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Hexis Ripped Off: Give Us A Real Syndicate Primary, Please.


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Boltace is a beastly weapon.  Have you seen those slide attacks?


Telos Akbolto is basically a secondary Boltor Prime, in terms of stats.


People will complain about literally anything in this game, I swear.  


Oh look! It's another player who thinks visual themes dont matter....

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Hahaha April Fool's Day was months ago, DE. How about a real syndicate primary that we would like to see? We're sick of the Boltor from the Boltor P. Give us a really sick Atticam,  or Sybaris with more ammo, or a Panthera that is good.


Yeah, those would be really nice. Or give us all three to make up for this Boltor P nerf and reskin. :P

I would personally love a beefed up sybaris.

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Despite all the hate it gets on this forum, Boltor is a fantastically popular weapon.  First the original, now the prime version.  People play the heck out of it.  Another Boltor option, from that standpoint, is kind of obvious.  That said, my attica and tiberon see more play than my Boltor Prime, so it's not that I don't understand the dismay at the redundancy.  In all honesty, since the Boltor Prime is pretty much the end-all of Boltor-dom, another is just kinda meh.  About as exciting as if Meridian had gotten yet another incarnation of Gorgon.


But on the flip side of all that, there are weapons I just don't like because they are too "niche".  Weapons like the SImulor that fart out bubbles or otherwise just don't shoot things or outright explode(and yes, I have a Simulor, I'm aware that it kinda explodes).  I'm surprised that Suda doesn't get the lions share of the crying, having gotten a danged Simulor.  I'd take an automatic rifle any day over something like that.


I also agree on the Boltace.  Tonbo have the chumpiest quick attack in the game, despite their awesome slide attack numbers.  I wouldn't want one...uh, anywhere, actually.  Hexis seems like a great place for a sword, say, a Nikana or even a Gram/Galatine.

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The boltor was just such a boring choice when we already had the AkBoltos.Why would you want slow projectiles in all your slots?

Telos Attica/Sybaris/Tiberon would have all been much cooler and interesting choices.

We did get ripped off and I often catch my Rakta Cernos and Sancti Tigris pointing and laughing at my Telos Boltor.

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Telos Boltor isn't nearly as terrible as people make it out to be. Sure it's not Boltor Prime, but the slightly lower stats and syndicate proc keep it decent. It sometimes clears rooms better than the Prime version.

That being said, it might have been nicer to see a different weapon, but what is done, is done.

Edited by Crewell
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The issue isn't whether Telos Boltor is good or not, it is the fact that DE just forces the Boltor line onto Hexis which irks me.
Although the Red Veil's Cernos is also sort of a forced on product for their Syndicate, it offers an actual unique buff to the weapon, hence enticing players to build around that unique buff (0.3 charge rate)
Whereas with Telos Boltor, all they did was buff the weapon up, giving it more damage and crit damage, a bigger mag size, and that was it. 
I would have actually considered the weapon unique if they went on and, for example, buff up the crit chance to 15%~ or gave it more status. 

But now it just feels like a reskin.

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As a melee player, I'm not too bothered by it being a Telos Boltor. But I absolutely do NOT want to see a Telos Boltace.

lol, it's totally going to happen.  you know it, I know it.  We all do.   I'm just waiting on a new gram.  I'm hoping that Suda gives a syndicate version of it.  Would be awesome.

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Look at the Arbiters' main emblem. Then look at their Sigils. Then look at their Syandana. Then you have your answer.

Interestingly, Hexis' emblems fly in the face of their philosophy, and and their syandana doubly so.  It doesn't really make sense for them to be the "boltor" syndicate, either, but it makes about as much sense as the "[bloody] swords" theme implied by their emblems.  

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Interestingly, Hexis' emblems fly in the face of their philosophy, and and their syandana doubly so.  It doesn't really make sense for them to be the "boltor" syndicate, either, but it makes about as much sense as the "[bloody] swords" theme implied by their emblems.  


How so? The Arbiters never say they are against the Tenno being warriors, only that they can be more than warriors - tools of the Orokin or of the Lotus. But their melee weapon should be a sword.

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Personally I wanted an Attica with status and less recoil. Attica is way too much of a forgotten weapon, even now when it can benefit from the 2X firerate as a bow from fire rate mods. However, it's too late for a change of syndicate weapon now, considering DE must either remove the Telos Boltor, create a new set of syndicate primaries or making Telos Boltor a discontinued weapon if that had to be done. In this situation, I can only wish for a rebalance of Telos Boltor that makes it a status Boltor than a Boltor P look-alike. Telos Boltor might be pratical to some degree, but when there's already a similiar upgrade to the same based weapon(Boltor) out there it just can be discribed as unsatisfying.


To prove my point, here are the selling points of other syndicate weapons:


Steel Meridian - Vaykor Hek: Crit based burst shotgun. BOOM headshot.

Cephalon Suda - Synoid Simulor: A direct upgrade to Simulor, a weapon with it own one-of-a-kind mechanic. Strange, curious.

Perrin Sequence - Secura Penta: A direct upgrade to penta, the one-of-a-kind remote grenade launcher. Explosions!

Red Veil - Rakta Cernos: Fastest and most hardhitting bow. While the crit might be lacking, the speed compensates.

New Loka - Sancta Tigris: Higest base damage of all weapons. Enjoy your one-shots.


And here, Arbiter of Hexis provides nothing but a knockoff of Boltor P with "made by Hexis" labeled on it. They even skipped a third polarity that the other syndicated got on their weapons!


And that's why I'm not satisfied with the Telos Boltor, the same reason people hates knockoffs. It is boring and not innovative. And thus, it needs a change, which is able to make it special while not removing its pratical value. Therefore, a status buff would be the best way to make this weapon more intressing, even if it comes with a damage nerf about 10 to 15.

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It's basically the same weapon as Boltor P, except with Truth, better clip size, 15% less spike DPS and lower accuracy. Truth sucks. Clip size is usually not that important. Boltor P is easy to get. Power is relative.


Let's put it this way: If one has to choose between Boltor P, Dread, Tonkor, Sancti Tigris, Secura Penta, Some P, (Vaykor) Hek and Synoid Simulor, the choice isn't immediately obvious. If one has to choose between Boltor P and Telos Boltor, the choice is very obvious.

Truth sucks... until you ​factor in the fact that the more enemies you have around you the more damage it deals... I have oneshot packs of 20-30 level 60 curropted with truth.... I don't know what your whining about...

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Truth sucks... until you ​factor in the fact that the more enemies you have around you the more damage it deals... I have oneshot packs of 20-30 level 60 curropted with truth.... I don't know what your whining about...

Yeah, people are super ignorant about how good Gas procs are.  Truth is pretty much the only syndicate effect that does good damage, and it can do great damage on clustered enemies.  

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