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Everything Wrong With.....(Thread)


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Note: This is a little series I'd thought be fun to do in my past time.
Note: Some of the statements below are jokes, some are suggestions, and some will more or likely be fixed in future updates
Note: This is in no way to Bash DE and the many, many problems with the game.
Note: Statements apply to both PC and Console versions of the game, as they both have different problems.
Note: Some of the Information may not be accurate as I cant remember specific Details from the top of my head.

Everything Wrong with... The Void!

1. Void keys
2. No Tower 1-3 Interceptions
3. T4 keys can only be acquired by playing Interception missions till round 4
4. Void Loot Drops
5. Secret rooms rarely Spawn
6. Just like with normal Missions, Void missions, mainly Survival, Capture, Exterminate, and Mobile Defense, Tile sets have a chance to spawn the Same room twice, right next to each in some instances.
7. You can get 10 or more of a certain item before you get what you actually want.
8. Most Prime gear is pain to get
9. The Void is Farming Simulator 2.0
10. Bombards
11. Ancient Healers
12. Water Textures has a chance to Spawn on land as glitched floating textures.
13. Defense missions still have a "Off Limits" zone a couple meters above the designated plain

14. Death Orbs
15. Booby Traps
17. Void Survival was intentionally made difficult along with Defense in General
18. Syndicates no longer give Specific Void Keys.
19. While on that subject, your chance of getting the key you want is a 1 in 21 chance
20. Cryo Floors
21. Collapsible Floors get in the way
22. Collapsible Floors have a chance to Spawn on top of Death Orbs
23. Defense Lasers are the ultimate troll tool
24. Corrupted Heavy Gunner's Gorgon does more Damage than my Gorgon
25. T3 Keys can only be Obtain by Playing 15 minute survival, or Excavation missions
26. Forma Blueprints
27. Forma Blueprint alerts
28. Terrible Drop Rates
29. If squad leader leaves a mission he/she hosted, and the others stay behind, you fail the mission
30. Taking Primes out because Terrible Loot Placement System
31. Power Through Drop Chance is too high. I have 50 of them....
32. Built Formas are only available on T3 Survival and T3 Exterminate, but unlike the Blueprints, they're harder to get. Also, What about the other T3 missions?
33. Catalyst and Reactors are still unavailable in the void. Drop Table.
34. Why are Cells a void drop in the 1st place....
35. Vor
36. Corrupted Crewman have Multi-shot
37. When Jumping off ledges, the enemies have a chance to do the Flying Jesus Glitch [scroll to the Bottom for more info on the Glitch]
38. Speaking of Bombards....Ogris Missile Spamming is very Spammy
39. Explosive Canisters -.-
40. Special Canisters don't seem to spawn anymore.
41. No Nightmare Void Missions....LeL
42. Void Mission diversity isn't Diverse enough
43. There's only 1 room you play in on Defense missions....need more Spawn Locations
44. The Semi Secret rooms aren't really secret
45. Most Lockers in the Void are Locked
46. Enemy Diversity isn't Diverse enough....
47. Void music isn't Diverse enough
48. Getting Stuck on invisible textures is bad :-/
49. Baro has yet to be seen snooping around the void
50. Prisma Crystals are no where to be seen in the Void.
51. Sentinel Mods can only be obtained in the Void
52. No Archwing Void missions
53. No Archwing Void Hijack Missions
54. No Void based PvP Tilesets
55. Still no Void Spy missions

There are many more, but I decided to leave it at 55.
Leave any problems you've experienced down Below.

"Flying Jesus Glitch: Basically, Due to poor collision detection and bad game design, enemies can sometimes climb invisible platforms and traverse in the Air. In some poorly designed games, they can climb said invisible force, but, instead of traversing through the air until they fall or just die, sometimes the Character models Mesh up and Flicker through solid objects. In some Cases, they can get tossed across the entire level. Mostly Seen in resident Evil 1.5.

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Traps in the void are cool, they were designed specifically for it, hence work well, unlike crappy ark traps.


Defense lasers are good too, its always a good way to kill door heroes who ignore protecting the pod, and do not stay in xp share range.


No archwing is good, even after the last "improvements" , archwing is still bad


There are void pvp tile-sets.



But yah, the game haves serious issues.

Edited by 7grims
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Note: This is a little series I'd thought be fun to do in my past time.

Note: Some of the statements below are jokes, some are suggestions, and some will more or likely be fixed in future updates

Note: This is in no way to Bash DE and the many, many problems with the game.

Note: Statements apply to both PC and Console versions of the game, as they both have different problems.

Note: Some of the Information may not be accurate as I cant remember specific Details from the top of my head.


1. Void keys

2. No Tower 1-3 Interceptions

3. T4 keys can only be acquired by playing Interception missions till round 4

4. Void Loot Drops

5. Secret rooms rarely Spawn

6. Just like with normal Missions, Void missions, mainly Survival, Capture, Exterminate, and Mobile Defense, Tile sets have a chance to spawn the Same room twice, right next to each in some instances.

