’m not very confident of the quality. I’m just thoroughly sick of people calling Zephyr useless when my experience so strongly indicates the contrary, so I decided to try to use my personal experience to help those having difficulty with the frame.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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I've actually had the opposite experience. Since the removal of coptering decreased player speed, Zephyr has been faster relative to everyone else. This effect is even further increased by the ability to use Tail Wind in conjunction with parkour 2.0, giving Zephyr more maneuverability than ever before. I won't deny that bullet jumping made Zephyr's vertical mobility completely irrelevant, but her horizontal mobility, which is by far the more useful of the two, only got stronger. It definitely included a multitude of bugs, though.

There might still be hope for bug fixes. My PM to DERebecca about Zephyr's bugs, which you can find in the tutorial if spoilers are working for you, just got answered today. I would expect to receive a slow trickle of Zephyr bug fixes over the course of the next few months.

Can you link me in to the pm, I can't seem to find it lol

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I've actually had the opposite experience. Since the removal of coptering decreased player speed, Zephyr has been faster relative to everyone else. This effect is even further increased by the ability to use Tail Wind in conjunction with parkour 2.0, giving Zephyr more maneuverability than ever before. I won't deny that bullet jumping made Zephyr's vertical mobility completely irrelevant, but her horizontal mobility, which is by far the more useful of the two, only got stronger. It definitely included a multitude of bugs, though.


There might still be hope for bug fixes. My PM to DERebecca about Zephyr's bugs, which you can find in the tutorial if spoilers are working for you, just got answered today. I would expect to receive a slow trickle of Zephyr bug fixes over the course of the next few months.

Tailwind is worse than simple bullet jump on any frame and doesnt come close to what it was before with max duration mods, U17 broke something with this ability.  There were topics on this matter 2 months ago, DE should be aware, but its not a priority issue for them (because almost no one plays Zephyr)

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Tailwind is worse than simple bullet jump on any frame and doesnt come close to what it was before with max duration mods, U17 broke something with this ability. There were topics on this matter 2 months ago, DE should be aware, but its not a priority issue for them (because almost no one plays Zephyr)

Tailwind goes 10-30 meters farther then bullet jump from my testing

Edited by (PS4)abb12355
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Great read, awesome thread


now, what can we do to give more visibility to this thread?  Its not like many players use zephyr these days =S

(Hek, even my zephyr is gathering dust in my liset´s closet, but thanks to you i will try to know her more =D)



Oh, and about the answer to your PM with DEReb., what was it? Is there any bug that will be given priority?

Edited by hareb13z
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Oh, and about the answer to your PM with DEReb., what was it? Is there any bug that will be given priority?


Not that I'm aware of. I got a very brief "thanks for sending" response, but it's still acknowledgement that DERebecca is now aware of these bugs.


Tailwind is worse than simple bullet jump on any frame


This is simply false. I recently put another forma in my Zephyr for the Exilus slot, and a rank 0 Tail Wind with no duration mods was sending me about the same distance as a bullet jump was with Zephyr's lower gravity.


U17 broke something with this ability.  There were topics on this matter 2 months ago, DE should be aware, but its not a priority issue for them (because almost no one plays Zephyr)


I'm fairly certain that the bug you're speaking of is actually an optical illusion. As of U17, the camera now zooms out based on how fast you're moving. When using Tail Wind, the camera zooms out incredibly far, making everything appear further away than it actually is. Distant objects appear to move slower than nearer objects, thus creating the illusion that Tail Wind is slower than it was pre-U17.


Still, it's possible that it was stealth nerfed. I have no way of knowing until we get an option to disable the camera shifts. This was one of the issues I notified DERebecca of in my PM.


Tailwind is 25m by default and it cant do over 40m even with 200% duration - it's broken on PC, cant speak for consoles, you have entirely different build.


I don't think a bullet jump can go 40m. Does this factor in the momentum that lasts after Tail Wind's duration ends?


Even if a bullet jump could go further, Zephyr can bullet jump and then use Tail Wind in the air, going further than is possible with any other frame.

