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Enough Is Enough. Do Something About Secondary Objectives!


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That's got nothing on the 'collect all these data packets' mission, triggering a second mission that wants you to deposit a @(*()$ data packet in the navigation computer.

Now picture you're playing solo. And you've got one data packet in your hand and one on the ground.

And you can only carry one at a time.

I have had this happen once. In against the infested, that made me feel filthy. Edited by Bearssi
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It's not the fact that it happens, it's the fact that we have no choice in the matter.

Yeah, 'cause soldiers always have a choice, when they get a secondary objective on a mission...

do think it should happen less frequently, but I don't see a reason to remove it, nor to give an option to decline the secondary objective...

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Now now, there is no need to be upset.  A more civil approach in writing this thread would have been better since throwing out exaggerated statements, laced with vulgar obscenities, would have been more helpful in explaining your problem.   Now, back to your story.   Well, I do agree that there should be a increase reward in doing the extra work, since why do something for free?   And as for going back to the beginning level to grab that one thing, I understand that it can be frustrating, but 30 minutes to finish a mission?  Even on defense maps, it doesn't take me that long to get to like wave 15 or something.


Anywho, I see your point but I doubt they will change it anytime soon.

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i love secondary objectives.

i get more kills. more chance at drops. more chance at resources. it changes things up. keeps things for becoming routine and automatic.

you sir, need to zen the fudge out.

You can get the same thing by just repeating the mission.

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I think everyone who doesn't agree with the original poster is missing his main point, there is no extra reward for doing more. To put it simply it's like you having a mowing job and doing two lawns and getting paid for one. It's obvious he's made the commitment to the game by spending money on it, I believe you should be compensated for the amount of work you do. Here is a prime example of how broken the RNG is. In General there is a thread about a team that did a endless defense mission on Europa on Valifore. They went to wave 100, yes you heard right, wave 100 and at the end what did they get, a Redirection mod. Now if that isn't a good example how broken this RNG system nothing is.

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I have no idea how tacking an extra, no-rewards mission at the end of the original mission makes the game "exciting", or "less bland/boring/monotonous". It's precisely the opposite. The game randomly becomes doubly bland, boring and monotonous.


Unless it's a just-released tileset, we're there for the rewards. We're there to unlock planets and nab alert rewards.

Not to see the same 10 rooms in an exciting new ordering.

Not for the excitement of hacking 5 terminals, or carrying a suitcase through an obstacle course, or hoping that a hostage (or two!) doesn't get stuck in a corner.


You can run a random mission twice for double the bonus affinity and random rewards and breakable containers - and you even get to choose the mission type / enemy faction, and get more alert rewards or unlock more planets along the way!

So no, there is absolutely no compensation for the "second" mission.


Every time I complete the objective, I have a moment of tense dread, that Lotus is gonna decide, on a whim, to double the duration of this one tedious run, for no reward.


Also, objective switching. I came here to do mobile defense, Lotus, NOT EXTERMINATE.





So please, take out objective replacement and make second objectives optional (with the vote-extract menu from Defense, except showing the current extraction reward* on the left and the new objective on the right) and provide extra rewards on completion - something that'll differentiate it from just running two missions.

Like a pack of random mods with difficulty-scaled rarity, or a higher level extraction-reward, or multiple extraction rewards.


*By "extraction reward" I mean an item from the loot table used for the random item offered when you choose to extract in Defense, Raid, and other missions.

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I don't really mind the secondary missions because truth is, I was probably gonna play another mission anyways, but I do think that with a longer than planned mission, especially running back through where you just were there should be a lot bigger reward at the end of the tunnel.

Wait, the game is work?

Edited by Carcharias
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I agree. Especially doing a mission that requires collecting 4 datamass, once completed Lotus mentioned there is another 4 datamass to collect. It is annoying.


DE could increase(or double) the credits payout at least or a higher chance to receive banshee bp etc.

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I agree totally with A5pect.

Personally I like random mission changes like this, keeps the game dynamic, but they do need to be more than an additional risk of losing what you have already collected.


It'd be nice if they were optional. Players can go do the extra objectives for an additional reward. If they don't, they can just scoot themselves over to the exit.


Emphasis on the "additional reward." As far as I can tell, secondary objectives yield no additional rewards. There's nothing that can be gained from a secondary objective that can't be acquired by simply running the mission again.


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I don't mind secondary objectives, although it would be appropriate to give an extra bonus for successfully doing so. Being given a second objective in the field and managing to pull it off seems like it would earn said Tenno some sort of commendation for being a badass.

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Seriously, I'm so over this blatantly unfair RNG controlled BS.


I play solo. I can barely find games with anyone any more, even on bloody defense missions with '*icon*5' next to the bloody level.


I was training up my new Nyx. Which I PAID FOR, because the goddamn RNG is such a piece of S#&$ that before I reset my account, I killed the requisite boss at least thirty times and got a total of FOUR blueprint drops from him.


So what happens when I choose to level up my brand new, untested Nyx on a corpus planet? I get punished by the RNG!


I go through the entire level. YAY. I capture the guy I was supposed to capture.


And then, the dreaded soundbyte!


'There's valuable intel on this ship!'






So now, I have to run and collect data packets. Okay, fine. I can handle that. I have my Kunai. They're ridiculously overpowered. I'll be fine.


Cue me being forced to run right the F*** back through the mission to the room one room ahead of the spawn room to pick up goddamn data packets!


And then, I collect them all, what now?