7. You can get 10 or more of a certain item before you get what you actually want.

8. Most Prime gear is pain to get

9. The Void is Farming Simulator 2.0

10. Bombards

11. Ancient Healers

12. Water Textures has a chance to Spawn on land as glitched floating textures.

13. Defense missions still have a "Off Limits" zone a couple meters above the designated plain

14. Death Orbs

15. Booby Traps


17. Void Survival was intentionally made difficult along with Defense in General

18. Syndicates no longer give Specific Void Keys.

19. While on that subject, your chance of getting the key you want is a 1 in 21 chance

20. Cryo Floors

21. Collapsible Floors get in the way

22. Collapsible Floors have a chance to Spawn on top of Death Orbs

23. Defense Lasers are the ultimate troll tool

24. Corrupted Heavy Gunner's Gorgon does more Damage than my Gorgon

25. T3 Keys can only be Obtain by Playing 15 minute survival, or Excavation missions

26. Forma Blueprints

27. Forma Blueprint alerts

28. Terrible Drop Rates

29. If squad leader leaves a mission he/she hosted, and the others stay behind, you fail the mission

30. Taking Primes out because Terrible Loot Placement System

31. Power Through Drop Chance is too high. I have 50 of them....

32. Built Formas are only available on T3 Survival and T3 Exterminate, but unlike the Blueprints, they're harder to get. Also, What about the other T3 missions?

33. Catalyst and Reactors are still unavailable in the void. Drop Table.

34. Why are Cells a void drop in the 1st place....

35. Vor

36. Corrupted Crewman have Multi-shot

37. When Jumping off ledges, the enemies have a chance to do the Flying Jesus Glitch [scroll to the Bottom for more info on the Glitch]

38. Speaking of Bombards....Ogris Missile Spamming is very Spammy

39. Explosive Canisters -.-

40. Special Canisters don't seem to spawn anymore.

41. No Nightmare Void Missions....LeL

42. Void Mission diversity isn't Diverse enough

43. There's only 1 room you play in on Defense missions....need more Spawn Locations

44. The Semi Secret rooms aren't really secret

45. Most Lockers in the Void are Locked

46. Enemy Diversity isn't Diverse enough....

47. Void music isn't Diverse enough

48. Getting Stuck on invisible textures is bad :-/

49. Baro has yet to be seen snooping around the void

50. Prisma Crystals are no where to be seen in the Void.

51. Sentinel Mods can only be obtained in the Void

52. No Archwing Void missions

53. No Archwing Void Hijack Missions

54. No Void based PvP Tilesets

55. Still no Void Spy missions

1. Keys are how one gets into the void

2. IDK why there is no T1-3 Interception.

3. Or syndicate void key packs...

4. Don't get what you mean by that...

5. In mobile defense they spawn frequently.

6. That's cause the limited amount of tiles the mission builder has.

7. Completely agree, but that's RNG, not void.

8. Not really...captures and sabotages are how I get them easily.

9. That's warframe in a nutshell, Farming Simulator 2.0.

10. So you hate Corrupted Bombards but not Grineer Bombards?

11. So you hate Corrupted Ancients but just not care about regular Ancient Healers because this is a hate thread about the void?

12. That'll be fixed

13. Never have seen these "off limit zones"

14. Adds some challenge

15. Still adds some challenge


17. How so?  I can easily 60 min solo a T3 survival.

18. But they give more keys

19. Not really, I get all I need from my crap syndicates.

20. Press space bar and control.

9+10 = 21. Collapsible floors can be bypassed with WALKING

22. That's needs to be addressed.

23. And ultimate life-saver.

24. Use mods ma boi and void is not the best place to level your guns up.

25. It's called Triton, Neptune and Lua, Earth.

26. Forma Blueprints is something I need to chipchip my guns.

27. Once again, not everyone hates the Forma drops and alerts.

28. Every 5 waves/minutes for defense/survival?  Is that bad?  What is defined by you as good?

29. Something also needing some attention.

30. No Opinion

31. You spend too much time in the void.

32. Because raw Forma are only worthy to those who have done T3 Exterminates and T3 Survivals.


34. Because its the frickin Orokin Void.  Not the Corpus Void.

35. Too easy, even Corrupted version.


37. Because we need to be flying jesus.

38. Do you even parkour?

39. Explosive containers do like 100 damage, unless you really care that much about stressing your shields.

40. Maybe they're called Rare for a reason?

41. Because T4 is nightmare void.  3x Damage from enemies

42. Who said this game is diverse?  It's Grindframe.

43. Um, may I point out that most are like that too?

44. Because once you know the location, you go there every time.

45. Lockers should not be your main source of credits.

46. Corpus Enemy Diversity isn't enough.  Go rage about that first.

47. Most of the music isn't diverse enough, turn off Warframe Music and go play your own.

48. Invisible walls, not textures.  But still, that has to be addressed.

49. He probably doesn't go to the void and pays certain tenno to do his errands.

50. Prisma Crystals are supposed to be like delicate and stuff, so they probably are already gone.

51. Because everyone goes there so they have to make a catch.

52. Orokin Moon is coming soon, that's Archwing.

53. Once again, reason stated above.


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Everything wrong with.... Primary Weapons


