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Breakpoint: Genesis (Ooc, Sign-Ups Accepted/registration Currently Closed)


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PLEASE NOTE THAT ACCEPTANCE OF NEW CHARACTERS IS CURRENTLY CLOSED WHILE WE GET THIS OFF THE GROUND. While new sign-ups are always welcome and encouraged, know that it may be a little bit of time until you are accepted into the thread. Thanks!


Hello fellow Tenno, Grineer, Corpus and... space monsters perhaps. I've recently come back from a bit of a hiatus from roleplaying (and Warframe in general), but my recent escapades in-game have gotten my interest piqued in these forums again. Therefore, I thought I'd start up a discussion thread and see who might be interested!


For nearly the entirety of my rp career, I've enjoyed longer cohesive storylines. People knowing other people, having attachments, that sort of thing. I do, however, realize that the nature of these forums is rather ephemeral. With those two ideals in mind, I think I'll make this thread the first of a possible trilogy with a drop-in/drop-out style of play. Registration of your character and subsequent approval will still be required, but the story will continue even if it's just myself for a while (at which point it will literally become a story until someone joins again).


Now, I'm still of two minds about the Tenno. Obviously they're ages-old warriors, however there's the "monsters encased in humanoid suits" model supported by Codex entries and Infested quotes, and the more relatable "humans subjected to a controlled form of the Infestation to become something more." Personally I enjoy the second one a bit more, but both sides are available.


Please note that Grineer and Corpus characters are acceptable, as this story will encompass most if not all of the Origin system and the Void.


With that said, the basic premise of this first story arc is thus: After the myriad events we have seen in-game, the Origin system has reached a state of tentative balance in power. War still rages across the planets between the major factions, but the Tenno's influence has become a staple in the galaxy and is no longer a new piece upon the board. Familiarity has set in. Soldiers and citizens alike have become accustomed to this status quo. It is because of this, perhaps, that the news of a new, entirely unexplored Orokin superstructure has fallen upon complacent ears.


Why should such a thing be extraordinary? Such discoveries have been made before. It is the whispers that make it so interesting. Red Veil activity has soared in the wake of the revelation, and hushed rumors suggest that this Orokin construct may very well be the intrument through which the faction exacts its cleansing of everything to return to a clean slate. Thankfully, try as they might, none have been able to enact a reliable method of returning to this highly-sought location.


In the face of what could very well be the deletion of life as the galaxy knows it, new clandestine alliances are being formed. Corpus information brokers are meeting with Grineer deserters in faraway locations. Cephalon Suda's followers are everywhere, trying to glean anything they can about the Orokin structure. Even the Tenno are not immune to the stirrings, with the recently-ignited activity stirring to agitate the schism begun with the revelation of the Lotus's true nature.


Now, no one is sure who can be trusted. Even long-time comrades have been found to stab one another in the back for a chance to find a way into this promised land. For he who holds the key holds the Origin system in the palm of his hand, and there's no fathoming what one might do with such power.


Now, you're welcome to be on any side of this! Obviously there is the Red Veil, searching for this place as they believe it to be the culmination of their beliefs. There are treasure hunters, thinking this could be the greatest score of their lives. There are those who would see it destroyed, sealed away so that no one can use the power that very likely hides within. Where does your character fall?


If you're interested, please note that there are going to be some basic rules:


1. Respect your fellow roleplayers. This is not a story simply about your character and their wants and needs, though those things are a major part. This is a cooperative effort. If someone has posted something before you that directly impacts your character or what you were going to post, please don't ignore it.


2. Post length: I'm not expecting novels, but if you can't produce anything more than 1-2 sentences please refrain from posting until you can manage something a bit longer. Approximately two paragraphs is fantastic! That's 10 sentences, it's easy. If you're struggling, throw some more detail into your post. The surroundings, how your character is feeling! Such things can easily take up pages, making two paragraphs a snap.


3. Posting Frequency: We all have lives outside of these forums, without question. Of course, there are those who like to rapid-fire post as well. All I ask is that you not post multiple times in quick succession without allowing anyone else a chance. There won't be a set posting order, but just don't dominate the thread with your posts. As for the longest, please try for at least a post a week. If you need longer, just let us know so we can plan around it!


4. Spelling and Grammar: No l337 speak please. Spell-checker is there for a reason. If you can't be bothered to use such a basic tool, why would anyone want to spend more time trying to decipher your post than enjoying it? I'm not going to be overbearing about this, just asking that you do your best.


5. Leaving the Thread: As I said above, I intend for this story to be rather long. As such, I don't expect many will see it through start to end, if any at all. Remember, it's drop-in drop-out style! If you're going to leave, just make sure to let us know in this ooc thread so we can prepare to continue the story once your character is gone. More of a courtesy than anything.


Still want in? Great! Here's the character sheet:





Relative Age:

Physical Description:

Allegiance (Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, any of the relay factions, etc):

Specialty (So we can have groups with relatively balanced strengths):

Typical Loadout/Gear:

Special Skills:


Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved:


Any questions? Please ask here!

