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Trinity's Well Of Life


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I have been a huge trinity main since I was a rank 2, and I love being the healer that everyone relies on for energy, health, and pretty much all concerns. However, I notice myself using 2, 3, and 4 much more than 1. (Obviously, I meant her abilities being listed in the numbers). I love trinity, I just got trinity prime, and I think she's very well balanced and fun frame. I'm just a tiny bit annoyed that well of life, her first ability, is practically of no use once you hit level 20. Now, I know it has it's uses, but I think Oberon's healing ability is far better because it heals everyone passively, even though Oberon sends this slow orb that has to reach everyone. Equinox has a good healing ability too, its helpful for everyone, and everyone around her can heal with their own damage output. Since Trinity is THE bastion of hope, the main medic, however, this makes her first ability inferior to the other frames that aren't necessarily focused on healing abilities. All i'm asking is that DE simply changes Trinity's well of life into a better, more team-friendly ability. The fact that I have to send one enemy in the air, and tell everyone to come over to that enemy and shoot him, makes the fast-pace progression of the game slower. I think it needs a buff, or a complete ability change, please and thank you!

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well, she's the 'main' healer, but I don't know why people are making a big deal of other warframe having healing abilities, I mean what if someone likes trinity abilities and heals but doesn't like her looks for example, well he can just get oberon of equinox...more choices is better is what I mean 

as for her 1st (ability >.>), her 4th is just straight up a better heal, though I still find myself using it when I don't have enough energy for the rest of my abilities, or just don't want to waste a lot of energy using blessing to heal 100 HP or so

I say her 1st is an economic heal if you don't have an EV build on 

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I'd love to see it changed, but Well of Life does have its uses:


1) Free trap for synthesis targets.


2) Waiting for Well of Life to nearly expire, then casting Energy Vampire lets Trinity kill very strong enemies.


These together do not make for a good ability, but it's what we have so far. Much better than the heal.

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I would love for Well of Life to temporarily revive downed allies/Kubrows when cast on them.


If they deal enough damage during Well of Life's duration, they become fully revived once it ends, regaining % heal based on how much damage they dealt.


If not, they go down again (that usually won't happen unless the player is AFK, lol)

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Yes, it is a cheap variant of blessing, but like Silver Seeker said, its mostly used for those two reasons, which defeats the original purpose of the ability. I think it should have a simple buff where: When you have surpassed your health limit, continuing to shoot the WOL target replenishes your shields. Or maybe, when trinity kills a target, it sends out a radius of health to all surrounding allies. Just a simple buff is all I ask!

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