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Fix The Kavasa Collar


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I don't have many posts on here, and that's because I literally never have reason to complain about anything Warframe.

I love the game and support this game gets to keep it fresh and as unbroken as possible "at the time".

That being said, I recently got excited as did my fellow clan mates about this new prime access, some of us buy it, some don't. The usual mix of players. I personally love the hunt for new frames and weapons. The feel of having the final piece and getting it building in the foundry. Then BAM! You finally get to take out your shiney new toy and slap a potatoe on it to get ready for incoming mayhem.

There is a rather large problem with this latest set of gear though. It's extremely apparent that the Trinity Prime and Dual Kama are both beautiful and every bit worth the grind and wait..... But the prime access comes with three things.... A collar for my Kubrows, and how I love my Kubrows. When I found out there was a piec of gear I could slap on my Kubrow to give it better stats I was so excited I instantly burnt through roughly 100 keys, ran completely out of some of them so I paid another player some plat for that elusive Buckle I needed to complete the set.

When I built it though I didn't want to believe what people were saying about it ("it doesn't do a damn thing") because the devs wouldn't make us run through hundreds of hard to get T4 keys for nothing right!?

This Kavasa collar does so little it mid as well be a piece of cosmetics that you buy for plat, except that when its on your kubrow you can't see the thing anyway if you're wearing any of the actual cosmetic armour for the Kubrows. And even if you do see it, it's ugly small and unassuming.

Kubrows have almost two thousand health and shields depending on your load out and the 10 shield 20 health boost on the top end is so laughable I'd ask that they remove the bonus entirely because it's pointless. Or do the right thing and make the stats meaningful. 10 shields and 20 health might be ok if it was added to the base number and scaled with the link mods (I'm really hoping that this was the initial intended buff) instead of this slap-in-the-face waste of keys and time. I heard they're adding 100 armour to it. But 100 armour in this game on a kubrow with 1500 health and shields means so very little.

Please please please fix this thing and make it worth the effort of getting. It's the only thing in my memory that ever required every piece of it to be farmed in all T4. (Not complaining about difficulty of T4, but of the scarcety of keys.)

Please (again cause I'm Canadian) <------ racist begging. Fix this and make it right. I have faith, the warframe dev team never lets me down, and I always praise them for the good work they do to my peers. (Hell I even religiously wear the beating heart sigil you gave us as a thank you)

Thanks for your time if you took the time to read this.

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It did get +100 Armor on the PC build.  Depending on my frame, that can be a fair jump and is equivalent to adding about 33% extra health.  That's 33% of your total, not starting, health.  So a Kubrow with about 1500 health is effectively gaining about 495 health.


I wouldn't say no to more damage though, or high crit chance, that'd be nice!

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The armor addition is already in and is actually pretty nice. You are less reliant on bringing a high armor frame to link.

Still feels a bit underwhelming but it is comparable to the stat boosts for priming a frame, more generous in many cases.

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It did get +100 Armor on the PC build.  Depending on my frame, that can be a fair jump and is equivalent to adding about 33% extra health.  That's 33% of your total, not starting, health.  So a Kubrow with about 1500 health is effectively gaining about 495 health.


I wouldn't say no to more damage though, or high crit chance, that'd be nice!


+100 is another bandage like that corrupted mod for the Vectis Prime.

The community wants a fix, not more bandages. DE doesn't seem to be able to understand that though.

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+100 is another bandage


I feel people throw that word around far too much.  It's losing it's impact and starts to make me doubt the validity of the following argument.

+100 armor triples the kubrows base armor and effectively adds 33% to it's current health.

Care to elaborate as to what you, as self-nominated spokesperson for 'the community', expected instead of this 'bandage'?

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I feel people throw that word around far too much.  It's losing it's impact and starts to make me doubt the validity of the following argument.

+100 armor triples the kubrows base armor and effectively adds 33% to it's current health.

Care to elaborate as to what you, as self-nominated spokesperson for 'the community', expected instead of this 'bandage'?


Something that actually gives a boost. But if we have to be honest...

I expect better AI. That +100 armor will only buy the Kubrow an additional 5 seconds of life while it's been busy walking into a wall for the past 2 minutes.


Edit: "Self-nominated Spokesperson". I mean, sure. Be salty and ignore what you've been seeing happen all over the forums.

Edited by Senpai-Pie
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It did get +100 Armor on the PC build.  Depending on my frame, that can be a fair jump and is equivalent to adding about 33% extra health.  That's 33% of your total, not starting, health.  So a Kubrow with about 1500 health is effectively gaining about 495 health.


I wouldn't say no to more damage though, or high crit chance, that'd be nice!

Thanks for the feedback Katinka, this makes me feel a little better, that 100 armour definitely saves the kubrow from being victim to Zephyr, Banshee and Trinitys low armour through link. I guess it's just in the grand scheme of things Kubrows are pretty durable as is. Without a significant stat buff it just feels lacking.

I'll have to wait till we get the change on console and chuck my Kubrow to the wolves and see how well it goes.

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    I completely agree with you guys in those posts a collar that gives 10 shields and 19 health is a serious slap-in-the-face especially for someone that farmed and used nearly 100 keys. I myself not have many complaits about this game except for now about this collar me and my friends worked our butts off to get this collar.


   More crit shields and armour would be amazing and the death orb enegry would be outstanding! FIX THE COLLAR!!!

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