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Should De Compensate Participants Of The Moa Event?


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Since that thread was incapable of maintaining a thorough discourse and was deleted repeatedly whence the replies wouldn't conform to its author's perspective, this one is now erected for purposes of discussion longevity since I believe the query in itself is of philosophical merit to be brought towards debate.

(So, please, kindly keep the MLP images to elsewhere. ;))

It is my own opinion that the argument that was provided in that thread is inherently flawed, here is why:

There is neither promise, nor "word" (of honour) granted (as it is an individual token, not a corporate tender), nor is there a "lie" - for its time of declaration it was true.

This is a confusion of a declaration of intent, a design decision, with the concept of a promise.

The company, via its executive producer, made it known that they intend for the Frost Prime to be an exclusive, such was their decision at the time.

They later reversed this decision, something which is well within their rights to do.

The argument then is not whether or not they "broke their word" or "lied", as this is obviously not the case for either.

The argument then becomes whether or not those who participated, providing their time and efforts in order to attend and obtain the secret reward based upon DE's declaration of intent, should be compensated as DE since has undergone a change of heart&mind and retracted the exclusivity.

I think an additional matter is that, while the game is still in development and it is good that DE are indeed listening to feedback from the playerbase, an official company declaration is something that the playerbase then takes for a solid fact upon which they then choose their course of action. It is required to be stable and consistent over a lengthy period of time otherwise players make uninformed decisions that end up harming them.

As such, DE need think long and hard before they declare certain intent in general, or an item's exclusivity in particular, prior to making such statements since it is expected then that the decision is going to become a given fact and actions are carried through based upon it.

On a more personal note, since the Frost Prime in essence was a token symbol of participation in the first ever game-wide event (at the measly requirement of a single Fusion MOA killed) then the proper compensation would be an equal badge (forum and/or in-game) one may brandish for their prestigious involvement and "being there" at that period of time (perhaps a nice forma or a key or couple too *wink*).

Here's that thread author's opinion, for interested parties:


I also Don't want your Braton Vandal... As I said that is an Exclusive too. Wouldn't be fair with those who got it.


As title says. Please try to be as civil as possible with your comments.

Feel free to disagree or agree. But in a normal manner.

First... This is partly about Frost Prime, but mostly about DE breaking their promise about Exclusive.

They promised Frost Prime will be Exclusive. They made several comments about it calling it Exclusive, they also said it in Stream.

Evidence is there, there's no denying it.

With the Forma polarization, Frost Prime lost it's Polarity advantage. So it's just a re-skin. Not as the Vandals which have different stats.

I think... No... I know they need to give us something unique as compensation.

What about Braton Vandal? Why do they have more right to their Exclusivity then those who Attained at the MOA Event?

Even if some1 only killed 1 MOA... he already did more then those who brag about their precious Braton Vandal. You just logged in for that.

For some unknown reason "you" think giving out Frost Prime is fair... just because "you" missed it. Wonder what would you act like if "your" precious Braton Vandal would be available.

I don't ask for other Exclusives go available to every1... That would be another promise break.

I ask for something unique to those who attained at the MOA event. We deserve it for lying to us, and not even cared to apologize.

Best Regards,

[edit umpteenth time: this forum insists on reformatting my own formatting efforts, ruining line spacing and such...sigh, Rebecca, I implore you, switch to vBulletin]

Edited by OriKlein
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he just needs to shut the hell up.

this is the real world. things change.

i would have respected the attempt better if he had asked for a reason first.

but no, lets beg for stuff. i want things. i got things but now i want more things. give me things because you broke your word and hurt my feelings.

who gives a damn. everybody body gets a cool toy to play with. his didnt vanish did it?

then life isnt over yet.

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look at this the frost parts can only be obtained in the void great. now too all those people that had life to attend during the weekend event have a huge dead content area. Why bother going to the void if it offers so little. yea lets go waste our time getting all these frost prime BP so we can always remember what we missed. and on a side note you do have something exclusive, if you didn't know that portrait isnt available to those that weren't there.  


all of your points are invalid as it is just you with your panties in a twist because other people can have what you do. get real, seriously.


edit: this was a necessary move by DE to prevent the void being dead content a day after it arrived


that was what i had posted on his thread i just posted something else which i will go get now, brb for the edit


the other guy who posted a few seconds earlier put a thread just like sikabs and this was my response.



ignorance all over your post. some people don't have a gaming PC where ever they go. I know when i leave town i have to hope i dont miss too much good S#&$ because 1 gaming laptops are overpriced and 2 desktops arent exactly mobile.   the fact here isnt that DE backed out because people, it was because of the manner in which they chose to release their content.   the void would be dead content for those that missed the event since for starters hate is better the the reaper anyways.  how ridiculous would it be for you to have missed the event and every time you went to the void came back with a frost prime BP that you cant use... EVER    



try attempting to think about something from multiple angles before writing a post that makes you look stupid.



edit: "a thread to end it"  instead you fueled the fire.  i hope you dont put out fires with flammables cause eventually you'll be sued by some government for burning down a national park /quote

Edited by Zhoyzu
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I don't think any compensation is necessary, although I guess a set of Frost Prime parts might be a nice gesture. I do, however, think that DE needs to put more thought into future rewards for similar events, as well as managing expectations for them.

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Nope, they gave us 100k and a Frost prime bp.


Steve said multiple times the event was just a test in itself. Kinda.. what we're doing, the whole beta testing thing.


100k is compensation enough. Frost Prime is cool as hell. Let everyone have it. I killed a ton of moa, I ran the event all weekend long (minus work) and contributed as much as I could. I was just excited to have a goal to work for. Unlocking the reward picture bit by bit was amazing. Finally completing the event was fantastic (minus the whining).


People are too goddamn entitled on this game. Like, this is the worst i've seen it of any F2P game. Whining about the rewards, they're trash and we don't want them! FU DE! Okay so now everyone can get the rewards, they're trash so you don't care, right? Nope, more whining. It's okay though.. the forum has officially been declared a cesspool, and people are encouraging others to actively avoid it now, like all official forums. I only come here for the laughs.

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Seriously. All this *@##$ing for what now? You get all elieteist over this and honestly, what did you have to do to get the blueprint? You killed a moa. Do you even realize what people that want it now have to do? They either drop 5 bucks, or they farm their asses off to get a key to the orokin tower. Which may, or may not, drop a frost prime blueprint. It's an exceedingly rare drop, and I haven't seen but 2 in my entire guild that's gotten them that way. Just stop with your exclusivity S#&$. You got the blueprint easy, quit complaining, and sit down. God damn.

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TL:but I did read

Short answer: No.

We all got the blueprint from the event if we participated and that put us ahead of everyone else in the "race" to get the new shiny toy.

What is a much more concerning issue is that DE has yet to release any statement at all admitting that they did act against their own promises. That shows a lack of integrity, and is causing even more of the community to lose trust and faith in them as a company.

That will do more harm to them than any item in the game could.

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Compensation implies damages. My understanding is that all participants recieved 100k credits and the blueprint for minimal effort, which saves them a great deal of time and effort in farming for said blueprint now. Doesn't sound like any kind of damages to me.

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