Edited by BladeAngel
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Name: Astoria

Gender: Female

Race: Tenno

Relative Age: Young Adult

Physical Description: Rather tall and fit, with pale skin and medium-length sandy hair. She possesses piercing blue eyes, and often wears a bemused expression on her lips.

Allegiance (Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, any of the relay factions, etc): Tenno

Specialty (So we can have groups with relatively balanced strengths): Interrogation and Battlefield Manipulation

Typical Loadout/Gear: Nearly always uses her Saryn warframe. While the suit itself is of a standard appearance with deep rose and cream coloration, it is not the Saryn's appearance that's extraordinary. While most warframes are forged of an inactive Technocyte cell structure, Astoria has reactivated the organic components nearly to full operating capacity. That is to say, her Saryn is very nearly a living suit of treated Infested cells.


For the most part, this does not impart any fantastic abilities upon the suit or its operator, as it merely began as an extension of Astoria's research. In fact, like all other living things, the suit actually requires sustenance in addition to the energy supplied by its reactor. Astoria has normally circumvented this by allowing the Saryn to feed off of her own body's nutrients while it is in use. The connection makes the Warframe as more of a second skin, even surpassing the technology intended to allow for Tenno-level speed in interfacing. Astoria has kept an ironclad vigil on her warframe, relentlessly quashing any signs that could be remotely indicative of reactivation of the Infested cells' reproduction matrix. She'd be no better than actual infested if her suit could infect her teammates, after all.


While the Saryn has a high level of shielding, its armoring is mediocre and its structural integrity has been somewhat compromised by the active cells. It does, however, show high levels of regeneration in the absences of repeated assault to a focused area. Her weaponry often consists of a phage and a scoliac whip, both of which react well to the living tissue of Astoria's frame. When pressed, her Saryn can generate acrid-like needles near her wrists and fire them as a last resort.


Sadly, Astoria forgoes any companion in the form of a sentinel or kubrow, as her abilities are quite toxic and hazardous to the general environment. So much so, in fact, that she dispenses special shield modulation chips to her teammates before missions. These chips provide the code to alter fellow Tenno's shielding in a way that filters nearly all of her Saryn's poison.


Special Skills: Astoria is rather adept at reading the intents of others, and is quite perceptive. This often leads her to find viewpoints that might not otherwise be obvious, which results in her being able to place herself in the most advantageous position in most situations. Her ingenuity in the fields of toxicology and parasitology allow for cunningly draconic methods of combat and persuasiveness.


Personality: Kind and patient, though somewhat reserved at times. She believes all life to be of worth, and is rather visibly perturbed following the necessity of death on the battlefield. Astoria always likes to believe in the good in people, which often becomes a point of contention and even naivete at times.


The Tenno loves music and meditation through physical training, and her guilty pleasure is maintaining her rock garden. Those who know her well are also aware of her weakness for archaic activities the likes of which have not been seen since the early days of the fledgling Grineer empire on Earth (hence her odd manner of speech).


Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved: Like nearly all Tenno, Astoria cannot remember her life before being awakened from cryosleep by the Lotus. Since then, she has followed orders with positive results, and has been present in some form or another at most major conflicts since then. The revelation of the Lotus's true identity, however, has shaken her faith rather deeply. She continues to serve, but in light of the new Orokin structure her resolve has hardened with her certainty that it must never be opened. Never mind that it might contain the answers to all the questions she keeps to herself. Even if it means waylaying her fellow Tenno, she will see this place sealed.

Edited by BladeAngel
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Name: Katherine


Gender: Female


Race: Tenno


Relative Age: Young Adult (late 20's, early 30's)


Physical Description: Slim, yet fit and well built, with light skin, brownish blonde hair, shaved on both side, keeping her silky and wavy mohawk long enough for it to fall down on her shoulders (usualy keeping it covering her left eye and falling over that side's shoulder). Three earrings on her left ear and two on the right one. Amber eyes with green outline on the edge of the iris. Will sigil tattooed on her upper left arm, and the Zanuka sigil tattooed on the back of her right shoulder.


Allegiance (Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, any of the relay factions, etc): A loyal follower of the Lotus, even after her true nature being uncovered, and a steadfast member of the Arbiters.


Specialty (So we can have groups with relatively balanced strengths): Good tactician, Loki-level stealth and infiltration, works well under pressure.


Typical Loadout/Gear: Her Gersemi Valkyr frame, Latron Prime, Sonicor, Dragon Nikana (being an expert of the Blind Justice style, particularly the Guiding Light movement), and is often followed by her loyal kavat Sekhmet. Kat modded her frame to increase her strength and her duration to the max, allowing her to easily use her Hysteria for the longest time possible, the only drawback being her low ripline range and the great ammount of energy she requires.


Special Skills: After bring restore to her Gersemi form, Katherine relearned many of the skills she had lost due to the Zanuka Project. One of said skills was her amazing proficiency with her favoured weapon, the Dragon Nikana. Her grace and balance in battle is only outmatched by how deadly and efficient she is with it. As she zooms past her enemies, seemingly doing nothing, her arms are in fact just a blur, as she slices her enemies faster than the eye can percieve, killing them before they even hit the floor.


