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Who Else Is Actually Excited For Starchart 3.0?


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I joined this game after Starchart 2.0. It was quite the lonely experience as a beginner. I literally played by myself all the way up to Neptune. Obviously I have joined a clan, and also learned how to work the recruitment tab by using 'hot nodes' to play. But I got to thinking.... How would my overall experience and perception of Warframe be different, had I felt like I wasn't the only Tenno in the known universe? Would it be like one of the few positive experiences I had on Destiny? I fondly think back onto the open Beta for Destiny, in which 6 million players flooded the starter area. I absolutely loved it! Every instance I went into was packed full of players. You ALWAYS had backup during public events, or when fighting Randal the Vandal. it was also a great way to learn how to play the game. I can't tell you how many times I was just mindlessly exploring the cosmodrome, when I would stumble upon a group who would pick me up, and take me on an epic adventure. I literally made more friends in the Destiny Beta in one week than I have in my 250 hours played here.

So with all of that said - I am absolutely excited for Starchart 3.0 to roll out. I feel like it will breathe some much needed life into the game, and put players into contact with eachother more frequently. I also envy the new players who will get to experience this game for the first time, NOT feeling like the only Tenno in the universe.

So who else is with me? U18 hype!

Something similar happened to me, since Im from South America. I played alone up until Phobos, not a soul on the nodes. maybe a couple on some survivals, but everything else? Empty. After reading the forums i discovered that I could change regions, so i moved to US-East and finally saw life! Actual people on Region, and a Recruiting chat that was so fast i was hardly able to keep up with it. Ever since, I made it a habit to help any new players who are a bit lost on Recruiting or Region, or taxi for alerts that give useful or nice things.


So yeah, with Starchart 3.0 hopefully we'll see a lot more people on the starting areas. And get to help and meet other people.


And maybe.. just maybe.. i'll go back to SA Region to see if anyone is still there.

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I will do as I always do, wait.


With the amount of changes Steve has mentioned it sounds like they have yet to decide on anything and we really haven't been fed any updated info on it's current form so I can't judge something I clearly know nothing about.


But hoping that they are sticking to the goals of what it is supposed to achieve I am fairly excited, especially with the going of ghost nodes and reduction to RNG.

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I won't get hype that easily as long as anything I see on streams is not even close to the final builds, knowing DE, all those things shown may even be scrapped and change thoroughly by the time it's released, leading to mixed feelings. So I'll just wait and see when it launches to finally give a proper judgement.

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Wonder what it looks like, also yes I'm excited to see how it will work. Be nice to do planet completing without going solo, or the random one person who might of accidentally clicked the mission? Will it reset our progress on the star chart? Will we all have to go from square one if so I'm all aboard!

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The last few releases have been so lackluster that I honestly don't think I can hype over anything until DE proves themselves again. Honestly the extremes at which they can royally screw up starchart and the multishot nerf make me temper any expectations. I'd rather by pleasantly surprised than severely disappointed.

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I joined this game after Starchart 2.0. It was quite the lonely experience as a beginner. I literally played by myself all the way up to Neptune. Obviously I have joined a clan, and also learned how to work the recruitment tab by using 'hot nodes' to play. But I got to thinking.... How would my overall experience and perception of Warframe be different, had I felt like I wasn't the only Tenno in the known universe? Would it be like one of the few positive experiences I had on Destiny? I fondly think back onto the open Beta for Destiny, in which 6 million players flooded the starter area. I absolutely loved it! Every instance I went into was packed full of players. You ALWAYS had backup during public events, or when fighting Randal the Vandal. it was also a great way to learn how to play the game. I can't tell you how many times I was just mindlessly exploring the cosmodrome, when I would stumble upon a group who would pick me up, and take me on an epic adventure. I literally made more friends in the Destiny Beta in one week than I have in my 250 hours played here.

So with all of that said - I am absolutely excited for Starchart 3.0 to roll out. I feel like it will breathe some much needed life into the game, and put players into contact with eachother more frequently. I also envy the new players who will get to experience this game for the first time, NOT feeling like the only Tenno in the universe.

So who else is with me? U18 hype!

I hear ya, been on game since launch and it was great as EVERYONE was running nodes. Now? Planets are empty and the void is full - new players dont help each other so much as just pester vets for boss taxi runs... theyre getting stuff way too fast or not at all. Very different experience from one i had starting game. New star chart should be great if done right, too many modes never mind nodes neglected - hijack anyone?

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I'm on the fence.

DE's given little to no knowledge about the new star chart. It could turn out very well or very bad.

