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[Fanfiction] Legacy Of A Father


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One day, child, I will be gone, and you will be alone on a summit.


The chill air will weave rime into your hair, leech the warmth from your skin. Ice will run in your veins. Your eyes will grow blued from the frost. The wheel of time shall grind, grind your face, your name into oblivion.

You shall be cold, and alone. The wind will efface your cries.

You shall feel your throat grow parched and raw, and slowly the silence of the mountains shall seep into you.

You will forget the meaning of the word.


Below you fires will burn.

Their warm glare will dance in your blued eyes. 

The people below will gather around them to warm their hands. You will see them huddle, see them share their warmth. It is alright to feel envy;alright to resent them, to clutch the snow, hearing your skin crackle as it bends and stretches, feel the chill soak into your palms until it burns like fire. It is alright to do these things. They will forever have what you will never know.


Below you they will whisper.

Your silhouette will stand to them as a reminder of someone to pity, someone to take comfort from as they gauge their sufferings against yours and sigh-there will be someone worse off than them. It is alright to feel anger, alright to feel abandoned. It is alright to feel sadness at things that will come to pass. It is alright to feel these things.


Sometimes you will descend into their midst when you cannot bear it anymore. They will scatter like autumn leaves in the wind. They will bang their shutters closed and pray, shivering for you to be gone. There by their abandoned fires, you will discover what the mountain has taught you. For you will be numb to all these things. No longer to feel sadness, no longer to feel pain, no longer to feel the heat from the fires even when you thrust your hands into their roaring heat and smell your flesh burn.


You will learn to meet pity with indifference, fear with disdain. Their hate will not touch you, nor their anger. They will fling at you first pebbles, then rocks, then the embers from their fires. Your skin will crack at their touch, your blood trickle over your eyes. But you will feel no pain. 

You will feel nothing.


And as the frost reaches your heart, you will gasp. The beating shall cease, it's throbbing shall fade. The thundering in your ears shall fall silent. You will bleed no more, your flesh and blood turned to steel and ice. 

Then you shall rip it from your chest, feeling no pain or regret. No blood shall spill on the snow..

Winter has no need for a heart.


And you shall be ready.


Ready for the winter that will come, howling. Those below will be swept up by its winds,consumed by its chill bite. Harvests shall fail, babes shall freeze in their fitful sleep. Their cries will waft up with the mountain winds. And then the hounds shall descend, harmed by neither spear nor fire. 

They will find, and they will feast.


They will come for you.

But you will be no easy meat.


The winter shall not touch you, for you will become Winter. Your eyes shall flash blue, and at last fires shall gush in your veins. You will face them, stand  where the shadows and light merge. 

You will stand alone.

Not for them, not for those who will perish, but for yourself.

You will stand ready.


One day, child, you will stand alone on a summit. Weathered by the blizzards, shaped by the frost. You will feel neither fire nor pain. You will know not what you will have become. You will be called monster, destroyer and savior.


But know this.

You will stand there as Tenno. Nothing more, nothing less.


And I will stand there with you.

Edited by Evanescent
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