Personality: Previously a shot-tempered, angry, even somewhat violent ball of rage and hate, Kat has now learned to keep her self-control in check. Appearing as a calm and composed person, she still has a somewhat short-temper, so it would be wise not to taunt her. Apart from that, she's friendly, even courteous and well mannered.


Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved: Still trying to come to terms with her tortured past, Katherine has been struggleing with becoming a better older sister for Jennifer, as well as following the calling of the Tenno as warrior defenders of the Origin System. However, with this new threat, she sees the future becoming uncertain and cloudy, and worries how long their days will last. Her goal is to find this new weapon, this new Orokin construct, and destroy it, for the sake of not only her sister and her crew, but also for the sake of the entire Origin System, if not even the entire galaxy. And she's willing to see this task through, no matter the cost, even if she must give away her life.

Edited by Wolfheart297
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Name: Wright


Gender: Female


Race: Tenno


Relative Age: Appears to be in her late 20s


Physical Description: Wright, when not in her Warframe, stands at approximately 5'7" tall (5'10" when in Night Aspect, 6'0" Day Aspect). Shoulder length black hair cascades down when it isn't tied up out of the way in a ponytail. Her eyes are a desaturated grayish purple hue, that glow in the same color as her energy when in use. Her Warframe colors when in her Night Aspect are various shades of orange for the primary, secondary, and tertiary, and Day Aspect is colored muted shades of green.


Allegiance: Tenno, New Loka


Specialty: Wright does not actually kill any of her foes she comes across. She only knocks them out or maims them in a way that takes them out of commission. Because of this, she does not use primary weapons when in Night Aspect, and does her best to stay in her Night Aspect permanently. She specializes in fast neutralization of enemies nonlethally as well as first aid. She is well versed in the various weapons the factions use across the Origin system.


Typical Loadout/Gear: Her loadout consists of Sancti Castanas for silent nonlethal takedowns from medium range, and a custom Bo that has been shortened and given more weight at a single end, letting her wield it less like a staff, and more along the lines of a club-like weapon, for maiming and knocking out at close range. Her Night Aspect is modified for greater survivability and support, having higher shield capacity and armor, as well as energy (though the increased energy is present across both aspects.)

However, her Day Aspect's loadout is completely different, the weapons phasing in from a void pocket if she's sent into Day Aspect. These weapons are very, very lethal. She wields a Hek Shotgun with modified magazine capacity, a Pyrana for added enemy shredding, and a Scindo with a modified head, giving only one bladed end instead of two, but with a longer range. The Day aspect has been modded for increased damage and speed at the cost of health and shields.


Special Skills: Wright is fast, almost strangely so, even while walking. Her speed is what she uses to get the drop on enemies before they can react and knock them out accordingly. Of course, she also has the usual abilities granted to the users of the Equinox frame, but those aren't exactly special. She is capable in battle not only with her weapons, but also without them, and if stripped of them, would be able to hold her own and triumph without. If any enemy she's knocked out was using a ranged weapon, she will unload it, getting rid of the magazine and tossing the weapon aside so it may not be used again, during Night Aspect that is. Day Aspect will freely use any weapons dropped by her foes until they run out of ammo, upon which she will switch back to her default Day Aspect loadout. Though it may not be a special skill, it is worth mentioning that when in her Night Aspect, if Wright accidentally ends up killing a few enemies, she will, through sheer anger, switch to Day Aspect and promptly, her more violent style of neutralization.


Personality: Wright is actually a very kind and inquisitive Tenno, always looking for new information to supplement her already growing knowledge of the galaxy and its inhabitants. Many of her fellow squadmates would look with groans as she accessed the 50th console that mission, searching for new things to download and sift through later in her Liset. She feels sympathy for those affected by the actions of others in the Origin system. As such, she doesn't exactly see eye to eye with the Grineer, but harbors no ill will towards any faction, not even the Infested (which are the only beings she will kill regardless of Aspect.) She can usually be found researching and reading. However, her Day Aspect can only be described, in a word as: "Rage." You've seen a Valkyr, but you haven't seen Rage until you've seen Wright in her Day Aspect, be lucky she can still differentiate friend from foe.


Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved: Wright, like most Tenno was awoken from cryosleep with little memory of her past self. Though with communications between her and the Lotus being entirely nonexistant for some reason, the first form of communication she had with another being was a representative of New Loka. She quickly adopted their ideals, save for a few at least. New Loka doesn't exactly like the hunger for knowledge that she has, nor do they like her nonlethal attitude towards all factions, especially the Grineer. But she supports their ideals regardless of their apprehension for her. The Lotus, finally able to contact her, informed her of the situation of the Origin System, and how she could help bring balance to it. Of course, Wright agreed, under the condition that she couldn't exactly complete the objectives of Exterminate missions. This continued until this so called Orokin superstructure appeared, and of course, with Wright's love for information, she'd love to see it opened, just so see could see what lie inside, and study it. Not for her benefit of course, she wants it archived and catalogued.