1. Most Primary Weapon's builds aren't really Diverse, Crit Weapons are Crit, Elemental weps are elemental, making weapons like Soma and the Amprex boring Really Quick
2. The Attica
3. Boar is Retired Shotgun for Some reason, but Strun is still here,
4. Speaking of Strun, that unnecessary Reload mechanic
5. Boar Prime is lack luster even after Shotgun Buff
6. Telos Boltor is Stronger than normal Variant, but weaker than the Prime. It's Still good, but, Why?
7. "7 Forma Braton is OP" Nonsense
8. Burston/Burston Prime
9. Dread is Still the best Bow in the Game.
10. Cernos is Limited as it is Impact based
11. Why is the Daikyu a status based Bow in the 1st place? it's Different yeah, but, it sucks.
12. Also, that Daikyu Wind up time
13. Dera Vandal is underrated
14. The Drakgoon is terrible at what it does, even after buff. A Flak shotgun tha t cant flak right
15. Dread drops to often as Stalker Loot Pool Consists of useless junk
15. All of the Dojo Primaries require too many Fieldron, on top of that stupid forma each on needs.
16. I forgot the Dual Decurion was even a thing
17. Every Single Gorgon Variation
18. If the Gorgon Wraith was a Gimmick, De hit the nail on the head as it its one, if not, the worst Primary in the game.
19. Grakata has terrible recoil, making it hard to hit....everything....
20. Grinlok is Impact Sniper rifle for some reason
21. The Harpak....SMH...This could have been the best Burst fire weapon In the game, but no, DE screwed it over by giving it good Crit Multiplier, but terrible crit chance.
22. People Still think Scattered Justice Hek is better than OP Crit Build Vaykor Hek.
23. The Hind
24. Ignis is Flame thrower Grakata
25. The Carrot/Carrot Wraith.....I mean Karak...Karak...Wraith.... ._.
26. Snipetron is discount Lanka
27. People still think the Snipetron is better than lanka when Lanka has better elemental build....and Stronger in general
28. Also, Lank and Snipetron looks exactly the same....So, recycled gun designs
29. Latron Sounds like impact Weapon but does Puncture
30. Latron pirme is no longer available, but has a chance to come back......but that's a looooooooooooong time from now, knowing DE.
31. Latron Wraith is Gimmick Weapon
32. Miter has 240+ base....Panthera is weaker.....-_-
33. Mk1 Primaries aren't even good enough to be called beginner weapons
34. All Quanta Variations are no where near as good as the Quanta itself. Actually, they're god awful
35. The Ogris Looks cool, but still lacks luster compared to the Tonkor and the Penta
36. Phage is a Shotgun
37. Prisma Gorgon does crit, but still sucks because it's a Gorgon
38. Prisma Tetra is Prisma, not Mara.
39. The Sobek
40. People Still think Soma is Still a good Primary
41. Impact shotties were screwed over so badly during Shotgun Buffs. Strun Wraith, Boar Prime, and the Sobek compared to the Hek and the Tigris. It's like DE didn't even touch them. This actually led me to assume that impact is a terrible base damage, even though most of them have decent crit builds.
42. The Synapse is a WTF
43. If De calls that Supra buff a buff, then they're blind
44. Does anyone even use the Sybaris anymore?
45. Tiberon....actually, all fusion Weapons
46. Tigris = Shoot, shoot, reload while running.....shoot, shoot, Reload while running. Problem has yet to be fixed
47. Arched Grenades on the Tonkor
48. A second Down sight that wasn't needed on the Tonkor
49. The Torid is mutated Ogris
50. Sniper rifles in a horde based game in the 1st place
51. Tonkor is the only nade based primary that doesn't kill you. Why couldn't they do this for the others?
52. Noobs love the Boltor Prime for Some Reason
53.The Imperator, because Aiming in Archwing missions.....
54. Corvas and Drakgoon is Discount Flakker from Borderlands 2, without the Explosions

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LOL, no need to get pissy. I said it was just for fun, I also said some info was inaccurate, a joke, or suggestions as I don't play warframe as much anymore. Also, you quoted all of my statements.....ah whatever....I'm sure you read the notes.

Not Really Personal Concerns, I just made this for fun.

Edited by (PS4)sanemane213
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Everything that the Warframe Community doesn't understand.


1. DE is very busy.

2. Its not 4 to win

3. Not everyone agrees with one opinion

4. Strun Reload is intentional

5. Burst fire rifles except Burston Prime are really underappreciated



The list goes on and on.

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That's the entire Point. I point out things people tend to hate the most, and list them. Like I Said No need to get Pissy. This was purely made out of Boredom. And, I enjoyed making them. if people get mad, and want to quote my quotes, then that's their problem. As long as I have fun, joke around a bit, then I don't care what the Say.

Edited by (PS4)sanemane213
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