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Ok So Low Mr Players Are Becoming Rude? Why?


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I was sitting on MR14 and not caring about MR till it struck me one day.I was playing trying to get some parts and stuff from T4 interception.I had basically around everything you would actually need in the game.Someone said Mr 15+ ....Thought he might let me slip through the cracks and inv me,but he didn't.So,I decided to get more MR just so people would realize that I am not a noob.I don't get mad when someone says MR 10+ a lot.Since in some cases,it's understandable.But saying MR 15+ is beyond my belief.

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It's actively stupid. There's no difference in game performance between an MR14 and MR15+ as a consequence of being MRwhatever. The only real difference is the MR15+ has more warframes, dogs, sents, and guns sitting on shelves.


I usually ignore these sorts since it reeks of someone wanting to be carried. You saw a lot of this in WoW in heroic dungeons and I've been very leery of it ever since. Not worth the trouble dealing with these sorts. I can probably carry you. The question is do I want to? The answer is usually no.


When I host tower runs, I invite the first half dozen and the four quickest on accept are in and we're running. Chances are if they're a bit out of their depth, I can carry them to at least a useful degree in a T3 or T4 endless mode. If they know what they're doing and the cell is gelling nicely, we'll go until we no longer can or someone has to bail or everyone gets something they really want. If they're very agreeable, they get put on the friends list. If they're complete jackhats and/or screw-ups, they go on /ignore as a future reference of who not to invite.


Simple and effective. After all, the only thing you're risking is tower key and an hour or so. Then you know.

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Ok so... Ok so... Ok so...

Ok so there are these people who i call compulsive whiny C***s just like one you described.

Best you can do is ignore such behaviour and move on, what is causing it though, that is a mystery, my best bet is the "I am being underestimated" mentality. It is ever present as players get cocky and are trying to prove themselves via wrong methods.

Bottomline, there is no greater reason as being rude never has a greater reason than to piss off the other side.



Best to ignore, why? Particularly in regard to this case? Its not like he responded back in chat and got caught up in an argument, he and the rest of the team just decided to let him die. Its funny.

The rude player got his wish to carry the team, and failed like the lolcow tryhard that he was. I see no problem here.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Sounds like the rand (short for random for those who dont know) was trying to boast a bit to much bc he doesnt understand that how little skill mesa takes to mod to be decent (not hating on anybody who mains mesa with a good build just a reference) while frames like nova and the frames you mentioned take time, some forma and quite a bit of thought to get to a good build while holding enough armor, hp, and or sheild to survive longer in higher tier missions like raid where mesa is pretty much useless if you have modded for he ult.

Edited by brokenfate991
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This "Johnny" of yours sounds very similar to the Mesa I had in my squad, some weeks ago. Two of my friends (to which I'll refer to as the warframes they were using at the time) and myself were on the way to run an ODS mission. We wanted a fourth person, so I grabbed some random person from the recruitment tab who happened to be a Mesa. About 15 minutes in, one of my friends goes down, a Banshee, and was on the other side of the room from me. On my way to her, I see the Mesa right there and assume he was going to revive her, so I stayed away and returned to my killing spree. Several seconds later, I saw a message on my screen:


"(name of Banshee user) has died." 


I was thinking something along the lines of "wtf," and talked to the Mesa, asking why he didn't revive her. Banshee told me that Mesa was repeatedly squating on her face while she bled out. Mesa spammed "noob" in squad chat several times. We figured it was another jerk and said nothing. About 25 minutes in, my other friend goes down, an Ash Prime, and texted me it was a lag-related issue. As I was reviving him, Mesa typed "merry christmas" on squad chat. I didn't know what he meant by that until I saw a massive number of ancients, crawlers, and all them others chasing him, which he led to us. I used radial blind (as Excalibur), proceeded to reviving Ash Prime, and we killed off the hoard of infested.


Both my friends were sending me angry texts about this Mesa. We had already told him to stop being a jerk (there was actually a lot of profanity, but this forum's language filter looks down on that), several times, but he called us noobs every time we made such a plea. So, we decided to kill him. We crowded near him, following his every step, and let the infested come to us. We made no action to kill them and quickly dispersed as soon as there was a small legion ripping at him. He died quickly, we slaughtered the surrounding infested, and stood around his body, waiting for him to die. Banshee says:


"Serves you right,"


We repeated this process until he had no revives left. Btw, this Mesa was also mr-8.

Edited by Eggzodiya
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ive been running into a mixed bag of low MR


some want to learn, so ill take them to places to train and learn the basics.


some are just plain rude, as trinity i just kill my energy,shield,health supply to teammates


but i have syndicate mods on weapons that give me HP and energy so im not in any danger till some higher lvl enemies appear, how i role , i just stop enabling them to feel high and mighty 



but for a while it did feel like this till i hit rank 10+



Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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I just think mastery rank only shows how much time you have devoted to the game, for example i am almost rank 10, but some of my weapons and frames are the best in its type in my clan or that i know of, yet other players have better versions of other thing i have, it really doesn't matter, and why does a mesa brag about getting kills...

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I just think mastery rank only shows how much time you have devoted to the game, for example i am almost rank 10, but some of my weapons and frames are the best in its type in my clan or that i know of, yet other players have better versions of other thing i have, it really doesn't matter, and why does a mesa brag about getting kills...

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Gonna say this only once, I've seen enough MR 19-20's that feel there the elite superiors to anyone under MR 15 to see why there so much hate on HIGH MR's. Bottom line is you got a lot of good people, and a lot of egotistical people who take there MR as a status symbol and expect it to mean something like you should be revered and have the authority to walk all over anyone whos under your rank becuase aparently MR = skill and superiority to most. 

Me personally i find this to be simply untrue. I run a 600 man moon clan with no one offline longer then 30 days, we accept ALL master ranks and host 5 daily raids and 1 daily nightmare. ON ced runs we take people as low as MR 3 and HAVE NOT failed a single run in 2 months. We even mentor these low MR's so they become strong productive players that can run the raids and obtain the gear. In fact 1 in 4 newbs we recruit ends up MR 10+ by the end of there first month playing Warframe. 

In all i feel this disproves the notion that  high master ranks = skill, or that lowbie master ranks cant do runs. I feel the real issue lies in the people, setting up these steriotypes of MR = status and judging people simply by a number that doesn't mean more then the number of trades you have an what weapons you can access. I myself have been sitting at Master rank 13 for 5 months now, I have ALL prime Warframe classes and I have the ones without primes atm as well (including equin/atlas/etc, also i have all primes except founders) and despite having all of them with 2-5 forma and potato's I've still only earned enough affinity to reach MR 13 and I've even maxed 60+ weapons. So does this mean I'm a newb compared to a MR20? Or does this simply mean they wasted more time maxing weapons then I have. The bottom line is we need to stop looking at Mastery ranks entirely and look at the people, what they have, and how effectively they use it. An if they suck at using something, then mentor and teach them how to use it properly. Don't hoard knowledge and tricks and dont insult or ban newbs from your groups, instead share your knowledge and help them so the community gets strong and we have fewer inexperienced players rather then ignoring them and keeping them inexperienced..

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Please refrain from judging others based on their MR rankings. It's not very Tenno-like. If you do in fact come across an irritating/disruptive player who is actively violating the Code of Conduct then ship off a ticket to support.warframe.com. 


To prevent any more player bashing/off-topic banter from continuing the thread will now be locked. 

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