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I work some really odd rota-shift hours, but have access to a PC pretty much everyday and can read updates from my phone on the way and back from work. Still, with some people posting like 20+ times per day I have some doubts about how 'active' I can be compared to them, so I'll be proposing a merchant-type character who's able to appear in the most convenient of locations for the heroes' resupply and maintenance needs, and perhaps facilitate some character interaction. At least then I wouldn't be holding back anyone on the days where I'd be gone for over 16 hours. Also, going with a male character here to help with the gender ratio.

Name: Kettu Lainen
Gender: Male
Race: Human, colonial/Corpus
Relative Age: Mature adult- early 30s?
Allegiance: Independent
Physical Description: Kettu stands tall and fighting fit in a Corpus-issued shielded blue jumpsuit under a Ferrite-woven coat. His black hair is mostly hidden under a close-fitting grey ballistic helmet. With warm brown eyes, and a wide, crooked smile, he comes off as rather friendly to anyone he meets.

Specialty: Trader, field logistics technician, Specter technician, robotics technician, melee fighter... bartender?
Typical Loadout/Gear:
Apparel and Augments: His jumpsuit and Ferrite cloak provide both shielded and armoured protection. This outfit also bears several external modifications either purchased or of his own construction, including a reserve shield battery, joint augmentations, radiation barrier, personal Nullifier module, a short-lived cloaking system and propulsion jets utilizing Hellion engineering.


List of bodily augments(in case I get accused of an as$-pull sometime down the road)

Shield Battery: Orokin Cell-powered backup shield generator that can be triggered to restabilize body shields when depleted. Seperate recharge delay from main body shielding.

Joint Augmentations: Increases strength and reduces strain and trauma on joints on heavy landings and impacts.

Radiation barrier: Protects the wearer from gamma rays in space. Also provides very limited protection against Formorian Omega particles.

Lurker Cloaking system: Effective personal cloak. Stability requires minimal movement, moving will greatly decrease the effective life of the cloak.

Nullifier module: A personal-sized Nullifier module that is effective enough to protect the wearer from most projectile attacks and Void powers. It can be manually activated and deactivated to preserve power.

Hellfire jets: Custom-built propulsion jets based off Hellion technology and hybridized with Orokin power sources to allow for bursts of fast movement in a compact package, to reach difficult spots or to execute brutal charge attacks.

Armaments: Kettu totes a well-modded Serro energy saw, which he uses to surprising efficacy in combat. He does carry a Lex handcannon loaded with Convulsive taser rounds in his coat, but it sees more use in utility than in self-defense.

Specters: Also at his disposal are several quick-deploy Specters, mainly of Corpus and Grineer robotics, that he maintains a healthy stock of with his trading relationships with suppliers of dubious affiliations. 


Roller Specter

Latcher Specter

Osprey Specter

MOA Specter

Charger Specter

Kettu is also closely followed by a weathered, dog-like quadrupedal Corpus proxy that carries his wares. He affectionately refers to it as 'Cat'. Cat's main purpose seems to be companionship and being a beast of burden, though he is capable of defending his master when necessary.
Special Skills: none
Personality: Kettu is calm, warm and friendly, and his appearance out in the field is a reassurance to many a field operative. However, he is still a merchant at heart, and despite being sympathetic to the Tenno while maintaining healthy relationships with many syndicates, he still prioritizes profit over much else- though he does have a set of business ethics that he lives by.

Brief History, Reasoning for Being Involved: Being a roaming trader driven by both the thrill of field action and the pursuit of profit, it did not take long for news of the Orokin superstructure to reach his ears. His first thoughts were of caches of Orokin Cells - batteries that powered the most sophisticated of equipment, long-lost blueprints or even whole specimens of Orokin gear that would be worth a fortune on the black market, and perhaps ancient curiousities like... paintings of some long-extinct, exotic long-haired nymphs. Those, he'd keep for himself probably. After some restocking and a round of drinks at his favourite stop at Arcadia, he continued on in the search of fortune, this time with a more immediate goal in mind.

Apologies if it sounds like he's capable of too much or packing too much equipment, but you'd figure that a non-Tenno would have to be really resourceful and well-equipped to be able to survive out in the field and do business in it.

Edited by Arunafeltz
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Name: Jay

Gender: Male

Race: Tenno, Limbo frame

Relative Age: Young adult

Physical Description: Normal limbo color scheme, but with the arbiter's symbol on his back in a bright white color and an Uru syandana.

Allegiance (Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, any of the relay factions, etc): Arbiters of Hexis.

Specialty (So we can have groups with relatively balanced strengths): Ranged fighting, But can also easily help allies escape with his skills.

Typical Loadout/Gear: Paris Prime, Vaykor Marelok, Fang Prime.