They "learned" from telling us about it in Devstream 52. We didn't like the garbage they presented us with and are keeping the changes to themselves now. Kind of like how they encrypted the drop tables so they couldn't be datamined.

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It was stated that this starchart rework would reduce the grind, quite some time ago (for source look up the gamescom videos where steve talks, if I recall correctly - it might be in a devstream too, unsure though).


If that happens, word kept, all good.

If that doesn't happen, general disappointment just like with many things that recently happened.

If the opposite happens, time to call it and possibly quit or take a long break.


Mind that the "opposite" part DID and IS happening: R5 drop rate from T4 surv nerfed back in the ages, pilfering swarm effectiveness reduced indirectly by taking strength out of the equation (and this was AFTER they informed us about future grind reduction), alad V neural sensors drop rate nerf, any idiotic RNG wall that we have/had to pass in order to get our hands on core content...

Have to say trinity's RNG is not as stupid as ash's was though, it's a recent marginal improvement to the RNG walls part along with the dual reward in archwing defense.

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I'm not really looking forward to this rework, I have this really bad feeling it will increase the grind instead of reducing it as they promised.


I'm kinda ^ here ^ with all of it at this point.


Dmg 3.0 and Starchart 2.0 sound nifty... Both are quality of life adjustments.

Quality of life improvements are nice if they actually improve the quality of life.


The problem is that neither will improve the quality of life if the issues that made the current state onerous isn't addressed.


  Yes, Warframe has a lot of nodes and only a few of them see traffic...

That's because only a few of them offer a rewarding game experience.


  Yes, the current damage system is flat as opposed to dynamic and forces attention on "must have" mods...

That's because dps is required to keep fight times low to allow for more xp, affinity, and loot accrual.


Even people with zero interest in farming (wallet warriors, casuals, or whatever derogatory term of the month folks will think up) are obliged to do the same things in order to not get derided in chat for poor performance on the mission summary (another little gem that needs to go, tbh)


...Until DE devises a more(balanced, consistent, transparent) rewarding game experience, the nonsense will continue regardless.

No amount of key locking, grind locking, or meta breaking will stem it for long.

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I'm excited too! I From what I heard so far, it's going to make the starchart feel more "alive" like how the Lotus describes it as a constantly changing environment, or the system falling further into chaos, w/e. 


I also solo'd most of the content too, and now the only time I play with other people is when there's an event, an alert I can't finish myself, or if I'm doing void farming. 


Now with the new starchart, yes there's less player choice out there, but hopefully that unifies parts of the community when for example a neurode farming node opens up. 


I feel like with the implementation of starchart 3.0, there needs to be a better party-forming system to create more organized groups. For example; I want to farm that neurode node with a hydroid, nekros, and nova. I'll be able to get exactly what I want without messy recruit chat. 

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We know F*** all about Starchart 3.0 cause I don't think even DEvs have decided what they want.

Therefore I'll remain cautious because DE tend to (IMHO) half-arse things


It was stated that this starchart rework would reduce the grind

I only remember them talking about reducing Void Fatigue

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I am cautiously optimistic but I am sure it will be a serious change.


The LAST time was a shock. I LIKED the first way things were. It FELT like watching a real solar system sometimes. (Not always)


That said? I will wait and see.

Edited by Kalenath
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I'm kinda ^ here ^ with all of it at this point.


Dmg 3.0 and Starchart 2.0 sound nifty... Both are quality of life adjustments.

Quality of life improvements are nice if they actually improve the quality of life.


The problem is that neither will improve the quality of life if the issues that made the current state onerous isn't addressed.


  Yes, Warframe has a lot of nodes and only a few of them see traffic...

That's because only a few of them offer a rewarding game experience.


  Yes, the current damage system is flat as opposed to dynamic and forces attention on "must have" mods...

That's because dps is required to keep fight times low to allow for more xp, affinity, and loot accrual.


Even people with zero interest in farming (wallet warriors, casuals, or whatever derogatory term of the month folks will think up) are obliged to do the same things in order to not get derided in chat for poor performance on the mission summary (another little gem that needs to go, tbh)


...Until DE devises a more(balanced, consistent, transparent) rewarding game experience, the nonsense will continue regardless.

No amount of key locking, grind locking, or meta breaking will stem it for long.

DE needs to make money

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Ok i can see the concern that it might be a problem

but what might be happening is that they might be showing that now factions can damage the planet so mabe they can show the wreakage of the earth relay that was destroyed by the fomorian

also if it was more open that means that they can add more arch-wing missions

but with a hitch

they will now move from planet to planet....

sentients are also coming so mabe this menu is used for seeing the movement of ships and the factions army

Edited by code102345
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