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I'm fairly certain that the bug you're speaking of is actually an optical illusion. As of U17, the camera now zooms out based on how fast you're moving. When using Tail Wind, the camera zooms out incredibly far, making everything appear further away than it actually is. Distant objects appear to move slower than nearer objects, thus creating the illusion that Tail Wind is slower than it was pre-U17.


You can place a marker and it tells you exact distance, there is no need to guess, it's not even close to what it should be and what it was.

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You can place a marker and it tells you exact distance, there is no need to guess, it's not even close to what it should be and what it was.


Can you provide before & after screenshots? I didn't think to take measurements pre-U17, because I didn't know U17 would include stupid broken camera shifts/a potential Tail Wind stealth nerf.

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Can you provide before & after screenshots? I didn't think to take measurements pre-U17, because I didn't know U17 would include stupid broken camera shifts/a potential Tail Wind stealth nerf.

Unfortunately I don't have 'before'. Just from ability stats it was 25m  (they already changed wiki to "???") once you are in the air and should be affected by duration, but even with 200% duration I would get only ~35-37m and with 50% duration it's still ~25-27m. 

Range mods don't affect it (tested just to see if it might been changed like Excalibur Slash-dash)

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Unfortunately I don't have 'before'. Just from ability stats it was 25m  (they already changed wiki to "???") once you are in the air and should be affected by duration, but even with 200% duration I would get only ~35-37m and with 50% duration it's still ~25-27m. 

Range mods don't affect it (tested just to see if it might been changed like Excalibur Slash-dash)


Interesting, although I'd still say this problem is very ambiguous. If we get an option to disable the stupid broken camera shifts like I suggested to DERebecca in my PM, things will become a lot clearer. I would like to be certain that we're dealing with a problem that actually exists before we start raging about it.


Are you getting 25m distance with no extra duration? If so, this seems more like a bug with how duration mods affect Tail Wind and less like a stealth nerf.

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I think I found out why turbulence doesn't deflect hitscans other then that inner sheild and outer shield problem. Here's what I noticed.

I went to the simulacrum and stood on an incline vs heavy gunners. I got shot almost every time by hitscans and died. But when I stood normally, I got shot by like 1-2 bullets.

When I jumped, Bullets also pierced the shield almost every time.

The bullets got deflected upward, so when I jumped, the hitscans hit me.

I have no idea how standing on an incline made any difference then standing normally. And Zephyr jumping to and getting hit by hitscans is kind of stupid because Zephyr is supposed to be the low gravity mobility frame.

Then, I tested against lvl 70 Lancers, and got shot every time. Same way it's been even with the "Fix" to Zephyr deflecting all ranged weapons in 16.8.

The incline and Jumping bug need to get fixed asap.

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Just wanted to add a little bit advantages to using ground launch Tail Wind

- Use it if you need to go straight up. Bullet jumping usually still goes a little bit to the front, so if you're directly below the ledge and you aim just in front of the ledge, you might still hit your head into it, while ground launch will send you straight upwards.

- Use ground launch when surrounded by enemies. It will knock down all of them while launching you up for further actions (you can use bullet jump or another Tail Wind to move further away) It's especially useful when swarmed by infested.


Imho opinion your doing zephyr wrong minimzing range is mandatory the only downside to doing so tornados spawn so close together you an set them all to your prefered element by swinging your melee weapon once... wait thats a good thing huh?

 Zephyr doesn't have the "one proper build" It really depends on what you want or what your goal is. Personally I use max range build 80% of times for shielding my allies. Since Zephyr doesn't have good damaging abilities anyway, Strength is not that important for her, unless you want to do Jet Stream builds. For Jet stream, I usually use a bit of everything. I never use max duration builds myself, but I can see why people using them. Although personally both Tail Wind and Tornado become more annoying with max duration, and the lack of range hurts both Tail Wind and Dive Bomb knockdowns, not to mention that you can't cover your allies with shield.

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Just wanted to add a little bit advantages to using ground launch Tail Wind

- Use it if you need to go straight up. Bullet jumping usually still goes a little bit to the front, so if you're directly below the ledge and you aim just in front of the ledge, you might still hit your head into it, while ground launch will send you straight upwards.