Special Skills: Banish - Jay transfers an ally into the rift, making him invurnable to attacks from outside the rift. Can be also used to move foes and objects into the void. Note: People / objects inside the rift can't interract with objects outiside the rift (e.g, activating consoles). Limbo can also use this ability on himself.

Personality: Jokster and a prankster, Jay can be really noisy sometimes. He has a mostly charitsmthic nautre, unless he is put in a stressfull situation, which makes him anxious. He does not take most thing seriousley, meaning that he always tells joke, no matter how inapropriate it may seem. But he has a deep love for knowledge, and may go out of his way to discover things he doesn't know.

Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved: While doing a mission on a grineer ship with 3 more tenno friends, he accidently caused the death of the others. All because he tried to preform some lame joke with an improvised firecracker. This caused him to go berserk. He killed ALL of the soilders on the ship alone, and the reinforcments that came to check on the ship. It took him 6 hours of slicing up the dead bodies again and again to calm down. after that he decided to calm down a little and to not do a mission for at least half a year. And that's when an opportunity opened for a come back: The arbiters asked for help on a certain mission...

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Name: Lieutenant Rahiik.

Gender: Male.

Race: Grineer.

Relative Age: 33th Cloning malfunction. Old.

Physical Description: Grineer Commander. Steel Meridian color scheme.

Allegiance (Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, any of the relay factions, etc): Steel Meridian, Red Veil.

Specialty: Brash and decisive commands on the battlefield.

Typical Loadout/Gear: Vaykor Hek, Ripkas.

Special Skills: Switch Teleport, Radial Blast.

Personality: Demanding and stern, Rahiik favors those who are able to fend for themselves and take their own toll in managing and leading a squad. While nothing else is holding him back from unleashing a torrent of hell from his enemies, he'd rather stay in the haven that keeps himself from the Twin Kwueen's reach, that is Steel Meridian's encampment.

Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved:

"Tenno skoom. Keh, seems like heresy."

-Lt. Rahiik. 


As with all defective Grineer units, they are subjected to be disposed of, thrown away, scrapped and crushed alive. Rahiik was one of them, until Steel Meridian took notice of the very last shipment of defectors that was sent from Ceres. There was not much they could do aside from helping the Tenno they recruited to rescue the banished, but the results are proven to be quite fruitful. The Galleon they have raided have given them a supply of battle supplements for quite a while, enough communication capability to support their cause of spreading Justice and peace to the system, and enough foot soldiers to train and dispatched to the battlefield.


Rahiik was one of them, though acted with more discipline and focus. His training results were far more than a satisfactory tool for Steel Meridian's leader. It's more of a proof that he is indeed worthy to be the leader of the bunch. Although she seemed a little bit reluctant, she managed to offer Rahiik a spot among the Generals of Steel Meridian. The answer she got was no more than a tinge of disappointment, and a reassurance. "No. I'd rather die as something you can dispose of in a short moment's notice than a martyr waiting for his soul to leave the men he is working for."


A few months after intensive soldier training and weapon research and development for Steel Meridian, Cantis from Red Veil went and informed the Steel Meridian of a bastion that will purge the evil and make way for the pure to live without hindrance- A way to separate the good and evil. It wasn't as impressive for Rahiik, but it did change his motive. For as long as he is still alive, everything will stay equal, no matter what his enemies would do to stop him. At the very least until he dies or until he finds this so-called 'bastion'.

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Name: Arachnie


Gender: female


Race: Tenno


Relative Age: Late 30s


Physical Description: A Trinity Prime wearing the Prime Colours proudly, she never removes her warframe outside of the battlefield or on a ship but she is rumoured to have Blue hair.


Allegiance: Tenno


Specialty: Arachnie's main speciality like most Trinity wearers is her healing abilities, able to mend and knit wounds together and fix internal injuries in a matter of minutes, Despite this, she isn't afraid to go out of her way to defend herself, especially putting down her enemies.


Typical Loadout/Gear: Arachnie wields the weapons of the orokin Era, mainly a Soma, a Vasto and two Kama's. All Prime weapons and modified to their strengths.


Special Skills: One of her more useful skills is linguistics and hyroglyphics reading, she studied how to speak Grintok in a matter of days and learned how to translate a story in a few weeks.


Personality: As a Trinity, She's motherly, kind and always tries to avoid internal conflict with others as well as trying to prevent such, being as she owns a prime she also feels she holds a responsability to keep the Tenno from going at eachother's necks like rabid animals. 


But despite this, she does hold a dark side. She dislikes Corpus for what they had done to their kin and the Grineer for trying to hurt the forests of earth but she's too polite to show her dislike for either side.


Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved: Like most Tenno, she suffered the effects of Cryo amnesia, her memories slowly coming back or just not returning anymore, She doesn't remember what happened in either the Collapse or the day the Tenno betrayed the Orokin. 

