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Hello C:


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Hey, I'm Exia ( I don't use Effenxia as a gaming name anymore )


I joined warframe 2 years & 6 months ago.

Got any email yesterday from MMOBOMB, about a giveaway & all the keys are gone...


I have a Twitch @ twitch.tv/exiaobsidian & Deviantart @ PH3NF1X , had my deviantart for 6 years & recently got 10,000 page views. The twitch account is fairly recent and around 40 followers atm... Got a steam @ Exia | Twitch.tv/exiaobsidian 



Would be nice to meet new people on here, might be a good thing to try & get back into this game.


If anyone would like some artwork done, you can always ask me & if I'm up to I can try to design you something...

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Welcome Back, Exia. 

Although I'm a dumb loner, feel free to add me (Or me adding you, if you allow me to), It would be a pleasure to play with someone, once in a while.

I play a lot (Maybe too much) So I'm almost everyday logged in. Therefore if I don't log in after few days, I'm probably ded. Ehm.

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Welcome Back, Exia. 

Although I'm a dumb loner, feel free to add me (Or me adding you, if you allow me to), It would be a pleasure to play with someone, once in a while.

I play a lot (Maybe too much) So I'm almost everyday logged in. Therefore if I don't log in after few days, I'm probably ded. Ehm.


That's alright, you can add me ...

Welcome back and would be nice to see some arts of you

Yeah man, look forward to creating some art based on Warframe, I think it's the kinda style that I could make.

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Hey hey!  always good to meet a fellow warframe veteran.  Definitely going to take a look at your deviantart!  If ya need anything in game, feel free to send me a pm or friend request! happy hunting! 


I'm actually not that high a rank tho... could use all the help I can get!

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rank doesn't mean much other than whether or not you've leveled a lot of weapons/frames etc.  Anyways, welcome back :D


Fair call, I thought you meant I was a really high level or something... hahahah

What's your Steam?

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