Run right back through the entire level, through all of these lovely enemies, waste every single one of your daily revives trying to get to the extraction room that is exactly two rooms away from the goddamn room where I captured the target!


And what do I get for my trouble? What do I get for having to run through a mission not once, not twice, but three bloody times?


1600 credits. Five redundand-as-all-S#&$ mods.




Do you understand how goddamn detestable secondary objectives are?


That's like picking up a deck of cards, neatly putting them all, IN ORDER, and then some A****** coming along, kicking them right out of your hands and saying now do it again.


And the most insulting thing is that we get absolutely nothing for it.


A ten minute mission turned into a half hour slog through enemies.


And the really great thing? I couldn't even say 'hey, F*** you Lotus! I don't care about your data packets!' and quit, because then I get nothing.


I don't usually pull the 'as a paying customer' card. I don't like to do that.


But as a paying customer I would like to point out that subjecting us to the whims of a goddamn RNG like this, for no bonus and no reason, is simply really, really, really terrible practise.


If we could tell Lotus to go F*** herself, I'd be fine with it.


If we could take all of the mods, and the credits, and just quit, it would be fine.


If we got adequate compensation for doing twice the bloody work, it would be fine.




Warframe is supposed to be fun.


Secondary objectives are not fun.


Make them fun, or make them go away, please.


And yes. I'm mad. So very, very mad.

3/10   While I agree a bit with your overall point to a degree...my god you whine like a 6 year old in Walmart

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It's not the fact that it happens, it's the fact that we have no choice in the matter. We get no rewards for doing twice the work, and we have to do it or we forfeit EVERYTHING we got up until that point. Is that really fair?


You try taking a level 3 warframe with 100 health and shields onto a level 15 planet and then calmly take it when you have to run the mission THREE TIMES for no bonus, no reason, and with NO CHOICE.


Funny thing is you had the CHOICE to take your level 3 warframe onto a level 15 planet.  If you hate secondaries that much you have the CHOICE to abort.  Sure you don't get anything, but from your original post you sure didn't seem to care too much about what you did get anyways.  The game is meant to be played and you do realize that you can drop the data mass to use your primary when the poo hits the fan if need be right?


You also have the CHOICE to use the matchmaking system to play in a group but CHOOSE not to, thereby turning a mission that should take 5-10 minutes max into what you make out to be a chore which takes 30 minutes and all of your revives. 


You want more for having to run back through etc etc, well you do.  You get to kill more mobs which gives you more chances at mods etc.  While I may not agree with 98% of your post, I do think that completing secondary objectives should give a bonus mod etc from the pool much like raid/capture/defense missions do.  This way it sweetens the pot a little.  But again, that would just be an added bonus. 


Might want to tone down the rage and make a constructive post if you really want DE/people to support you.

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im just waiting for lotus to pop up with a secondary objective. "oh by the way, pick up my laundry while your at it"  or "tenno we have a problem, im out of soda, pepsi or coke would do fine"


haha ending quote when mission is finished. "no wrinkels. good work tenno"


"I barricaded myself inside the mainframe with ample programs. But in my haste, I forgot cola."

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While I may of worded it differently, I largely agree with the OP. I utterly detest secondaries. Particularly datamass secondaries. I'm ok with exterminate, I was pretty much going to do that anyway (within limits re: never ending spawns ofc.), but having to run back and forth through a mission several times for no real gain is pointlessly frustrating.


As to getting more kills etc. I will do that if I feel like it regardless, either by running the mission again/ running a second mission (with the added benefit of completion rewards) or finding a nice cosy little room with one entrance and taking advantage of the seemingly endless spawn to go on a killing spree ;)


Perhaps a minor issue for many, but often I take missions that I know I can complete within a reasonable time-frame due to the impending interference of "Real Life" on my gaming, landing a secondary at this time (which seems to happen distressingly often to me) is extremely annoying, largely due to the fact that no matter how much I hate secondary objectives, that's nothing to how much I hate abandoning a mission that by the terms of the original brief I have already completed.


I do like the idea of making secondary objectives optional, with a corresponding boost to rewards for each objective completed. Even better perhaps would be if the new objectives required you to head into a completely new section of the mission so that you were not just back-tracking through the same rooms.....as long as it's optional I think that DE could actually use this as an interesting way to combine missions, factions, mini-bosses etc. into a single mission that is random and spontaneous without being inherently frustrating.

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Funny thing is you had the CHOICE to take your level 3 warframe onto a level 15 planet.  If you hate secondaries that much you have the CHOICE to abort.  Sure you don't get anything, but from your original post you sure didn't seem to care too much about what you did get anyways.  The game is meant to be played and you do realize that you can drop the data mass to use your primary when the poo hits the fan if need be right?


You also have the CHOICE to use the matchmaking system to play in a group but CHOOSE not to, thereby turning a mission that should take 5-10 minutes max into what you make out to be a chore which takes 30 minutes and all of your revives. 


You want more for having to run back through etc etc, well you do.  You get to kill more mobs which gives you more chances at mods etc.  While I may not agree with 98% of your post, I do think that completing secondary objectives should give a bonus mod etc from the pool much like raid/capture/defense missions do.  This way it sweetens the pot a little.  But again, that would just be an added bonus. 


Might want to tone down the rage and make a constructive post if you really want DE/people to support you.


1: If you had read the whole OP, you would know that he explicitly said that he COULDN'T use the matchmaking system since he could never get a game.

2: People who dislike the secondary objectives HAVE been making constructive posts. DE hasn't done anything - hence the thread name, "enough is enough".

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