Despite this she has not wavered in her efforts to help her kin. The word of an Orokin construct had made her fear the lives of both her kin and the balance of nature itself, These Red Veil are wanting to destroy an entire system or send it into an Apocalypse of dangerous perportions, For the sake of her kin, the galaxy and what little memory she holds, she had to stop these Anarchists from destroying life as they know it.
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Name: Bear
Gender: Male
Race: Tenno
Relative Age:Late 40's
Physical Description: Grizzled, peppered silver hair held back in a ponytail, broad shouldered, muscled, 6'2", golden eyes, and tanned skin. Anytime seen outside of his frame he is either seen with a scowl whilst lost in thought, or with a grin on his face when talking with someone. He laughs loud, and often. He has deep laugh lines near his eyes and cheeks.
Allegiance: Tenno
Specialty:Tracking and survival skills, infectious laughter.
Typical Loadout/Gear: Wields the Atlas frame that fits him like a glove. His frame is colored that of the earth that he shapes, with a brilliant gold energy. He is built for surviving long periods of bombardment and thus has great defensive reinforcements on his armor, and wields a Rejuvenation aura that makes it seem like he can never be taken down. His primary gun to wield is an Opticor spec'ed for punching through any obstacle and puncturing any armor. His secondary weapon is a Sonicor customized to have a backfiring mechanism, if he attaches an attachment. This backfiring mechanism might injure the arm of a lesser frame, but Bear uses it to propel himself sideways or backwards to dodge devastating attacks. His melee weapon is a Brokk Fragor that flattens enemies, and leaves them bleeding... if they survive the impact. He uses the Crushing Ruin style with great gusto.
Special Skills: Non-lethal take-downs are his specialty. He is often used for capture missions for this reason. His Atlas frame complements his own unshakable nature, as neither his mood, nor his frame, rarely even get knocked down. His special move is to use his rock shaping in the form of tectonic plating armor for himself or others.
Personality: He can lighten any mood, even if only slightly, due to his infectious laugh and jovial nature. He likes to make fun of modern "art" and will often compare his rock formations to something like "art", laugh at the mere notion, and then smash it. He is fairly oblivious to the toxic nature of others, and will often laugh threats off as a bad joke. Though most will see this as the inability to take anything seriously, he is just light-hearted.
Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved: Bear doesn't remember anything before the Lotus awoke him, and doesn't care to. He just seeks to better himself and make others happy. He has trained in his Atlas frame since the awakening, and used his rumblers for sparring partners. He trains himself daily even now, and freely offers pointers to anyone who asks for his time.
Bear recognizes that the Red Veil seek to purge everything, and knows that if they do that, there will be nothing else to laugh about. He will stop them, no matter the cost.

Edited by EagleStriker
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Name: Anodyne


Gender: Female




Relative Age:Late twenties/Early thirties


Physical Description: Of a fair skin tone, Anodyne stands at a towering 6'4", her amazonian form thick with muscle. For those who had seen her face, piercing amber eyes and wavy dark blue hair that fell to her lower back would be two of her most striking features.

Her armor colors are mostly light gray with some white trimming and accents. Embellishments consist of a Misa prime syndana and edo prime greaves, both golden attachments sporting the same cyan energy as her frame.


Allegiance: In order of importance: Herself, Individuals she deems worthy of association, Any of the factions/groups that can provide her with what she wants at a particular time..... For sake of simplicity, we'll set 'Tenno' as a baseline.


Specialty :Active support-Melee specialist


Typical Loadout/Gear: A Banshee-model warframe is her armor of choice, modified for durability and coupled with a Reverb helmet. She uses an Opticor for taking out enemy emplacements,  Akvasto for skirmishes with multiple opponents, and a Magistar when things get physical. Her preferred roles in combat have seen her deployed as heavy infantry and as such, her choice of weaponry and armor are both to support friendly combatants and quickly eliminate high priority threats in the field.


Special Skills: Data analysis, Nueropsychologist, Master of Rhetoric


Personality: Just as a mask's visage is not indicative of the face it conceals, The persona Anodyne displays is not completely reflective of her true temperament. Seemingly incognizant of danger or tense atmosphere, she interacts with others in a pleasant, light manner. Generally optimistic and apparently unconditionally happy.  She appears to have her eyes shut constantly, except, perhaps, for a few instances of surprise or shock. Nevertheless, she still gives every indication of being able to see - which implies that this characteristic is actually more of a pronounced squint. Playful at times, her simple attitude and soft spoken nature make her seem uncaring or oblivious, though the perpetual smile she wears gives off the impression that she could just be a little dim.........


Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved: Like all warriors, Tenno don't break easily. But that doesn't mean they can't bend. Anodyne is an example of such, and once bent she remained that way; never quite straightening out properly. A rude awakening on an abandoned moon of Saturn left her helpless and trapped for a time, starving and half dead until Tenno operatives retrieved her. A harsh betrayal by those she trusted left her bitter and angry, and led her down a painful road toward complete isolation and detachment. Developing into a selfish, egocentric individual, she was not above using her kin for personal gain, or hurting them when needed. This behavior was halted when she was called upon to guide the very conclave she'd abandoned--in the very position of he whom had betrayed her. Mistrust was a given, but Anodyne has slowly come to realize her responsibility in guiding those beneath her. Steadily, by defining her own goals and by extension, herself, she has begun to justify her existence by shaping her own philosophy as she pursued her lost memories. She has come out of simple curiosity, and the desire to see, to experience for herself.......regardless of the outcome.

