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Syndicates: Player Invasions


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So this idea gets credit from Mewfan and I'm just adding on to the idea since some didn't fully understand the concept (idk if anyone else came up with the idea so please forgive us)



    So lets start of like this, this system/idea should be familiar to the soul series (Demon/dark souls).


Basically your Syndicate ranking will allow you to invade other players in rival Syndicates. 

This will be affected by your Player skill(Finally have a use for it), Standing rank in said Syndicate/s, and MR since DE wants to put it on play now


Lets talk how this works in game now:


Lets say you made a mistake and joined Red veil and Steel meridian, Welp thats 4 Syndicates that have a chance to randomly send a random player after you




RV member does a mission, Has a chance to proc what ever assassin according to tileset  along with Syndicate assassins/player assassins who is part of AoH


The player assassin will have to buy a Syndicate locator, mainly one who opposes your syndicate such as RV/AoH


Due to the raids "holding 8 players" there can be 4 invaders to your "world" which would be a 4v4, thats if the invader comes with friends... Other wise it might just end up being a gank fest on the invader.


Yes I am very aware of the "multiple" problems this "could" cause


Pros of this idea:

Opens up a much more "fun" and "challenging" experience

Could add new item drops such as syndicate weapon bps/parts or mods along with the specter they normally do

Spices things up a bit to put the player on their edge


Cons of this idea:


People attempting to gank the assassins (normally happens with normal assassins)

Starters thats being carried by "end game" player easily taking out the Syndicate assassins

People trying to group up and farm each other for the rival syndicate's weapon



Any questions, just leave them below. And yes I know I probably didn't complete the whole or explain it as much as I would actually love to due to me somewhat rushing at the moment, a.I.'s have things to do yah know?

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Well, the option isn't entirely forcing PvP on the player on less he wants to be that one RedWraith and go on a invading spree


The invader isn't forced, since they have to craft that item. The targets are forced, for no reason other than trying to make progress in the game.


Now, if the people who want to be invaded (e.g. if there's exclusive blueprints etc. to be had) needed to be carrying a certain item in their Gear inventory to allow potential invaders to find them, that would be fine.

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I can see some negative thoughts, well thats not really the best way to put it but reminder that this isn't really fleshed out due to it being late night and I some what rushed the idea in over all.





Mastery rank, Syndicate rank, Player skill and Conclave rating (as in the useless thing that appears in your arsenal) will dictate the player invasion range


Players being carried by a higher tier player will subtract the the conclave rating (Ex: CC-rank of 2000 - by a player being carried with a CC-rank of 500 will give a out come of a "player assassin" between those ranges along with Syn rank)


Syndicate "player assassins" will only be triggered in Syndicate missions so they'll be less of a trouble to deal with in the long run


Item must be bought and crafted from Syndicate leaders directly from the relays, makes them more "useful" then they already are...


An item to draw or "redeem" invaders forth or away can be bought and crafted from Syndicate leaders


"opposed" factions have a smaller chance to invade player/s compared to enemy factions


Invaders can't use revives (should be common sense)


Can only be invaded once by enemy/opposed factions (Ex: Sided with Steel meridian. You can only be invaded by Perrin or Loka during the mission, not both at random times)


Invaders will gain half of the missions standing if they win


Invaders can only invade another's "world" only 3 times a day (6+ would be overkill in the long run)


Invaders can drop: Syndicate weapons blueprints and parts, specters and "maybe" mods from their syndicate's offerings


More will be added when I can get back to the topic

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I'm blatantly opposed to this concept on basically all fronts. It would be a nightmare from a connectivity standpoint, an implementation standpoint and a balancing standpoint, on top of it ruining the feeling of a PvE focused game. You want to fight other players? You do PvP.

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