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Survival "rework" + Other Idea


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Dear EveryBody!


What do you think about Survival and Defense?


Survival: in my opinion, "we need "roam" and "rush"/ move, ==> We need ability (+ Very Strong Weapons If I want + 1 hour round), because We must kill "lot of enemies", and they are become stronger and stronger. (+ dmg is Stronger)


Defense: We must protect an "object", and enemies become stronger...



What is the different? Survival or Defense?
Defense mission and Survival mission are same:S... (GameType is totally same, but on Surival We don't need protect an object; we need only a narrow corridor... END OF STORY)


Players are doing same... They are only camping... :(( ==> LEVEL UNLIMITED


Vauban + Nekros ==> They are good survival camp pair

Other "camp helper warframes:" Volt (electric Shield); Mag (Shield Polarize); Loki (Disarm with Radiation effect==> It is better then Nyx's Chaos); Banshee; Speed Nova; Excalibur (Exalted Blade, if the enmies cannot see him==> Stealth kill for "throwing blades")


I can do 80 min rounds IN SOLO (because I don't want to sleep:D), but I can't stay, when an enemy can kill me WITH ONE SHOT (OR HIT), but we are camping, it is not problem... because they cannot touch us...


Who made 6-7 hours round in Survival, They were doing camp... 100%


Weapons: Torid(Viral + Radiation) = Anti Nullifier + Ancient Healer; Tonkor With High Viral


Aura mod: 4 Corrosio Projection


We don't have motivation that "we want to survive"


I Wrote in my Last message... Why are we doing "rush" or "survive", because we can "wait" for "reward"...


I think it is a bad options, if life support's "percent" drain is "faster".


My Idea: We will get "life support capsule" from every monster IF WE ARE MOVING WE DON'T DO CAMP...

+ Every enemies can NEVER kill us with one shot in normal Gameplay, (If the Warframe is a "tank" For Example Frost)

It is not problem, that enemy's protect becomes stronger in every time, My problem is only with "DAMAGE":SSS


(PLEASE DON'T NERF THEM this is my oppinion only:S, Survival mod just needs a little change...)


SomeTimes: I am thinking about...


In Warframe: Capture; Exterminate; Mobile Defense; Deception; They have a VERY GOOD balance, because The Enemies' Level never become "higher" (Ceres's and Pluto's enemies level is great)


I think Level 30-40 (maybe 50 if they are not Bombard; Ballista; Sniper Crewman; + Nullifier; I wrote them in my Last Message) Enemies' DMG is "great"


But "the never ending games": Some warframe in this game type can die easier... "because they don't have anti DMG buff skill For Example "Ember""... (25-30 min OOOPS She got one shot ==> a Death Body; Okey I can choose other warframe, but Is she weaker then other Warframes, Is It Beginner Warframe?) (This is only a Example)

Bombard: He has very lot of "protect" + High Dmg + The Rockets can follow us + He has close range "Stun attack" = Absolutly a Boss Stat's:D (Tyl Regor lv 50 or an lv 50 Eximus Bombard Hard QuestionXD)


Ballista: We can find her "difficult", She has "medium Protect" + High DMG, We don't kill her first, because we can find "some other enemies"... We will get some Dmg from her (LUCKILY WE CANNOT FIND THEM IN VOID)


Nullifier: He doesn't need Lanka: He need only a "melee weapon" + He becomes "slower".

In old Time When I start this game, we could do "range" from enemies, we could protect "ourself", because Enemies Attack was medium range close Range... (Okey Void Survival was "EASY"... Okey maybe it was "easy", but Everywhere I can find " camp survial:S"... but I don't understand it... I said we have this gametype:(( ITS NAME DEFEND MISSION NOT SURVIVAL:((


Why am I playing with Warframe?
Valkyr XD IT IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT:D Because I don't feel "The One shot"; (Bows: Dread; Paris Prime: Funny corpse:D (PLEASE NEVER FIX ITXD)); I Want Buff Them:P


(+ I said some information about from some warframes, if you want I can rewrite again)



We have 2 gametype in warframe (IT IS NOT PROBLEM)


If I'm good in survial mission: I can do easier: Capture; Exterminate; Decaption ("Running" missions) + and Excavation (It is the Best Survival Mission:P)


If I'm good in Defense Mission I can do Easier: Interception; Mobile Defense.




What do you think about "Combat Training" From Assassin's Creed 2 BrotherHood? (It is only an EXAMPLE)


(I think it is not problem, if you make it in "warframe style":P


Simulor room's many idea / potential




What do you think about "ENERGY BOW" ability (ultimate)? It is similar like Excalibur's Exalted Blade ultimate




Once Do you want to read about Solo Players? (Because I love playing in Solo)



Edited by Kiddo_HUN_
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Life support drops should be removed entirely IMO. That would at least force people to move around a bit and eliminate the Desecrate spam. Instead, you should be given a certain (relatively generous) amount of time to reach the next support drop. Fail that and you've got to extract.

Of course, you've got to be forced to fight from time to time. To accomplish that, DE could add miniboss fights that you've got to complete to get the next drop.

Edited by Defendor
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My Opinion!

Nowadays "We have 2 defense" "mission mods" (Survival and Defense). We need some idea that Survival "becomes" different like Defense Missions.


Simple Idea: We want to "suvive" , and ,,We don't want to make a CAMPFIRE"


TerrorofDeaths's Idea I think it is not bad.



Defendor: It is not bad! We can get minibosses in the survival missions! (But We have now:D They're Eximus Bombard Eximus Lich Heavy Gunner and Eximus NullifierXD)

Edited by Kiddo_HUN_
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Remove the whole life support crock of S#&$ to begin with.


MY frame can survive in the vacuum of space on Archwing missions with no life support system.  Yet I need oxygen drops in a Survival?  How does the lone Tenno operative survive to "find" stuff without killing enemies for life support drops.


I wish Survival would do away with life support.  It's called a survival, so....survive....against ever increasing waves of increasingly spongey enemies.



Granted, people would probably *@##$ about "oh thats the point is to run for life support".  Bollocks.


Let me buy a rebreather for like, 100 plat, and call it a goddamn day.

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MY frame can survive in the vacuum of space on Archwing missions with no life support system.  Yet I need oxygen drops in a Survival?  How does the lone Tenno operative survive to "find" stuff without killing enemies for life support drops.




look in here...

in "Note" topic, the second one...



Edited by Cappucchino
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Explain the corpus gas cities which have out doors sections, are you saying that they have some localized terraforming system that can be turned off instantly and suck all the oxygen out of the atmosphere?

orokin had such system, that's why you see ocean on Uranus, which is currently in realilty a gas planet

edit, oh you mean in survival that cut off oxygen in outdoor, how about change the tile set to indoor only just for survival mission?

Edited by akira_him
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Explain the corpus gas cities which have out doors sections, are you saying that they have some localized terraforming system that can be turned off instantly and suck all the oxygen out of the atmosphere?

Do you see the quote that I "BOLDED"?


I just want to say that the archwing gives the life support to tenno while equiping it.

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