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Name: Brovash Grosk


Gender: Male


Race: Human


Relative Age: Mid 70's


Physical Description: Brovash has a rather light skin, and stands at 6'10" in height. His hair is black and cut short, and his eyes are brown. He is slim but well fit and muscled, and bears multiple intricate black tattoos on his face. He keeps this young appearance, despite his age, due to his Corpus heritage.


Allegiance (Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, any of the relay factions, etc.): The Perrin Sequence, himself.


Specialty (So we can have groups with relatively balanced strengths): Infiltrating, spying, sabotaging.


Typical Loadout/Gear: Silenced and Modified Snipetron, Lex hand cannon and Venka claws, which can be easily concealed. Aside from that, he carries a myriad of devices that assist on his trade, such as grappling hooks and EMP and smoke grenades.


Special Skills: Brovash can work well under pressure, and has a knack for getting out of complicated situations. He is also a skilled liar, actor and observer, as he was trained to perceive small details that might come to save his life.


Personality: Brovash is mostly lukewarm and cold, straightforward when he wishes to speak plainly, and, of course, will speak more elaborately when lying. If you manage to get closer to him, he can show some of his dry sense of humor, and maybe even be friendly. Despite all that, he will adapt to play the role that will benefit him or his cause the most.


Brief History and Reasoning for Being Involved: Brovash is an outcast. He once belonged to a prestigious Corpus family, but his lavish habits of spending and careless gambling made his father disown him. With no home and being dragged to an indoctrination temple, the vessel that carried him was attacked by a Grineer landing party. With his wit and a great deal of luck, he escaped on one of the emergency shuttles. Now free, he turned to the Perrin Sequence. His life was ruined already, and now at least he would get some revenge. He gave in his former family's secrets and information, and decided to keep working for the Sequence. He was trained a spy, and become quite a proficient one. When the Sequence heard of the Orokin structure, Brovash was sent to investigate, both to prevent the Red Veil from getting it and to perhaps use it to bring prosperity to the system. Brovash plans to decide the fate of the structure once he finds it.

Edited by Jucesar
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Please note that I've closed sign-ups for the time being as per the edited op. This is so we can focus on getting this off the ground and cohesive before the number of participants becomes huge (if the amount of interest I've seen is any indication). I'm afraid I won't have time to read all the new apps before sometime tomorrow, but know that I've skimmed them and have a basic idea of what our group make-up will be. I still need to go through and read the fine details, because know this: The more all-powerful and perfect your character seems, the more wtf moments they're going to have custom tailored to them. I figure that such things are a disguised cry for help for creating flaws in making characters more relatable, and as a GM it is my distinct pleasure to comply! ;D


Half kidding half not, but be sure that I won't let super Tenno go skating through what're supposed to be difficult sections :) Talk at you all tomorrow!

Edited by BladeAngel
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It's my first forum RP thread, so bear with me if it starts out a bit rocky. I'll be looking at other threads to find ideas for what I will use for my style. If I step on any toes please don't take any offense, I'm fairly oblivious to such things both in, and out, of character. I look forward to seeing how things go! :)

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When this came up at first, I thought I might be able to join this roleplay - though at the time it was late, so I went to bed.
Come back next morning, and all application slots are full.



Regardless, can people still apply, or is this a closed RP now?
And if yes, do you mind all that much if my character is a blatant-self-insert, or will that depend upon my capabilities as writer?


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Sign-ups will never close, though registration and acceptance to the rp will at times to keep it from being too overloaded. As for self-inserts, I don't have nearly the problem with them that some people do, despite it being touted as "bad writing." Go ahead and toss in your sheet, and let's see what happens. Might not hurt to have one more at the launch.


Alright, read the apps. Awesome guys. While I got an odd bi-polar vibe from several of our Tenno, I'd imagine most of them have had extremely traumatic experiences in their line of work. Seems we have a lot of inquisitive minds as well. Love our two Corpus and Grineer, I know for a fact Astoria would love to chat with Kettu over a drink before haggling for equipment. Consider yourselves accepted, but remember: try not to gloss over your characters' weaknesses too much, lest I utilize my imagination. Super blurred speed will be met with upgraded, augmented Grineer Manics that have had their teleportation and reaction times improved so much that they can't even be detected by high frequency proximity sensors (or Warframes, for that matter).


I'll be looking into getting the main thread up tomorrow, look forward to what we can create!

Edited by BladeAngel
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Sounds good! Seems like Katherine and Astoria would get along most of the time :)


And I just realized why these threads were fun back in the day: making things challenging for highly trained space ninja is entertaining.


And i just realized i completely missed this post xD


Yeah, it sounds like it, even thought Kat can be a bit unsocial at first. Nothing a bit of patience can't fix.