- Use ground launch when surrounded by enemies. It will knock down all of them while launching you up for further actions (you can use bullet jump or another Tail Wind to move further away) It's especially useful when swarmed by infested.


 Zephyr doesn't have the "one proper build" It really depends on what you want or what your goal is. Personally I use max range build 80% of times for shielding my allies. Since Zephyr doesn't have good damaging abilities anyway, Strength is not that important for her, unless you want to do Jet Stream builds. For Jet stream, I usually use a bit of everything. I never use max duration builds myself, but I can see why people using them. Although personally both Tail Wind and Tornado become more annoying with max duration, and the lack of range hurts bot

h Tail Wind and Dive Bomb knockdowns, not to mention that you can't cover your allies with shield.

Max range build makes turbulance worthless to all hitscan weapons all the time the outer radius will be over 50meters thus any enemy within 50meters can hit you and allirs with a hitscan weapon plus theinner radius will be over 10m thus even projectiles will hit you just fine within 10mwters

You clearly dont understand turbulance if you think it can be used to protect allies you can use it with the augment to buff them tho

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Max range build makes turbulance worthless to all hitscan weapons all the time the outer radius will be over 50meters thus any enemy within 50meters can hit you and allirs with a hitscan weapon plus theinner radius will be over 10m thus even projectiles will hit you just fine within 10mwters

You clearly dont understand turbulance if you think it can be used to protect allies you can use it with the augment to buff them tho



Sorry, but have you even played Zephyr before? It's not a Snow Globe with strict borders that absorb shots, everything within the sphere of Turbulence radius reflects the shots. Just try equiping max range turbulence and go up to a Corpus enemy, and he'll miss 99% of his shots even from 2-3 meters range. It's a little bit more tricky with hit-scan, because it still pretty unstable, but no, they don't hit me most of the times, whether they are 10 or 30 meters away. Besides I don't think the hit-scan thing even works that way anymore. I think it's just a single shield radius now, which is just not as stable versus hitscans, since sometimes it redirects the shots into you.


And yeah, I've been playing Zephyr for 1,5 years or so, and I've seen plenty of protecting my allies, it's not as stable as protecting yourself (I guess redirected shots can still hit them sometimes) but it's quite effective most of the times.

Edited by (PS4)Gaelic-_-Flame
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Sorry, but have you even played Zephyr before? It's not a Snow Globe with strict borders that absorb shots, everything within the sphere of Turbulence radius reflects the shots. Just try equiping max range turbulence and go up to a Corpus enemy, and he'll miss 99% of his shots even from 2-3 meters range. It's a little bit more tricky with hit-scan, because it still pretty unstable, but no, they don't hit me most of the times, whether they are 10 or 30 meters away. Besides I don't think the hit-scan thing even works that way anymore. I think it's just a single shield radius now, which is just not as stable versus hitscans, since sometimes it redirects the shots into you.


And yeah, I've been playing Zephyr for 1,5 years or so, and I've seen plenty of protecting my allies, it's not as stable as protecting yourself (I guess redirected shots can still hit them sometimes) but it's quite effective most of the times.

Im sorry have you played zephyr? If a corpus is outside theinner they will miss 100% if they are inside it they will have accuracy reduction wich drops off with level as in a level 90corpus will hit you almost every time this is a very complex ability and your not manipulating it to its fullest extent

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Okay, how about this


This is a max range build vs lv 60 Corpus Tech

If he just had accuracy reduction, he would have hit me much more often at point blank range. The only time he hit me here, is when I literally leaned on his gun.


Did the same with regular crewman and detron crewman, nobody could hit me once unless I literally walked into their gun, so there's no space for projectile to get deflected before it hits me.

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Okay, how about this


This is a max range build vs lv 60 Corpus Tech

If he just had accuracy reduction, he would have hit me much more often at point blank range. The only time he hit me here, is when I literally leaned on his gun.

Did the same with regular crewman and detron crewman, nobody could hit me once unless I literally walked into their gun, so there's no space for projectile to get deflected before it hits me.

The same happened to me, Every projectile based enemy I got close to hit me. Same for hitscans obviously
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