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Allrighty, though I am worried about the fact that the 'I AM INFESTED, I AM MONSTER' card's been used to the point where even the notion of it grates against anyone who even hears one.

Hopefully I can execute it well enough that it is tolerable.



Name: Infinium, if only because he never remembered his original name.

Gender: Male

Race: Tenno

Relative Age: 65, and was woken early during the second wave of the Tenno emerging from cryosleep.


Physical Description: There are very few indicators that Infinium is as human as most Tenno are - a strain of the Lephantis line of infested was merged out of necessity with the Technocyte that formed the Volt warframe that he favored.


The result was the new strain merging the pilot alongside the suit into one organism - Most of the lower left & upper torso resembles the warframe with the head being a Pulse format, but effectively split into a three sectioned jaw, while the rest of the body varies between the original warframe and the distorted physiology of an Infested organism. Carapace sections are dark grey in color, while the underlay more resembles a pale skin color.


Personality: Quiet & Introverted, Infinium will often keep to his lonesome, preferring the company of his machine compatriots - That being said, if approached, he is quite friendly - if a tad awkward to be around, due to a long period of isolation. Has a tendency to constanly worry over 'The little guys', due to them not being capable of surviving the same situations a Tenno could.


However, he had a lingering belief that any error, any mistake on his part needed to be corrected, and now it has grown into the point that he is a glutton for punishment, trudging through whatever pain is thrown his way with an unwavering belief he deserves more for what he is.


Allegiance: Steel Meridian/Red Veil - Trusts the Lotus greatly, even after the confirmation that she was a Sentient, but considers the goal of the Tenno as a Farce. Seems to be operating upon his own agenda.

Doesn't like the Arbiters of Hexis at all, for reasons he decided to withhold, rather than the Veils standard distrust.


Specialty: Bullet Sponge/Pursuer/Support


Typical Loadout: Utilises a variety of equipment as the situation demands, but favors his Frost Prime, Gorgon, Lex Prime and the Hate scythe.

Accompanied by Garbles and Bhargest, a Wyrm & Dirigia respectively, though occasionally, his cephalon Aegrimon assists him in a Helios sentinel.


Special Skills: If no other warframe is currently worn, He can use all of Volts standard abilities, but with no augmentation to their power or his own 'stats', but does have the capabilities of a Rage mod. If this is such, it is usually an indicator that something has gone wrong.


However, if actually in such a state, the weak defensive capabilities of the Volt archetype does little to defend against an assailant who had managed to remove the Warframe in the first place, in addition, Attempting to use any abilities will only damage any currently worn 'frame, and do nothing to the target.


Brief History/Reasons for interacting: Once he was brought to the Arcturus station, many options were tried to remove or treat the infection, but ultimately, their last resort for dealing with the infection became the root of his problems, as the overseer of his case held a predisposition against the infestation and viewed things like himself as an animal, rather than a sentient being.


And it was during this time that the image he held the Tenno in was not only shattered - but broken beyond all repair, especially the taunts of some of his marks finally proving themselves true. And when he ultimately escaped his cell, it was in such a fevered delirium that he ignored all pain, and simply mangled anyone unfortunate enough to get in his way, one such victim being the husband of the overseer.


Now, years later, having learned of an Orokin Superstructure like no other, Infinium was drawn to it like a moth to flame - Thinking that it would hold the final pieces of a puzzle he 'confiscated' from another Tenno with the Arbiters, that whatever this vault might hold, might be the key to his mission.


Whatever his goal is, he keeps it a closely guarded secret, with only the closest to him knowing what it is.



The spoiler was for convenience, but if there is any glaring issues, please point them out so I can fix them pronto.
Please don't kill me

Edited by InfiniumV
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Hm. Little cautious about the whole "super-durable Infested Tenno that can use a warframe but still has Volt powers when he doesn't," but I'd be hypocritical if I said no when I've championed the cause of strange character concepts in the past. I want to remind you that becoming too powerful or god-moddy will result in the extreme opposition I mentioned earlier in the thread (i.e. enemies/situations you can't possibly hope to deal with despite your character's incredible skills). I do, however, like to give you all the benefit of the doubt in that I don't believe it'll get to that point.


That said, I'll be changing Astoria's character. We have faaaar too many hyper durable tanks, not to mention two Frosts, so I'll be substituting my Saryn. She'll find Infinium endlessly interesting anyway. Feel free to post once the thread is up.

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Oh dear, I feared this whole fiasco would occur - I'll make changes/clarifications(?) , but I get the idea if one were to try use any of the warframes abilities while using another warframe, would only fry the active one, particularly, if it was a Volt. Considering that Frost Prime is rare, I doubt that's something I'd like to do.


Though your concerns are well grounded, I'm still new to RP'ing as a whole, and I don't want to overstep the boundaries and get everyone killed - 'Tis a great way to ruin a game and tarnish ones reputation. That being said, the warning is acknowledged.


And for that matter, you are the GM, so you have all the right to refuse the app if you wish, Its no problem and a good indicator that I did something wrong.


Also, terribly sorry!

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